500 Years Speech

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On the Unity of the People
Alexander II after delivering the speech.
Alexander II after delivering the speech.
Date31 October 2022; 2 years ago (2022-10-31)
Time9:30 – 9:47 p.m. (TSS)
Duration17 minutes and 1 second
Also known as500 Years Speech
ParticipantsAlexander II of Creeperopolis

On the Unity of the People (CreeperianCreeperian: Են լա'Փնիդադ դել Պփեբլո; Creeperian – Iberic: En la'Unidad del Pueblo), more commonly known as the 500 Years Speech (Դիսծփրսո դե 500 Աթոս; Discurso de 500 Años), was a speech given by Alexander II, the Emperor of Creeperopolis, on 31 October 2022 following the announcement of the results of referendums in Sequoyah. The referendums resulted in Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego voting in favor of annexation to Creeperopolis.

Historical context

The 1 June 2022 Agreement between the governments of Sequoyah and Creeperopolis negotiated an end to the then one and a half year CODECO military occupation of Sequoyah. As a part of the agreement, the Sequoyan government held referendums in twelve of its northern districts in the provinces of Arapaho, Eastern Sequoyah, and Itse Ulagohisdi to determine wether they would be annexed to Creeperopolis or remain with Sequoyah.[1]

The referendums were highly controversial and many suspected that fraud would occur during the referendums in Creeperopolis' favor.[2][3] The referendums were held on 31 October 2022, and resulted in the districts of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego voting in favor of annexation to Creeperopolis, while the remaining ten districts voted against annexation.[4]

After the results were announced, many high ranking Creeperian government officials, including the Prince of Usqulúmen, all eight national-level ministers, all thirty Captain Generals, several members of the Council of Viceroys, several members of the Creeperian Armed Forces, among various other politicians across Creeperopolis, gathered at the San Salvador Imperial Palace to await a speech from Emperor Alexander II. Additionally, the palace was surrounded by an estimated 350,000 Creeperian civilians who were also anticipating to hear the Emperor's speech. Alexander II gave his speech at 9:30 p.m. (TSS).[4]


Original text

Por’500 años, el Pueblo Creeperiano ha sido un Pueblo dividido. Los’Creeperans de San Juan quedaron bajo’l control del Imperio Secoyanero, y por’500 años de más, no se han reunido con su Patria. Por’500 años, no ‘staban seguros de si alguna vez se reunirían y si alguna vez vivirían juntos con sus compañeros Creeperianos. Generación, tras generación, tras generación, desde hace 500 años, se anhela volver a la’Patria.

Esas generaciones de Creeperianos vivían en una nación extranjera, sin saber qué les deparaba enel futuro. Unidad es lo’que querían, reunificación con la’Patria. Varios grandes líderes Creeperianos entre los’San Juañeros llamaron a la’unidad, desde Juan Domingo Álvarez y Toribio, pasando por’Francisco Sergio Hidalgo y Guzmán, pasando por’Ricardo Nicolás Havana y Guevara, hasta ahora por’Ernesto Alfredo Castro y Aldana. Han pedido la’restauración del dominio Creeperiano sobre San Juan y continuar el legado de Gonzalo Francisco Vázquez y Luján enel restablecimiento de la’prosperidad en la’región. Continuar el legado del mártir Juan Diego Ulloa y Batrés, que da nombre a la’región. Para’continuar el legado de nuestro gran Santo Imperio Tradicionalista.

Tal oportunidad para la’reunificación surgió cuando’l liderazgo político de la’República de Secoya decidió tomar la’ruta que una vez tomó la’República Popular de Moroba, y asumir el papel poco envidiable como’l estado paria y rebelde del mundo. El presidente Chesequa Usti Waya yel Congreso de Secoya decidieron, al fin de abril de 2020, legalizar la’esclavitud en todo’l país. Tal idiotez resultó enel inevitable colapso del gobierno de Waya, y se vio obligado a renunciar al fin de junio de 2020. Ensu lugar, el almirante Diwali Aday Wesa se nombró a sí mismo como’l llamado presidente "interino" de Secoya. Anunció que se retiraría de la’política luego de las’elecciones presidenciales anticipadas en octubre, sin embargo, Wesa rechazó los’resultados, el vencedor de las’elecciones. Wesa quería’l poder yal control total del país. Durante años, ha persistido’l debate sobre por qué Wesa celebró tales elecciones si deseaba continuar con su gobierno enel país.

Independientemente, sus acciones dieron como resultado la’abolición total y completa de cualquier sentido de control enel país, ya que Secoya cayó en una devastadora guerra civil entre los’leales a Usti Atagukalu y los’leales a Wesa. El conflicto resultante tuvo que terminar para’asegurar la’supervivencia de los’que vivían enel país, ya que las’facciones partidistas habrían luchado hasta’l último momento y habrían matado hasta’l último Secoyanero enel proceso.

Enel 5 de diciembre de 2020, la’Coalición de Desarrollo y Cooperación actuó y lanzó una rápida y decisiva intervención militar enel país. La’Misión de CODECO en Secoya depuso’l presidente ilegítimo Wesa en enero de 2021 y aplastó a los’restantes Atagulistas forzados en mayo de 2021. Para’guiar a la’nación durante su período de reconstrucción y reconciliación, se estableció’l Gobierno Constitucional Reorganizado de la’República de Secoya, conel Mayor General Atohi Degotoga Dústu se desempeñó como presidente provisional del gobierno y, a diferencia de Wesa, Dústu fue en realidad temporal y, a diferencia de Wesa, Dústu fue elegido.

Ahora, con la’finalización de las’elecciones presidenciales de 2022, Secoya una vez más tenía un gobierno competente enel poder, con los’copresidentes Dústu y Wohehi Avonaco’l frente del ejecutivo. Además, por la’primera vez en la’historia del país, el Pueblo Creeperiano que vive enel país tuvo una voz designada y garantizada en los’asuntos del país, ya que Castro Aldana fue elegido como vicepresidente del país. La’elección de Castro Aldana a la’vicepresidencia provocó una gran ola de nacionalismo dentro de Secoya del Oeste, donde los’Creeperianos de toda la’provincia renovaron su impulso por la’unidad con la’Patria.

El 1 de junio de 2022, junto con Augusto Ramón Cabañeras y Gutiérrez y Nicolás Adolfo Correa y Encarnación, nos reunimos con Dústu, Wohehi Avonaco, y Castro Aldana en Asequi para’determinar’l camino futuro que tomará Secoya para’regresar como miembro de pleno derecho de la’comunidad internacional, superando’l estigma que Waya y Wesa trajeron a su país. Ese día, los’gobiernos Creeperiano y Secoyanero llegaron aun acuerdo final para’l regreso de Secoya a CODECO, el fin de la’intervención militar de COMISEQ enel país y, lo’más importante, la’posibilidad de que los’Creeperianps atrapados al otro lado de la’frontera finalmente reunirse con la’Patria, después de 500 años.

Se llevaron a cabo referéndums enel norte de Secoya. A Alturas Ventosos, Caprica, Cedartón, Efraim, Gallivión, Gowentón, Mariantón, Nahnaigagoti, Nuevo Laurent, y San Juan Diego se les’dio la’opción de permanecer con Secoya o unirse a Creeperópolis. Aquellos que eran ignorantes, aquellos que fueron engañados y aquellos que actuaron puramente de mala fe, denunciaron los’referéndums incluso antes de que ocurrieran, llamándolos farsas, fraudulentos, amañados, ilegales, entre otros insultos antagónicos enun intento desesperado por’desacreditarlos. Yo les’digo, si fueran farsas, y fraudulentas, y amañadas, e ilegales, ¿no habrían resultado en barridas generalizadas a favor de unirse a la’Patria? Si fueran farsas, fraudulentas, amañadas e ilegales, ¿no habrían estado abrumadoramente a favor de unirse a la’Patria con un 90 por’ciento a favor? Te esfuerzas por’encontrar cualquier apariencia de coherencia ahora que tu legendaria visión de fraude se ha evaporado frente a tus propios ojos, y rápidamente te mueves para’declarar la’inferioridad del Pueblo Creeperiano, y calumnias al Pueblo Creeperiano en cualquier forma que puedas para’hacer frente a su situación, propio fracaso y falta de sentido común.

Esta noche, el Imperio de Creeperópolis celebra la’decisión del pueblo de Nahnaigagoti y San Juan Diego, el núcleo de los’San Juañeros, de buscar la’reunificación con la’Patria. Esta noche, el Imperio de Creeperópolis celebra la’unidad de los’Creeperianos a través de Sur, porque’l Pueblo, ahora, después de 500 años, está enel camino para’reunirse devajo un Emperador, una Patria, yun Dios.

Hay Secoyaneros, tanto blancos como tribales, que serán separados de Secoya y que ahora vivirán en Creeperópolis. Secoyaneros de Nahnaigagoti y San Juan Diego, si desean permanecer en Secoya, los’gobiernos Creeperiano y Secoyanero te ayudará a trabajar para’reubicarlos en sus comunidades de compañeros Secoyaneros al sur de la’frontera de manera rápida y cómoda. Secoyaneros de Nahnaigagoti y San Juan Diego, si desean quedarse con Creeperópolis, la’Patria con gusto los’aceptará como uno de los’Suyos, ya que todos los’habitantes de Sur somos miembros de la’gran Raza Sureño, y todos debemos trabajar juntos por la’prosperidad del continente.

Del mismo modo, los’Creeperianos se separaron de Creeperópolis en distritos que deseaban permanecer con Secoya, si desea permanecer en Secoya, es totalmente libre de hacerlo, pero siempre estaremos listos para’darle la’bienvenida a su Hogar. Creeperianos separados de Creeperópolis en distritos que deseaban permanecer con Secoya, si desea unirse a la’Patria, los’gobiernos Creeperiano y Secoyanero te ayudará a trabajar para’reubicarlo en sus comunidades de compañeros Creeperianos al norte de la’frontera de manera rápida y cómoda. Te unirás a tus compañeros Creeperianos, en cualquiera de los’treinta departamentos de la’Patria enel corazón del continente.

La’Monarquía, las’Cortes Generales, las’Fuerzas Armadas Imperiales, el Pueblo Creeperiano, y la’Patria agradecen al gobierno de la’República de Secoya por’permitir que este proceso de reunificación Creeperiano se lleve a cabo de manera pacífica, rápida, y legítima. Hacemos un llamado a la’comunidad internacional para’que reconozca formalmente la’unificación de Nahnaigagoti y San Juan Diego con Creeperópolis. Ya esperamos que los’malos actores y los’que buscan la’erradicación del Pueblo Creeperiano rechacen el referéndum yel deseo de reunificación del Pueblo, pero a esos buenos actores y a los’que creen en la’moral les’hacemos un llamado a reconocer nuestra unidad.

Esel destino del Pueblo Creeperiano a estar unidos, como Dios lo’estableció. Esel destino del Pueblo Creeperiano a ‘star completamente unido devajo un Emperador, una Patria, yun Dios. Devajo Dios yel Emperador, y los’Reyes antes de ellos, y los’Jefes antes de ellos, el Pueblo Creeperiano ha logrado grandes hazañas y avances en la’civilización humana.

Acolmixtli el Grande derrotó a los’pomposos Rumanos en la’batalla del Río Xichútepa, dejándolos completamente en ruinas y asegurando que su imperio nunca llegaría a la’Patria. Felipe’l Grande trajo la’unidad al Pueblo Creeperiano, y sentó’l precedente de que’l Pueblo Creeperiano debe estar unido. Alfonso’l Grande inició la’gloriosa Cruzada contra los’Deltinianos que buscaban mancillar la’Verdad, destruir nuestra cultura, y erradicar a nuestro Pueblo. Miguel el Grande destruyó por’completo y abolió cualquier apariencia de "grandeza" que alguna vez tuvieron los’Deltinianos y solidificó a Creeperópolis como’l defensor de Sur. Manuel el Grande abolió’l traidor sistema democrático y restauró’l pleno dominio de la’monarquía y de Dios. Y lo’más importante, Romero’l Grande destruyó la’democracia en su intento de regresar a la’Patria, derrotó a los’que buscaban instituir el comunismo y erradicar a Dios de la’memoria del Pueblo, y dio su vida por la’preservación y permanencia del Pueblo Creeperiano.

Ahora, los’Creeperianos, que han estado separados por’500 años, por’fin pueden regresar a la’Patria y disfrutar de las’glorias y riquezas que Él ofrece. La’unificación formal de Nahnaigagoti y San Juan Diego conel Imperio de Creeperópolis ocurrirá’l 5 de diciembre de 2022, marcando’l segundo aniversario del inicio de la’intervención militar de CODECO en Secoya. Ese mismo día, la’intervención militar llegará a su conclusión satisfactoria y exitosa, y se llevará a cabo una reunión especial de la’Coalición de Desarrollo y Cooperación, donde Secoya será readmitida a la’coalición como miembro pleno.

¡Devajo Dios yel Emperador, el Pueblo Creeperiano y la’Patria persistirán!

— Alexander II of Creeperopolis, 31 October 2022

Translated text

For 500 years, the Creeperian People have been a divided People. The Creeperans of San Juan came under the control of the Sequoyan Empire, and for 500 years too long, they have not been reunited with their Fatherland. For 500 years, they remained uncertain wether they will ever be reunited, and wether they will ever live together with their fellow Creeperans. Generation, after generation, after generation, for 500 years, has longed to return to the Fatherland.

Those generations of Creeperans lived in a foreign nation, uncertain of what their future held. Unity is what they wanted, reunification with the Fatherland. Various great Creeperian leaders among the San Juañeros called for unity, from Juan Domingo Álvarez y Toribio, to Francisco Sergio Hidalgo y Guzmán, to Ricardo Nicolás Havana y Guevara, to now Ernesto Alfredo Castro y Aldana. They have called for the restoration of Creeperian rule over San Juan, and to continue the legacy of Gonzalo Francisco Vázquez y Luján in reestablishing prosperity in the region. To continue the legacy of Juan Diego Ulloa y Batrés the martyr, after whom the region is named after. To continue the legacy of our great Holy Traditionalist Empire.

Such an opportunity for reunification arose when the political leadership of the Republic of Sequoyah decided to take the route that the People’s Republic of Morova once took, and take on the unenviable role as the world’s pariah and rouge state. President Cheasequah Usti Waya and the Congress of Sequoyah decided, in late-April 2020, to legalize slavery throughout the nation. Such idiocy resulted in the inevitable collapse of Waya’s government, and he was forced to resign in late-June 2020. In his place, Admiral Diwali Adahy Wesa named himself as the so-called “Interim” President of Sequoyah. He announced that he would retire from politics following the snap presidential election in October, however, Wesa rejected the results, the election’s victor. Wesa wanted power, and total control of the country. For years now, debate has persisted as to why Wesa held such an election if he desired to dearly to continue his rule over the country.

Regardless, his actions resulted in the total and complete abolition of any sense of control in the country, as Sequoyah fell into a devastating civil war between those loyal to Usti Atagulkalu, and those loyal to Wesa. The ensuing conflict had to end to ensure the survival of those living in the country, as the partisan factions would have fought to the very last, and kill every single last Sequoyan in the process.

On 5 December 2020, the Cooperation and Development Coalition acted and launched a quick and decisive military intervention in the country. The CODECO Mission in Sequoyah deposed the illegitimate President Wesa by January 2021, and crushed the remaining Atagulist forced by May 2021. To guide the nation during its period of reconstruction and reconciliation, the Reorganized Constitutional Government of the Republic of Sequoyah was established, with Major General Atohi Degotoga Dustu serving as the government’s Provisional President, and unlike Wesa, Dustu was actually temporary, and unlike Wesa, Dustu was actually elected.

Now, with the completion of the 2022 presidential elections, Sequoyah once again had a competent government in power, with co-Presidents Dustu and Wohehiv Avonaco leading the executive. Additionally, for the first time in the country’s history, the Creeperian people living in the country had a designated and guaranteed say in the country’s affairs, as Castro Aldana was elected as the country’s Vice President. Castro Aldana’s election to the Vice Presidency sparked a great wave of nationalism within Eastern Sequoyah, where Creeperans across the province renewed their push for unity with the Fatherland.

On 1 June 2022, myself, along with Augusto Ramón Cabañeras y Gutiérrez and Nicolás Adolfo Correa y Encarnación met with Dustu, Wohehiv Avonaco, and Castro Aldana in Asequi to determine the future path Sequoyah will take to return as a full member of the international community, moving past the stigma Waya and Wesa brought upon their country. On that day, the Creeperian and Sequoyan governments came to a final agreement for Sequoyah’s return to CODECO, the end of COMISEQ’s military intervention in the country, and, most importantly, the chance for the Creeperans stuck on the other side of the border to finally reunite with the Fatherland, after 500 years.

Referendums were held across northern Sequoyah. Caprica, Atsinagadu, Nulistanidol, Udanelev, Anuwosidigadu, Asdanya, Nahnaigagoti, Itse Galvquodo, San Juan Diego, and Ganolesgi Wigosday were all given the choice wether to remain with Sequoyah, or to join Creeperopolis. Those who were ignorant, those who were misled, and those who acted purely in bad faith, decried the referendums before they even occurred, calling them shams, fraudulent, rigged, illegal, among other antagonistic slurs in a desperate attempt to discredit them. I say to you, if they were shams, and fraudulent, and rigged, and illegal, would they not have resulted in sweeps across the board in favor of joining the Fatherland? If they were shams, and fraudulent, and rigged, and illegal, would they not have been overwhelmingly in favor of joining the Fatherland with 90 percent in favor? You scramble to find any semblance of coherency now that your fabled vision of fraud has evaporated in front of your very eyes, and quickly move to declare the inferiority of the Creeperian people, and slander the Creeperian people in whatever way you can to cope with your own failure and lack of common sense.

Tonight, the Empire of Creeperopolis celebrates the decision of the people of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego, the core of the San Juañeros, to seek reunification with the Fatherland. Tonight, the Empire of Creeperopolis celebrates the unity of Creeperans across Sur, for the People, now, after 500 years, are on the path to be reunited under one Emperor, under one Fatherland, and under One God.

There are Sequoyans, both White and Tribal, who will be separated from Sequoyah and who will now be living in Creeperopolis. Sequoyans of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego, should you wish to remain in Sequoyah, the Creeperian and Sequoyan government will help work to relocate you to your communities of fellow Sequoyans south of the border quickly and comfortably. Sequoyans of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego, should you wish to remain with Creeperopolis, the Fatherland will gladly accept you as one of His own, as all us inhabitants of Sur are members of the great Surian Race, and we must all work together for the prosperity of the continent.

Similarly, Creeperans separated from Creeperopolis in districts which wished to remain with Sequoyah, if you want to remain in Sequoyah, you are fully free to do so, but we will always be ready to welcome you back to your home. Creeperans separated from Creeperopolis in districts which wished to remain with Sequoyah, if you want to join the Fatherland, the Creeperian and Sequoyan government will help work to relocate you to your communities of fellow Creeperans north of the border quickly and comfortably. You will join your fellow Creeperans, in any one of the Fatherland’s thirty viceroyalties in the heart of the continent.

The Monarchy, the Cortes Generales, the Imperial Armed Forces, the Creeperian People, and the Fatherland would like to thank the government of the Republic of Sequoyah for allowing this process of Creeperian reunification to occur peacefully, quickly, and legitimately. We call upon the international community to formally recognize the unification of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego with Creeperopolis. We already expect bad actors and those who seek the eradication of the Creeperian people to reject the referendum and the People’s desire for reunification, but to those good actors and to those who believe in morality, we call upon you to recognize our unity.

It is the destiny of the Creeperian People to be united, as God established. It is the destiny of the Creeperian People to be fully united under one Emperor, one Fatherland, and One God. Under God and the Emperor, and the Kings before them, and the Chiefs before them, the Creeperian People have accomplished great feats and advancements in human civilization.

Acolmixtli the Great defeated the pompous Romanyans at the Battle of the Xichútepa River, leaving them utterly in ruins and ensuring their empire would never stretch into the Fatherland. Felipe the Great brought unity to the Creeperian People, and created the precedent that the Creeperian People must be united. Alfonso the Great began the glorious Crusade against the Deltinians who sought to blemish the Truth, destroy our culture, and eradicate our People. Miguel the Great utterly destroyed and abolished any semblance of “greatness” the Deltinians once had and solidified Creeperopolis as the defender of Sur. Manuel the Great abolished the treacherous democratic system and restored full rule to the monarchy and to God. And most importantly, Romero the Great destroyed democracy as it tried to return to the Fatherland, routed those who sought to institute communism and eradicate God from the People’s memory, and gave his life for the preservation and continuance of the Creeperian People.

Now, the Creeperans, who have been separated for 500 years, can finally return to the Fatherland and enjoy the glories and riches He offers. The formal unification of Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego with the Empire of Creeperopolis will occur on 5 December 2022, marking the two-year anniversary of the beginning of the CODECO military intervention in Sequoyah. That same day, the military intervention will come to its satisfactory and successful conclusion, and a special meeting of the Cooperation and Development Coalition will take place, where Sequoyah will be readmitted to the coalition as a full member.

Under God and the Emperor, the Creeperian People and Fatherland will persist!

— Alexander II of Creeperopolis, 31 October 2022

International responses

  •  Ajakanistan: Viktor Kavolskiy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ajakanistan, claimed that the referendums were "simply illegal" without elaborating on his statement. He hoped that the people of Sequoyah would be "liberated soon enough".[5]
  •  Baltanla: Nguyễn Minh Vũ, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Baltanla, stated that the government of Baltanla supported the referendums, and called upon the Creeperian government to respect the rights of those who will now live in Creeperopolis after the annexation.[6]
  •  Bladium: Hunter IV, the king of Bladium, praised the results of the referendums, stating that "freedom has once again been victorious in Sur".[7]
  •  Eleutherios: Stavros II, the federal chancellor of Eleutherios, praised the Creeperian government for "honoring the results" in the districts which voted to remain with Sequoyah, and the peace maintained throughout the process. He did, however, call for investigations into the referendums in Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego to ensure there was no fraud or interference in their referendums.[8]
  •  El Salvador: Orlando Pareja Palau, the president of El Salvador, praised the results and claimed that the Creeperian government did a "great deed" in "ripp[ing] away" Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego from the "corrupting democratic system" in Sequoyah. He rejected democracy, and claimed that the world's democracies would condemn the results because it "occurred in Sur".[9]
  •  Gjorka: Olivia O'Kane, the Secretary of Global Relations of Gjorka, stated that the Gjorkan government supported the "peaceful resolution" to the Sequoyan conflict and COMISEQ's withdrawal, but called for the Terraconserva Council of Nations (TCN) to launch an investigation into the validity of the referendums.[10]
  •  Hazbin: Leon Ferrari, the prime minister of Hazbin, expressed his praise for the "peaceful and non-violent annexation" and supported the "people's decision", but stated he would withdraw his support if evidence of fraud was uncovered.[11]
  •  Kivu: ALexandra Berkhoff, the chancellor of Kivu, stated that she was "extremely pleased" that there was no violence in the referendum's process, but accused the Creeperian government of committing "significant illegal interference" during the referendums. She did hope, however, that Nahnaigagoti and San Juan Diego will be "smoothly transferred" from Sequoyah to Creeperopolis.[12]
  •  Paleocacher: Eliza Dickins, the press officer for the Department of Foreign Affairs, stated that the Paleocacherian government was "pleased" at the conduct of the referendums, but stated that it was "irregular" that the referendums occurred while the Creeperian military occupation was still ongoing in the area.[13]
  •  Pavulturilor: Yair Lev, the Director of Foreign Affairs of Pavulturilor, stated his congratulations to the results of the referendum, hoping that a "swift" annexation and integration would soon follow.[14]
  •  Quebecshire: Philippe Dumont, the Administrator of International Affairs of Quebecshire, stated that the Quebecshirite government will recognize the results of the referendums and the annexations by Creeperopolis, stating that the government has not been provided "sufficient evidence" of Creeperopolis or Salisford "unethically tampered" in the electoral process. He added that it is "best for the nations of the world to honor and respect the implementation of the June Agreement", and that he hoped that Creeperopolis' investments into Sequoyah will help "allow [Sequoyah] to rebuild the regions of the nation most impacted by the war".[15]
  •  Reykanes: Jón Bjarnason, the prime minister of Reykanes, stated that he was "delighted" that the referendums were held instead of there being violence over control of the region, adding that it was the "right direction" for everyone in the region. He questioned the legitimacy of the referendums, however, but hoped that the transition of the districts to Creeperopolis would be "smooth" and "without any trouble."[16]
  •  Salisford: Dante Guerreria, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Salisford, congratulated both the governments of Sequoyah and Creeperopolis on the "successful conclusion" of the referendums, and stated that the results were "clear" and "legitimate". He add that the referendums were "truly a victory for the free association of people".[17]
  •  State of the Church: Pope Francisco I, the sovereign of the State of the Church, praised the process of the referendums, stating that it was peaceful and non-violent. He called upon the international community to "respect" the results.[18]
  •  Terranihil: Egath Tribon, a spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs, reiterated that the Terranilian government would not recognize the referendums, claiming that they were "fraudulent" and "non-democratic", and that the annexations would also not be recognized. He claimed that there was ballot stuffing and voter intimidation present, and claimed that the referendums were not sanctioned by TCN Resolution 034.[19]
  •  Tirol: Ulrike Kindle, the premier of Tirol, condemned the referendums, stating that it was a statement of the "growing aggression" of the Creeperian "regime". He claimed that the referendums were "always going to unjustly seize Sequoyan territory" and called upon the international community to not be "drawn into accepting the unacceptable". He stated that the Tiroler government will not recognize the referendums, their results, or the border changes, and called upon other nations to institute "appropriate economic and political consequences" against Creeperopolis.[20]

See also


  1. Correa Encarnación, Nicolás Adolfo (1 June 2022). "Ծոնվենիո դել 1 դե Ջփնիո" [1 June Agreement]. Ministry of External Affairs of Creeperopolis (in Creeperian). Asequi, Sequoyah. Retrieved 20 October 2022.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  2. Garder, Marcus (2 June 2022). "Ministèr dela Cossa Straurdener d'Tirol – Palavra su Eleziõn a Séquoie" [Tiroler Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Statement on Referenda in Sequoyah]. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tirol (in Ladin). Innsbruck, Tirol. Retrieved 22 October 2022.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  3. Stavros II (4 June 2022). "Δήλωση του Καγκελαρίου Σταύρου Β' για τα προσεχή δημοψηφίσματα του Οκτωβρίου στο Σεκόια" [Statement of Chancellor Stavros II on the Upcoming October Referendums in Sequoyah]. Government of Eleutherios (in Eleutherian). Oikos, Eleutherios. Retrieved 24 October 2022.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
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External links