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Federal States of Baltanla

Liên Bang Baltanla
Flag of Baltanla
Coat of arms of Baltanla
Coat of arms
Motto: Không có Đảng Dân chủ sẽ không có Baltanla mới!
 Without the Democratic Party, There Will be no New Baltanla!
Anthem: Tien Quan Ca
"Soldiers of Baltan"

Baltanla Globe Map.png
Location of Baltanla in Terraconserva.
LocationWestern Central Ostlandet
CapitalBaltanla City, Hanoia
Official languagesBaltanese language.
Recognised national languagesMonsilvan.
Ethnic groups
Baltanese 82%
Monsilvans 8%
Byasan 3.1%
Akvarelians 1.9%
Denkarti 1%
>Other 5%<
Buddhism 74%
Athiesm 16%
Christianity 5.5%
Others 4.5%
GovernmentFederal Parliamentary Semi-Presidental Republic
Quốc Phi Nguyễn
Võ Phú Bình
LegislatureBaltanese National Assembly
• Baltanese Confederacy
350 BC
• Kingdom of Baltanla
September 16th 1917
March 7th 1962 - November 3rd 1989
• Federal States/Federation of Baltanla
August 15th 1989
• 2022 estimate
125 million
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
3.8 Trillion Credits
• Per capita
21,714 Credits
Gini (2022)34.2
HDI (2023)0.898
very high
CurrencyBaltanese Dong (ISO)
Time zoneTMB+9 +10 +11 +12 (BST)

The Federated States of Baltanla, commonly known as Baltanla (Baltanese: Cộng hòa Baltanese liên bang) is located in the Western Central Part of Ostlandet. The Baltanese State borders 4 Nations, To the West is Storosnova, To the East is Monsilva, To the Northeast is Akvarelusus. The Federated States of Baltanla's Geography features of Mountains to the Southwest, East and Northwest with Massive Valleys and Fields dominating the Central Portions of the Country. The Leader is Quốc Phi Nguyễn with the Prime Minister of the Semi-Presidental Republic being Võ Phú Bình, Baltanla's Population is 125 Million across 15 Major Cities with the Largest City being Quảng Ngãi and followed by Vũng Tàu with a Major Belt of Cities called the Quảng Ngãi Bay Belt. The Capital of Baltanla is Baltanla City for Legislative and Executivem with Judicial being in the Second Capital of Hanoia.



Baltanla is known for being named about Balt Peoples and the Kingdom of Balts, But the Earliest Discoveries was after the River Balt which was what the People named


TBD (2800 BCE - 304 BC)

Isolated Period (304 BC - 1210 AD)

Template:Article The Kingdom of Balts was founded in 304BC as the First known kingdom in the Lands of Baltanla, Other Kingdoms that were Dynasties included the Saige Dynasty and the Chinghi Dyansty Located in the East near Modern day Monsilva, The Merchant Republic of Quảng Ngãi would soon later be founded in 1 AD and There was the only 4 Countries until the Creation of the Merchant Republics of Port Mitrea and The State of Hanoia.

In 753 AD the King of the Balts would Pass away leaving his Son, Vao Sin Nguyen to Take Over and he would start an War against the Merchant Republic of Port Mitrea in Hopes of getting a Major Western Port which would be Successful. in 820 AD Vao Sin Nguyen would die in Combat against the Northern Karties Dynasty who had the Northern lands up to Denkart and the Balts New Leader would be Queen Emperor Kino Phi Minh who would lead the Kingdom and would start an 5 Year Long war against the Hano Peoples

Rise of Baltanese Empire(1211 AD - 1495)

With the Baltanese Dynasties finishing Fighting and them being Unstable from the Amounts of Fighting. A New Kingdom Known as the "Sao Vang" Empire ruled by Sao Vang would sweep through the Eastern lands as the Kingdom was a Successor of the Broken Vinh Empire which spanned from Modern Day Vinh Trang to the Eastern Mountains to the Riveria Federal State becoming the Largest Empire in the Area. In 1345 the Sao Vang Empire had collapsed due to Revolts from the Other States with the Quảng Ngãi State rising into Power as it owned the Bay Area it proclaimed itself as the Uniter of Baltanla starting Mass Attacks across the Baltanese Western Plains.

Due to the Mass Attacks, Up to 120,000 People dying from the Attacks and in 1400 Only Two Kingdoms were left, the Vinh Nguyen Empire and the Nguyen Dynasty both Rivals of each other that had been fighting for Control of the Eastern and Southeastern Lands of Baltanla and due to themsleves being Weakened the now West Baltanese Empire would take an Advantage to this Weaking launching a Surprise attack on the Nguyen Dynasty in the South Capturing the Capital in a matter of 2 Days and Purging through and the entire area being captured in 2 Weeks. The Vinh Nguyen Empire would now realize itself being Alone would soon after Join the Empire just as the Aggressive Emperor Quoc Minh would pass Away due to Food Poisoning.

Imperialism (1495 - 1789)

The New Baltanese Empire wnow fully unitied and it being Expansionist Emperor Quoc Minh the II the Son of the Dead Aggressive Emperor would take Power and would inact his Expansionist Policy approved by the Council of Baltanla. He would Conquer the Following Countries of Akvarelusus, Byasa, Denkart and Monsilva under his Regin and would treat them differently and some being more Autonomous (Suggestions by his Advisors) and Some being just fully controlled.

The Empire would Last Nearly 300 Years until the 2nd Baltanese Civil War would start due to the Republicians gaining alot of Power over the Unpopular Mao San Emperor and launching an Uprising across the Empire after its Collapse ending the Massive Central Ostlandtian Empire and starting a New Country named the 1st Baltanese Republic as the Successor with the Baltanese Republican Party as the Lead Party now to reform the Changes the Emperors had made.


Baltanla had Plans to Invade the Duchy of Akvar but when News of the Killing of the King by there own Sister some Hope had came as Her Husband, Which was apart of the Imperial Family had gotten the Crown and absorbed The Duchy into the Empire. No Opposition was found but Akvarelians were Treated Different Compared to the Baltanese People's Due to there Culture and Religion as Baltanla was a Buddhist Country and Akvar was a Christian Country

The Baltanese Reign over Akvarelusus ended due to the Imperial Guards of the Duke killing [M[assacre of Wysocko|Independence Protestors]] with the People and the Nobility Joining in the Independence War known as the Akvare War of Independence with the Baltanese Army Fighting for Months until loosing at the Battle of Pink Mountain And the Independence of Akvarelusus would be one of the Main Things to cause the Downfall of the Baltanese Empire.

Flag of Akvarelusus under the Empire of Baltanla.png
Akvarelian flag used during the rule of the Empire of Baltanla


Byasa has been a Goal the Baltanese Empire had wanted ever since the Dynasties attempted back in the early 600s and When there was News that Byasa was weak the Baltanese Imperial Army invaded the Country in 1565, absorbing it into the Baltanese Province of Baltanla and would see Buddhism growing in the area and attempts in Organizing it and Industrializing it Failed keeping it as an Argucluterial Place in the Baltanese Empire for its Time. In 1740 the Baltanese Empire would back out of it leaving it into its Messes due to Failure of trying to Stabilize and making it Useless to the Baltanese Empire for an Unstable Area under the Imperial Empire.



Monsilva was one of the Baltanese Empire's Most Important Countries as it had given the Baltanese People Access to the Kivu Ocean which was a must have at the time to trade with Ecros much faster. Due to the Very Similarties of the Monsilvans they were given there own Province and basically a Puppet while Dominionship was given to the Isle of Shaoyu. The Conquering of Monsilva would be the Zhou Dynasty absorbing into the Empire of Baltanla due to itself not fixing its Economic Situations. Monsilva would become the Nearly the First To Leave due to the Economic Struggles in the late 1700s and would Reorganize itself into a New Dynasty with Shaoyu. This would turn out to be a Big Part in the Collapse of the Empire.

First Baltanese Republic

1800-1900 was the Industrial Period as Funding is spilt for Industry Railroading (1806) and other development things such as better houses Roads ports ships and more industry as they started mining Coal for More Energy from the Danh Sang Mountain Range as the Federal Republic Finally gets out of Isolation and Would start Trading with exporting and importing things. As the Bill of Repair was passed in 1830 the Republic started construction of new Factories and Reparing Lands from the damaged since the 1789 Civil war.

The 20th Century

Third Baltanese Republic/Federation of Baltanla

The Baltanese Federation or known also as the Third Baltanese Republic would be established after the Baltanese Civil War

Space Program of Baltanla

The Baltanese Space Program is an Independent Program for Baltanla that has existed since 1965 used by the PR of Baltanla and would be expanded in 2004 with the Governemnt Agencies Bill Passing by the Congress and giving it Millions to test on Satellites and Rockets. The Landing Pad is located in the Dao Bai Federal State, And the Headquarters is in Hanoia.


Planned Things


Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of Baltanla Technically was founded in 1204 as the Army and Navy but the True One was in 1920. The Baltanian Armed Forces Consists of the Baltanian Army, The Baltanian Navy, The Baltanian Air Force, And the Baltanian Coast Guard and the Border Guards of Baltanla. The Armed Forces of Baltanla isnt That Large but its Well Trained for Rainforests and Mountainous Terrains.


The Army of Baltanla was founded by the First Baltanese Republic in 1789 and Officially Controls the Border Guards of Baltanla and the Baltanese Army Air Force. 450,000 Personal Serve in the Baltanese Army with 2.1 Million in Reserve for in case of the Now Federal States Needs it. The Most Popular Uses were in the [[


The Baltanian Navy was founded in 1205 as the Kingdom Fell behind Others in the Naval War the Navy would be created and soon after would be the Baltanian Coast Guard in the Early 1900s. The Baltanian Navy isnt Strong but it isnt Weak still standing with 2 Helicopter Carriers and many ships including 2 Battleships.

Air Force

The Baltanian Air Force Was Founded in 1920 when the Communists would pass the Air Force Bill of 1920.

Marine Forces

Damt-Song Special Forces

Major Cities of Baltanla

Baltanla Despite being a Small Size has a Massive Population of 175 Million in the Small Country with Density Being the Highest out of all Terraconservan Countries, Most of the Baltanian Population Lives in the Quảng Ngãi Bay Belt And the Rest of it lives in 4 Other Major Metro Area's and Around the Country. All Cities Over 10,000 Are Required to have a Good Transport Network or At Least Connect to the BNR Network.

Rank City Population Is Capital Body of Water
1 Quảng Ngãi 17,943,000 No Quảng Ngãi Bay
2 Vũng Tàu 11,293,000 No Quảng Ngãi Bay
3 Vinh Trang 9,192,000 No None
4 Baltanla City 7,219,222 Yes Quảng Ngãi Bay
5 Hanoia 6,200,222 Yes None
6 Port Mitrea 4,691,914 No Acrenis Ocean

Culture of Baltanla


Abortion and Health





The Highways (Expressways) Of Baltanla is the Main Highways between Major cities in the Federal States numbered by when it first was made (Exmaple: Baltway 52 being the 52nd to be made). They are Named the Baltways but Nicknamed as the "Transport Rival" being the one thing that Rivals Baltanla National Railway's Network. The Baltways have 65 Of them and the Longeat one goes from Mitrea to Vinh Trang known as Baltways 4.

High Speed Rail




The Baltanian Economy is Mainly focused on Exporting Trains and Tech Ships and many things having diamond gold and Europium and Large Promethium Reserves Exporting Trains to Foreign Neighbors


Tourism is a Medium Part of the Baltanian Economy with Tourism being Massively High due to people wanting to visit the Mountains and Rainforests Baltanla has, Making Baltanla a place tourists go too other reasons include those wanting to land here and then drive there car to a different country


Baltanla is Full of Public Transit Managed by the Baltanian Department of Transportation with many Communter Services and Trains for communting every 15 Minutes and Intercity every 30 Minutes with a Massive Freight Network and all Warehouses served by Rail. Buses are Everywhere Along with All Electric Light Rail and Buses being Mostly Clean Energy and Receive a massive number of ridership every year. Tourists are Advised to use the Tourist Transport Baltanla Provides but most will take rental cars.

Industrial Economy



Geography of Baltanla

The Geography of Baltanla is mainly Valleys and Pains in the west with the Dang Sang Mountains and the TBD Mountains in the North with the Border of Chankaria with the Quảng Ngãi Bay Belt being one of the Most Fertile Areas in Baltanla with the Most Fertile in the West and in the Central is made up of High Mountain Ranges and Large Rain Forests and in the south and east is a mix of Warm Arid Lands with Green Area's being suitable for Warm Fruit and Vegetable Growing for its Proximity to the Equator

A climate/Terrain map of Baltanla.


Green is Warm and Suitable for Agriculture Yellow Green is Very Warm (Equator) Light blue is Cold Lands Dark Blue is Very Cold (Mountains)And Light Green is Warmer but not Equator Warm (Rain Forests)]] Baltanla is a Fertile and Warm Area Being in Central Ostlandet and on the Equator to the East is the Xuan Mountains and to the West and Southwest is the Buddhisa Range, Baltanla has this to its advantage with East and Western Attacks but Also The Rain Forests having Train men and making it Hell for People, But that can come with Disadvantages Baltanla is Very Flat in the south and on the coast Easy for Naval Invasions and Stuff.

Government and politics

Political System

Federal States

Baltanla has 15 Federal States in the Federation and 2 Districts the Most Populated is the Quảng Ngãi Bay Belt and the Dan Vang Metro Area.

Crime and law enforcement

Quảng Ngãi's New Escort and All Women Motorcycle Team.

The Crime Rate in Baltanla is Mild as Police Presence is mainly everywhere and are on Duty Most of the Time, And the Internal Security Department Of Baltanla wanting to Focus on keeping Bribery low but also to keep the Country Safe from Threats.

Examples can also include the Reforming of the Law Enforcement in Baltanla during the BNR 2022 Attacks and the Port Strikes of Mitrea. Most of the Law Enforcement has Powers over people, Some of these Powers were shown in the Baltanese Oil Strike when People were Protesting about Oil Useage and,

Đội vũ khí hạng nặng của người Baltan

Đội vũ khí hạng nặng của người Baltan (DNB) or known as the Baltanese Heavy Arms Team (BHAT) has been doing mainly the More Heavier Duties of the Police. Most of the Law Enforcement are in Higher Crime Area's of Quảng Ngãi, Vũng Tàu and the Executive Capital

Baltanese Presidential Service

Another Branch being the Baltanese Presidential Service as Guards for the President (As of now Quoc Phi Nguyen) and has been since 1991. Addition was in 2014 when the Baltanese Presidental Service introduced an All Women Escort Team of Motorcycles and the Quảng Ngãi Police Department following Suit in 2015 showing that Men and Women can both be in the Police Department Farely.

Foreign relations

Foreign Relations have been a Mixed Bag as Sur the Relations are only Established with Creeperopolis and Montcrabe. Baltanla has a different amount of Relations in Ecros, Due to Most Countries being in a View the Baltanese People do not like, Most Relations in Communist ones are the worst out of all and Dem-Soc Countries are just a Mixed Bag, Examples like Kivu, Jackson and Montesayette. Relations that are Improving are South Ecros Nations such as Dansin and Pavulturilor and Good Relations would include the following: Majocco, Karimun and Quebecshire.

In Ostlandet, Relations are at its Greatest due to Baltanla being in the Ostlandet Union as an Full Member with its Best Relations being with Denkart, Monsilva and Paleocacher and Most Ostlandetian Relations with Baltanla have been Great Execptions being Zloveshcihy and Ajakanistan.