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Human rights in Creeperopolis

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Human rights in Creeperopolis are a topic of serious concern and are considered to be one of, if not, the worst in the world, often being used to compare the human rights statuses of Lyoa, Rakeo, and Sequoyah. Several nations have previously condemned the human rights record of Creeperopolis and several resolutions within the Terraconserva Council of Nations have been presented regarding human rights in the country. The Creeperian government enforces Levitical law which has caused several international organizations to denounce the government as violating basic human rights.

Foreign organizations have stated that there is virtually no freedom of speech or the press in the country, despite being legally protected by the Constitution. The only legal media providers are those approved by the Creeperian government which show "blind loyalty" and support of the government, such as the Gaceta Creeperiano and Noticias de la'Iniciativa. The only media outlet considered to not be "blindly loyal" and supportive the government is the Quebecshirite-owned Poste du Port headquartered in Puerto Francisco, which itself is considered to be the most developed place in Creeperopolis. Some groups have stated that Puerto Francisco is the only place in the entire country where human rights are actually enforced. According to Human Rights Terraconserva, there are around 175,000 prisoners incarcerated in prison camps across the country for political reasons and that they are subject to forced labor, torture, experimentation, and execution.

Foreigners of certain nationalities, specifically those from Greater Sacramento, Malgax, Sequoyah, and Terranihil, are strictly monitored by the Creeperian government as they have been considered "high-risk lawbreakers," likely for political, racial, and religious reasons. Natives of Creeperopolis have not reported many instances of human rights violations, either because the government does not mistreat its civilians that "fall in line" or because they are afraid of the consequences for speaking out against the government's actions. The most notable critic of the government which has documented the country's human rights violations is Orlando Hernández Alvarado, a journalist who founded the El Faro newspaper who lives in exile in Barreiganca, Greater Sacramento. He currently has a warrant for his arrest, has been charged with treason, and has been sentenced to death in absentia. The government maintains its position that criticism of its human rights record is a pretext for overthrowing the imperial government.

The Terraconserva Council of Nations has failed to pass any resolutions that condemned or actively investigated human rights violations and abuses in Creeperopolis since its inception in 1952. The most recent attempts to condemn Creeperopolis were Terraconserva Council of Nations Resolutions 002 and 004 in 2019 and 2020, respectively, but Quebecshire, a strong ally of Creeperopolis, vetoed both resolutions.[1][2] Terraconserva Council of Nations Resolution 006 officially launched an investigation into Creeperopolis' human rights record in 2020, but the Creeperian government refused to comply with the resolution and it was eventually repealed by Terraconserva Council of Nations Resolution 009 later that same year.[3][4]


History of human rights in Creeperopolis

Formation of the notion of human rights

The Sohaq Massacre of 1248
Miguel I's Reign of Terror
Torture of Islander Natives
The Honduran Genocide

Human rights as a concept in Creeperopolis began to formulate during the First Parliamentary Era from 1565 to 1771. Prior to the establishment of the Parliament following the Surian Revolutions of 1565, the notion of human rights effectively did not exist as actions which would be classified as atrocities in the present were widespread and considered normal. Events like the Battle of Xichūtepa, Creeperian Crusade, Siege of Almadinat Almuqadasa, and Honduran Genocide witnessed massive death tolls, most of which were committed intentionally as acts of genocide and ethnocide. Even in the Captaincy General of the San Carlos Islands, atrocities were committed against Native populations during the period known as "The Enslavement" from 1392 until 1477.

Such atrocities were not punished, and at times, even encouraged, to instill intimidation in any opponents of the kingdom to prevent attacks or uprisings. Such attacks and uprising were not always intimidated into now occurring, however, as several revolts occurred in southern Creeperopolis and in the San Carlos Island colony against their rule, particularly for their brutality and the atrocities they committed. Such uprisings and revolts lead to even greater and worse atrocities, which lead to more revolts, which spiraled into a cycle of revolts and massacres. Notable rebellions that were the result of atrocities, which lead to more atrocities, include the Deltinian War, the Great Revolt of Esclaveta, and the Creeperian Peasants' War.

Massacres continued throughout the rule of Miguel V. Many of Creeperopolis' most infamous massacres occurred during his reign either as a part of the Twenty Years' War, such as the Panchague Massacre, or through the Honduran Genocide. During the Honduran Genocide, approximately 1.2 million ethnic Hondurans were killed. The genocide is considered one of "most successful" genocides, as very few people are descendants of the Hondurans that once were the majority population of the department of San Miguel where the Kingdom of Honduras existed from 1289 until 1360.

When the First Parliament was established on 8 March 1565, one of the priorities of the Liberal Party was the establishment of laws regarding what they called "crimes against the natural state of man," later to be known as crimes against humanity, and put those accused of committing such crimes on trial. The Conservative Party, however, did not want to rush to introduce such laws as they believed it would upend the structure of the Creeperian Armed Forces as many of its high ranking officials were implicated in committing various atrocities during the reign of Miguel V. Under the Prime Ministership of Alfonso Moreno Salinas, the Conservatives blocked all attempts by the Liberal leader Álvaro Pinto Aparicio to pass such legislation. The Conservative Prime Ministers that succeeded Moreno Salinas, Bernardo Funes Luque, Camilo Funes Luque, and Samuel Molina Tassis, also prevented Pinto Aparicio and the Liberals from passing legislation.

Emmanuel Sánchez Andino is sometimes called the "Father of Creeperian Human Rights."

The Liberals won fifty-one seats in the general election of 1600, the first time the Liberal Party won an outright majority in the Parliament. Pinto Aparicio's successor as party leader, Emmanuel Sánchez Andino, was sworn in as Prime Minister on 8 March 1600 and immediately introduced a bill to establish fundamental basic human rights in Creeperopolis. The bill, Recognition of the Fundamental and Basic Rights of All Men in Creeperopolis, passed with a final vote of 50–49–1. Former Prime Minister Molina Tassis openly criticized the bill and stated that it set a dangerous precedent that would haunt Creeperopolis for the rest of time.

On 10 March 1600, the law established by the bill went into effect. Officially called the Law of Basic Rights, what is now commonly referred to as the Sánchez Andino Laws was a series of laws that made several practices illegal and enforced guidelines and regulations to prevent such practices. Among the practices made illegal was capital punishment, but the Supreme Court struck down that specific law as it was deemed unconstitutional. Other practices, however, were made illegal without any intervention from the Supreme Court, such as using child labor, unpaid labor, forced labor, physically injuring uncooperative workers, extrajudicial killings of ethnic and religious minorities, among other practices that were normal at the time.

The Committee for the Protection of the Rights of All Men of Creeperopolis was established on 17 April 1600. Its purpose was to oversee enforcement of the laws that were placed into effect and to monitor for any violations of the laws by preforming any activities that had been made illegal. The Court of the Rights of All Men of Creeperopolis was established on 1 May 1600 by the committee to put those accused of committing human rights violations on trial. The court was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on 3 May 1600, but Sánchez Andino appealed the case. Although there was no legal way to challenge the Supreme Court's decision of something being unconstitutional, Sánchez Andino managed to convince the members of the court that he was legally able to do so. On 1 June 1600, the Supreme Court heard arguments from the Liberals, in support of the court, and the Conservatives, in opposition of the court. In the landmark case Committee for the Protection of the Rights of All Men of Creeperopolis and Court of the Rights of All Men of Creeperopolis v. Supreme Court of Creeperopolis, the Supreme Court ruled 8–5 that the court was in fact constitutional as it did not supersede the Supreme Court and was on the same level as lower departmental courts.

Pelayo Águilarez Suñer was the first ever Creeperian tried and executed for crimes against humanity.

On 2 May 1600, Pelayo Águilarez Suñer, a retired military officer of the Creeperian Army, was arrested and charged with several crimes against ethnic and religious minorities he had ordered during his service. Águilarez Suñer was 80, having served as an officer in the Army from 1537 to 1582. He was specifically charged with ordering his soldiers to burn the homes of Deltinians, rape their women, castrate their men, and mutilate their children as a part of the First Great Persecution of Deltinian Islam which had been occurring since the Decree of La'Victoria made in 1326 during the Creeperian Crusade. He was put on trial on 1 June 1600 and found guilty of all four charges. He was sentenced to death by hanging and the execution was carried out on 15 July 1600. Conservatives condemned the court's decision, calling it hypocritical as the five judges on the court were all supporters of Sánchez Andino who had previously attempted to abolish capital punishment.

In 1602, Sánchez Andino and Chancellor Isidora Fontes of Greater Sacramento met in Sacramento to discuss the formation of an international human rights organization. The International Organization of God-Given Rights was established as the first international human rights organization on 18 November 1602. The organization still exists today and is known as the International Organization of Human Rights. The primary goal of the organization was to further the human of member nations. Creeperopolis' neighboring nations, the Kingdoms of Atlántida, Castilliano, and Senvar joined in 1605, 1636, and 1731, respectively.[note 1][note 2][note 3]

Orlando Moreno Hidalgo is considered the greatest advocator of human rights in Creeperian history.

Orlando Moreno Hidalgo became Prime Minister of Creeperopolis on 8 March 1725 following the retirement of Salvador Cerén Collazo. The Liberals won seventy-five seats in the general election of 1725, the largest majority by a single party in a multiparty system in Creeperian history. He is considered to be the greatest advocator of human rights in Creeperian history, famously pleading with a court to spare the life of a man who murdered his father in 1710 over a payment dispute. During his Prime Ministership, Moreno Hidalgo established a secular marriage, legalized homosexuality, abolished capital punishment, allowed women to vote, and implemented taxes on the Catholic Church. He was later criticized by Conservatives for executing King Carlos III in 1729 despite having already abolished the death penalty and was also criticized by Liberals for not legalizing same sex marriage.

In 1744, Moreno Hidalgo wrote a letter to Francisco López Yagüe, his subordinate and later successor as Prime Minister, stating:

I have done many things for the people of the country. I have given them freedom to marry outside of the Church. I have given them the ability to love whomever they wish. I have saved them from the penalty of death. I have allowed the women to be able to vote for their representatives in government. I have done many things for the people, yet many of them still wish to oppose me and my government. Enough people still vote for our party to keep us in office so I can still improve the lives of the people, but I don't know how much longer this trend can continue; there aren't many more things I can give the people to keep them happy and content with my governance.

— Prime Minister Orlando Moreno Hidalgo, 28 February 1744

Moreno Hidalgo later committed suicide by hanging himself in his own home on 1 November 1749, one day before a vote of no confidence would have been voted on due to his selling of the San Carlos Islands to Xusma in what has since been historically known as the Guazatancillo Affair. Despite this controversy that was despised and opposed by both Conservatives and Liberals alike, the Liberals continued to champion Moreno Hidalgo as a forward thinker and a champion of human rights in not only Creeperopolis, but also across all Sur, as Creeperopolis was considered to be the most stable and most comfortable democracy on the continent at the time.

Following the death of Moreno Hidalgo, the status of human rights in Creeperopolis began to slip. The Liberals were defeated by the Conservatives in the general election of 1750 for the first time since 1690. Salvador Funes Tafalla, who had been a fierce rival to Moreno Hidalgo during his Prime Ministership, undid many of Moreno Hidalgo's reforms, outlawing homosexuality, placing tax exemptions on the Catholic Church, and reinstating the death penalty. Liberals were growing concerned with Funes Tafalla's Prime Ministership and feared that he would undo more and more reforms, but the Liberals regained the Prime Ministership in 1765. López Yagüe died unexpectedly in office in 1766 before many reforms were reinstated, and he was succeeded by Fernando Moreno Juderías, a son of Moreno Hidalgo. During his Prime Ministership, he was only able to legalize homosexuality for a second time, failing to reinstate taxes on the Church and prohibit the death penalty. The Liberals won the general election of 1770, but on 4 July 1771, King Manuel III staged a self coup and had the Creeperian Imperial Guard storm the Parliament and had everyone arrested. All the Conservatives were set free, but all the Liberals, including Moreno Juderías, were executed by firing squad inside the building. Manuel III overthrew the Parliament and returned the monarchy to absolutism.

Status of human rights during the restoration of the absolute monarchy

Following the abolition of the Parliament, Manuel III had all future elections cancelled, effectively erasing the legacy of the Parliament and democracy in Creeperopolis. Both the Conservative and Liberal parties were dissolved and parliamentary districts were abolished. Several former Conservative politicians and representatives were given positions in Manuel III's government, and their political ideologies heavily influenced Manuel III's reign. On 12 October 1771, Creeperopolis announced its departure from the International Organization of Human Rights stating that "human rights are not a universal thing" and that the notion of human rights is a trick of Baphomet, a demon who Creeperans mistakenly, but often intentionally, associate with the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.

Manuel III died on 12 November 1783 and his death began a succession crisis which began the War of the Creeperian Succession, sought between the armies of Salvador III and Manuel IV, both of whom claimed to be the rightful successor. Both sides executed their prisoners for sedition against their respective monarch. Salvador III was killed in the Battle of Denshire on 6 July 1790, ending the war and solidifying Manuel IV's claim on the throne.

Human rights in the Second Parliamentary Era and the civil war

Current status of human rights

Enforcement of Levitical law

The Creeperian government enforces several laws which are derived from the Book of Leviticus of the Creeperian Catholic Bible. The Book of Leviticus is the third book of the Creeperian Catholic Bible and is composed of various laws and rituals and practices that God ordered Moses and His people to follow. Despite the authorship of the book being unknown and heavily debated, the Creeperian government upholds that the Book of Leviticus was written by Moses himself and that he was instructed directly by God on what to write down for humanity to follow and obey.

The Book of Leviticus contains 243 laws and each one is somehow built into the Creeperian legal system. Other laws implemented in the Creeperian legal system include laws from the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, as well as the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesús Cristo, the founder of Christianity and also traditionally the founder of the Creeperian Catholic Church.

Freedom of speech and the press

Political freedom

One-party system



Treatment of prisoners

Crime in Creeperopolis and judicial system

Police brutality and violence

Use of torture

The Creeperian government approves of the use of torture in interrogation and as a form of punishment prior to execution.

The Tuxtla Martínez-Panachor Maximum Correctional Facility is notorious for its poor human rights record, especially since it is a prison camp that houses Creeperopolis' worst criminals. Torture is reported to commonly occur at the prison and it has been confirmed on several occasions. In Creeperopolis, pedophilia and any crime against a child are punished by death, and all of the country's convicted pedophiles and those who committed crimes against children are sent to the Tuxtla Martínez-Panachor Maximum Correctional Facility. During an interview with the Gaceta Creeperiano in 2012, Brigadier Onésimo Ledesma Soriano, the Director of the prison, described the process such an individual goes through in the prison.

(Question: It is known that all pedophiles are sent to TMP after they are arrested and pedophilia is a capital crime according to the Constitution. What exactly happens to them when they are sent to TMP?)

We have the pedophile sent here late at night, around midnight. When the subhuman arrives, it is a subhuman because it officially loses personhood when it commits the act, we send it to a dark room under the administration block and it is left in darkness and nothingness, hands and feet tied up, no food and no water, to mess with its mental state, for about two hours. After the two hours, we come in and dimly light the room. If it's asleep, we whip it until it wakes up, but if it's awake, we whip it anyway to let it know we're here. After that, we begin, around, 30 minutes of waterboarding, informing it that this is the tamest of the punishments it will endure for its crime.

Next, since the poor thing hasn't had anything to eat all day and must be starving, we give it its first meal of the day, but first we need to acquire the meal. The thing is stripped and forcibly castrated. Our preferred method is a slow slicing from the bottom up with a rusty machete to ensure it suffers as much as possible for the crime it committed with its reproductive system, not before crushing and stomping on it of course; it doesn't deserve to have a reproductive system anymore. So now, we have its dinner. We feed it to it since it's still tied up. If it refuses to eat up after 10 minutes, we cut off one finger. Another ten minutes, another finger, and repeat. After we are out of fingers, we move to toes. If it still refuses to eat, we blend its meal and add feces and urine from the prisoners to the blend and forcibly make it drink up. However, if it does eat, we cut off the fingers and toes quickly instead of slowly as a reward for being cooperative. Now that dinner is over, the thing has been fed and can never commit such an abomination ever again.

Next, we leave the thing alone until 6am when we take a roll call of the prison. We announce to the prisoners their new guest and inform the population of its crime, and we let it into the prison population. If it dies, it dies, oh well. Even Mara Salvatrucha despises these subhumans. You may say that it is escaping our justice, but the maras are in here for a reason. When the kill these things, the killings are brutal and torturous. I remember several times seeing these things skinned and even sometimes decapitated. Like, they have no access to anything sharp, so I'm genuinely impressed the gangs manage to decapitate these things. Perhaps they use their shoelaces to good effect, who knows. Sometimes they even let it survive, knowing that it will endure more pain if we torture it. Anyway, if it survives until noon rolecall, it is removed from the population and returns to the dark room. It is again tied up and stripped and we slowly pull its arms and legs apart, while at the same time dropping burning coal onto its body to induce severe burns while continuing to whip it. As part of our mental torture, we let spiders and cockroaches and ants crawl all over it. Don't worry, none are venomous. We don't want the subhuman to escape from a bite to die of poison; it needs to suffer. When the joints in its arms and legs are broken, we begin to slowly skin its feet and work up until the knees. At the same time, we take sledgehammers and work away at breaking its femurs. Then we pull out teeth and wax off any hair left on its body.

Next, its skinless feet are put on a grill to burn and we cut off the ears and nose. If it survives all of that, and believe me, unfortunate souls have survived that torment, we bring it to the prison yard during yard time at around 4pm and announce to the prisoners that the subhuman survived and will be executed in the yard. It is perhaps the only time prisoners and guards are side by side in agreement that justice is being served. We nail it to an upside down cross and set it on fire. Sometimes its broken joints give way and it falls to the ground, sometimes its joints don't give way and it stays there. Either way, it burns alive and it is then up to God to decide if it has truly repented for its crime and will regain its personhood or if it will be eternally damned. I have overseen over 5,000 such executions. I do not regret a single one.

— Onésimo Ledesma Soriano, 2012

The response from Ledesma Soriano was approved by the Creeperian government. The government notes that a notable decrease in arrests of pedophiles was reported in the following 2 years, possibly as a fear of what would happen to them for the crime they would have been convicted of.

The Creeperian government has been confirmed to have used the following methods of torture:

  • Beatings
  • Boiling
  • Bone breaking
  • Burning
  • Castration
  • Choking
  • Dismemberment
  • Electric shock
  • Flaying
  • Food deprivation
  • Gang rape
  • Genital mutilation
  • Impalement
  • Isolation
  • Mutilation
  • Oxygen deprivation
  • Rape
  • Rat torture
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sound torture
  • Strangulation
  • Tickle torture
  • Tooth extraction
  • Waterboarding

Use of eugenics and human experimentation

From 1933 until 1980, the Creeperian government official endorsed the use of eugenics to "improve the superiority of the Creeperian race" and to justify neglect of several racial minorities in Creeperopolis, particularly Deltinians and Senvarians. Miguel Unamuno Jugo, a notable poet and philosopher of the Second Parliamentary Era, was an overt advocate of eugenics, writing A Case for Creeperian Supremacy in 1916. Unamuno Jugo was executed by the National Council during the civil war in 1936, but his ideas and beliefs in A Case for Creeperian Supremacy were put into effect by the Creeperian government in 1933. Following the civil war, the policies established were reinforced and Deltinians and Senvarians were prohibited from marrying Creeperans and having children with Creeperans. People with physical and mental disabilities and those with low IQ scores were also barred from marrying and having children. The policies were officially abolished in 1980, but the policies seem to continue being enforced as intermarrying is still very rare.

Declassified document of Project Atlácatl.

In 1979, the National Intelligence Directorate began planning Project Atlácatl, a series of human experiments conducted on criminals, mostly gang members of Mara Salvatrucha. They were considered subhumans which technically made the experiments legal according to the Creeperian legal system.[5] Officially, the experiments were labeled as "tactical scientific research" with the goal of "advancing knowledge in science," while in reality, the experiments were highly likely pseudoscientific with no basis in science that likely had the primary goal of terrorizing and intimidating the gang members of Mara Salvatrucha who were involved in the Mara War. The project began in 1980, one year after the beginning of the Mara War in 1979.[6] Project Atlácatl continued throughout the reigns of Emperors Adolfo V and Romero III, likely with their full knowledge of its existence. The project was formulated under the tenure of Cabañeras Videla when he was Minister of Defense and the Minister of Intelligence. The project was curtailed in 1999 with the ascension of Emperor Alfonso VI to the throne and was later halted on 1 January 2000 as a result of the controversial ceasefire agreed to by Alfonso VI and Mara Salvatrucha leadership.[7]

The project very likely engaged in several activities that would be considered extremely illegal in most jurisdictions, but according to the Creeperian government, all activities the project likely was involved in would have been deemed completely legal according to the Creeperian Constitution and other Creeperian national and departmental laws due to the wording of gang members as "subhuman." Although it is unknown what experiments the project engaged in as the pages were redacted, it his highly likely the project experimented with the usage of chemicals, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, forced drug administration, as well as other forms of torture. During the twenty years the project was active, the project's experiments likely were undertaken at several colleges and universities, hospitals, and prisons.

Most of the history of Project Atlácatl is extremely vague as very little information aside from the existence of the project and what it generally did are known. It likely occurred at the Tuxtla Martínez-Panachor Maximum Correctional Facility as the Battle of Tuxtla Martínez-Panachor of 1988 was mentioned in the document.[8] The project continued until 1999 when it was curtailed and later ended in 2000 with the cease fire agreed to between Mara Salvatrucha and Emperor Alfonso VI.[9] The existence of Project Atlácatl was declassified in 2004 with the approval of Emperor Alexander II.[9] The exact experiments that were conducted during Project Atlácatl can never be certain due to the secretive nature of the Creeperian government. It is likely that a section on the experiments conducted exists on the declassified document but it has been redacted if it is. Speculations have been made on the type of experiments that occurred from 1980 to 2000. It his highly likely the project experimented with the usage of chemicals, electroshock therapy, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, forced drug administration, as well as other forms of torture. The total amount of fatalities that occurred during Project Atlácatl can never be certain due to the secretive nature of the Creeperian government. It is likely that a section on the fatalities exists on the declassified document but it has been redacted if it is.

Detention camps

The Creeperian government operates eight locations across the country as detention camps for gang members and political prisoners. Unlike regular prisons, the inmates are subject to torture and forced labor. Four are jointly operated my military and civilian administration, three are solely operated by the military, and one is solely operated by civilians.

List of Detention Camps.png
Camp Operator Location Opened Inmates Count
Maximum Correctional Facility
Military–Civilian Near Hidalgeso, San Pablo 1955 Gang members and political prisoners ~19,222
Military Internment Camp
Military Near Honecker, Senvar 1977 Political prisoners ~21,183
Maximum Correctional Facility
Military–Civilian Near La'Alta, Santa Ana 1948 Gang members and political prisoners ~20,282
Military Internment Camp
Military Near Ninguaque, San Romero 1933 Political prisoners ~22,446
Military Internment Camp
Military Near Ningüino, Santa Ana 1951 Political prisoners ~25,282
San Luís
Psychiatric Hospital
Civilian Near San Salpeque, San Luís 1947 Gang members ~15,493
Santo Domingo
Maximum Correctional Facility
Military–Civilian Near Santo Domingo, Helam 1950 Gang members and political prisoners ~19,383
Tuxtla Martínez-Panachor
Maximum Correctional Facility
Military–Civilian Near Tuxtla Martínez and
Panachor, Zapatista
1936 Gang members and political prisoners ~31,104

Capital punishment

Capital punsihment is a legal penalty in Creeperopolis for certain capital crimes. Around 800–1,000 executions occur in Creeperopolis every year on average for crimes ranging from murder to sorcery to apostasy to pedophilia. Creeperopolis executes the most people compared to any other country on Terraconserva.

Capital crimes

Methods of capital punishment

Hanged partisans, 1951.

Departmental inequality

Conditions of northern and eastern Creeperopolis

Conditions of southern and western Creeperopolis

Discrimination against ethnic and racial minorities

Anti-Malgan sentiment

Template:Anti-Malgan sentiment

Creeperopolis does not officially enforce anti-Malgan laws and policies, but there is a heavy anti-Malgan sentiment and stigma in the government and among the general populaiton. Prior to 2019, very little anti-Malgan sentiment existed in the country, with the only traces of such being among government officials and businessmen who opposed Malgax to gain more support of Quebecshire. In 2019, however, the Permanent Mission of Malgax to the Terraconserva Council of Nations proposed Terraconserva Council of Nations Resolution 002 which would condemn the Creeperian government and implement sanctions against the country.[1] The resolution was vetoed by Quebecshire, but the Creeperian government heavily opposed Malgax for introducing the resolution in the first place. Anti-Malgan propaganda was spread across the country resulting in a significant majority of the country having anti-Malgan positions.

Results of 2019 poll.
Views on Malgax by country
Sorted by Pos–Neg
Country polled Positive Negative Pos–Neg
World average

The use of the racial slur "Malger" significantly grew in usage following the failure of the resolution. During the first debate of the November 2020 Salvadoran presidential election between Orlando Pareja Palau and Santiago Morales Cabrera, the world "Malger" was said a total of 69 times while "Squg," another racial slur which attacked Sequoyans, was said around 40 times.[25] The use of such racial slurs was opposed by international groups, including the Liberal Union of Gagium stating the "overt racism" of the debate and stated that it would continue to fight racism "abroad and at home."

Anti-Malgan sentiment has also manifested on online Creeperian websites or where Creeperans are present on websites. For example, Creeperian users on Shichan, an anonymous Quebecshirite imageboard website, commonly use Malgan racial slurs in their posts. On Leerlo, particularly the subleerlo l/SecoyaChiste, Malgan racial slurs are used in almost every post. The downvote button of the subleerlo is also the Emblem of Malgax.

Anti-Terranilian sentiment

Ethnic violence against Deltinians

Ethnic violence and tensions between Creeperans and Deltinians have been present since the Deltinians invaded and conquered the Old Kingdom of Creeperopolis in 745AD. Several wars between Deltinians and Creeperans have occurred since then collectively known as the Creeperian-Deltinian Wars. The first war waged by Creeperans against the Deltinians since the Deltinian-Creeperian War of 745AD was Pelayo's War which lasted four years from 845AD to 849AD where Fydl I (known as Fidel I in Creeperian Spanish), the Emir of Rabadsun, the state established by the Deltinians following the invasion, assisted Pelayo Martínez de Córdoba in combatting the Deltinians to be allowed to live in Rabadsun. A riot erupted in the city of Rabadsun in 845AD which sparked the war when Deltinians moved to suppress the riot. The war ended in a Creeperian/Rabadsuni victory and Martínez de Córdoba was given the title of Count of Extremadura, beginning the rivalry for power and influence between the House of Martínez and the Caliphate of Deltino.

A depiction of the 1620 Abdan race riot.

In the general election of 1620, Liberal Fidel Moreno Dávalos was reelected as Prime Minister of Creeperopolis, who became Prime Minister following the death of Orlando González Leoz in 1618. During the election, Badri al-Morad became the first ethnic Deltinian member of Parliament. His election outraged many Creeperans who held anti-Deltinian views. When he was sworn in as a member of Parliament on 8 March 1620, a riot began in his home district of San Pablo, Abdan. He returned to the city in April 1620 and attempted to pacify the riot, but the angry mob attacked him and lynched him in the city's town square. His body was paraded around the city and mass killings of Deltinians occurred.

Moreno Dávalos denounced the violence and murder of the member of Parliament and sent in the Army to crush the riot. The Army arrived in June 1620 and crushed the riot by force. The government reported 121 rioters dead and 20 soldiers dead, with 519 more rioters being arrested. The city remained under military occupation until 1622. Each of the 519 rioters arrested were put on trial for the death of al-Morad and inciting massacres against Deltinians in the city, of which 1,418 were killed from March to June 1620. Of the 519, 67 were sentenced to death, 211 were sentenced to life imprisonment, 144 were sentenced to varying non-life prison sentences, 96 were acquitted, and 1 was left with no decision as he died before a verdict was given. Of the 67 sentenced to death, 58 were executed on 1 January 1623, 1 died in captivity before execution, and the remaining 8 had their sentences commuted to life imprisonment. The riot and mass killing of Deltinians was the worst since the end of the persecution of 1326 to 1600.

Ethnic violence against Senvarians

Intolerance of Sequoyans

Claims of past and ongoing ethnic cleansing

Discrimination against religious minorities

Attacks against Atheists

Anti-Atheism (Antiateísmo) is an enforced policy in Creeperopolis. Creeperian Anti-Atheism is an ideology and a political movement against Atheism, as a theory and more specifically as it presented itself during the Second Parliamentary Era and the Creeperian Civil War. Organized Anti-Atheism developed properly during the Creeperian Civil War with rise of the National Council for Peace and Order, nicknamed the Miguelists. Anti-Atheism was one of the core elements of Romerism and the Catholic Imperial Restoration Council, nicknamed the Romerists.

The first organization which was specifically dedicated to opposing Atheism was the Catholic Imperial Restoration Council which fought in the Creeperian Civil War starting in 1933 against the recently established National Council for Peace and Order. The Romerist movement was militarily supported by several allied foreign governments which represented the first instance of Anti-Atheism as a government policy in Creeperopolis. The Romerists defeated the Miguelists and Creeperopolis was stabilized in 1949. Following the civil war, the Creeperian Initiative was established with Anti-Atheism as one of its core ideologies. The Creeperian government continues to impose Anti-Atheist policies. In Creeperopolis, practicing Atheism is punishable by the death penalty.

Attacks against Muslims

Attacks against Protestants

Status of agnostics and the irreligious

Forced conversions

Wars and violence

LGBT rights

Fallen Roses, a memorial in Asr El Ziqara, Greater Sacramento, created in 2001 to respect and remember several LGBT rights activists killed in Creeperopolis by the government. New names are added to the memorial every year.

All homosexual and transgender behaviors in Creeperopolis are illegal, making LGBT rights in Creeperopolis the worst in the world. As such, Creeperopolis does not recognize same-sex marriage, domestic partnerships, or civil unions in any capacity. The criminal penalties against homosexuality and cross-dressing are regularly and strictly enforced against all people in Creeperopolis. The Creeperian government also views cross-dressing and being transgender as being prohibited under Catholic jurisprudence, and is therefore illegal. Criminal sanctions for cross-dressing tend to be the same for homosexuality, such as torture, life imprisonment, and capital punishment. The Creeperian government does not permit sex change operations to take place in the empire, and it does not allow people to obtain new legal documents to have their gender changed on their documents. Much like with homosexuality, family members may feel obligated to kill a transgender sibling or relative in order to "save face" or restore the family's honor and esteem within the community. The Creeperian government has pardoned many individuals accused of killing a homosexual or transgender and they are not considered human beings by the government, instead considering LGBT people as "subhumans," effectively making the killing not equivalent to homicide. The Creeperian government asserts that homosexuality is a choice.

Creeperopolis has laws which discriminate and encourage discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Harassment or violence against LGBT people is not addressed in any bias-motivated or hate crime law. Advocacy for LGBT rights is illegal within the empire. The required exit and entry visa paperwork does not ask people about their sexual orientation, as it does their nationality, sex, religion, and marital status. Prior to 2010, homosexuals who had Sacramatian citizenship were protected from death and were merely deported, however, after the passage of A Motion to Cleanse the Fatherland From Sin was passed on 9 February 2010 by the Council of Mayors, all homosexuals, even those with Sacramatian citizenship, were subject to immediate death.[note 9] Several LGBT rights activists have been arrested and killed by the Creeperian government.

There have been multiple instances of violence and murders targeting homosexuals and transsexuals throughout Creeperopolis' history. It was reported that during the Creeperian Civil War, both the Catholic Imperial Restoration Council and the National Council for Peace and Order kidnapped, tortured, and executed over thousands of homosexuals in the White and Red Terrors, respectively. After the civil war, violence against LGBT individuals continued. The Condor Initiative targetted gays under the banner of communism and atheism. After homosexuality was criminalized again after it was decriminalized in the Second Parliamentary Era, hate crimes against LGBT people skyrocketed and the police did and continues to do nothing about it.

Public and private education in Creeperopolis are required to teach basic Catholic values based on the interpretation of the Bible, which includes strong condemnation of homosexuality. In addition, Creeperian Catholicism condemns cross-dressing. The Ministry of Education approved textbooks that reflect the county's Catholic view against homosexual acts by stating that "[h]omosexuality is one of the most disgusting sins and greatest crimes," and that the proper punishment for the intentional act of homosexual intercourse is death. The Creeperian government censors media with punishments of torture, imprisonment, or death for any person possessing, importing, distributing, or producing media without governmental approval. Media content, including advertising, cannot be seen as insulting the royal family or conflicting with Catholic teachings and values.[14][15] Homosexuality and cross-dressing are dealt with in print news through news coverage of criminal matters. No endorsement of LGBT rights is permitted. Radio and TV programs are similarly banned from expressing support for LGBT rights, but homosexuality and cross-dressing can be discussed as long as the negative attitudes and biases are reinforced. A call-in TV show may feature a discussion about the immorality or "illness" of homosexuality. LGBT themes in movies, television, music, and other media are a factor to completely ban a movie, or at least heavily censor it. Customs agents keep a list of films or TV shows that are not allowed to be brought into the country. The government prohibits creating, distributing or accessing online content or webpages that the government deems to be pornographic, especially depiction homosexual acts, or in violation of religious values or public morals or is a threat to public health, safety or order. The Creeperian government has frequently blocked internet users in the country from accessing web pages or other online content that express support for LGBT rights. The restrictions on the internet extent to blogs, social media and video upload webpages.

Intersex rights

Intersex people have no protection from discrimination from the government. The Creeperian government asserts that being intersex is the result of being corrupted in the womb by Baphomet as a result of immoral actions made by the mother during pregnancy. Intersex individuals are highly recommended to seek surgery or other treatments to treat their condition. Individuals who promote rights for intersex people and claim that being intersex is evidence of more than two genders are arrested, tortured, and executed. Discrimination is encouraged by laws against intersex people to motivate them to help return them to "normality."

Women's rights

Status of abortions

Abortion in Creeperopolis is illegal. Abortion had never had any legal standing in Creeperopolis until 1950 when the Creeperian government made all abortions illegal. Punishment for preforming an abortion or receiving an abortion is torture and death, which have been enforced several times since the law came into effect in 1950. In 2016, the Creeperian government recorded 18 executions relating to preforming illegal abortions. Foreigners who have had abortions in the past have been banned from entering the country. The Constitution of Creeperopolis recognizes human life beginning at the moment of conception, effectively equating abortion to murder.

Treatment of children

Accusations of child soldiers in the Young Creeperans

Labor rights

Corporate human rights violations

Use of child labor

Use of forced labor

Government efforts to combat human rights violations

Government complacency with human rights violations

Corruption and lack of transparency in government

Purges and disappearances of political opponents

Death squads and militias

Military human rights violations

National Intelligence Directorate

War crimes and atrocities

State sponsored terrorism

Condor Initiative

Attitudes towards Creeperopolis by human rights organizations, the media, and academia

Terraconserva Council of Nations

See also


  1. The Kingdom of Atlántida initially joined the International Organization of Human Rights in 1605 under the Prime Ministership of José Figueroa Fernández of the Liberal Party. Atlántida's membership ceased when it was annexed to Creeperopolis in 1949.
  2. The Kingdom of Castilliano initially joined the International Organization of Human Rights in 1636 Prime Ministership of Ramón Aguinaldo Fernán of the National Liberal Party. Castilliano withdrew membership in 1823 following the coup d'état staged by Maximiliano Saelices Dávalos of the National Pro-Fatherland Front and the Castillianan Army, but Castilliano rejoined the organization in 1846 under Bernabé Sarmiento Cambeiro and the Party for Democratic Reconciliation. Castilliano's membership ceased when it was annexed to Creeperopolis in 1949.
  3. The Kingdom of Senvar initially joined the International Organization of Human Rights in 1731 under the Prime Ministership of Gustav Merkel of the Senvarian Constitutionalist Party. Senvar's membership ceased when it was annexed to Creeperopolis in 1839.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 Capital Crime enforced by the Constitution.
  5. Atheism in Creeperopolis is defined as outright denial of God's existence. Agnosticism and Irreligiousness are not punishable by the law and are allowed to be practiced, albeit under very heavy restrictions.
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 Method of capital punishment no longer used.
  7. Resolution 010 of the Terraconserva Council of Nations banned the use of fire in executions methods: "[Methods of capital punishment] involving the use of fire or incendiary items[.]" Since its passage on 28 March 2020, the Creeperian government has never outlawed the practice of using fire and it has occasionally continued to burn people alive as a method of capital punishment. Creeperopolis voted against TCN Resolution 010 when it went up for vote.
  8. Only ever used once in 1446 to execute Pánfilo Kassandro Rodríguez for his role in the House of Martínez Massacre.
  9. A Motion to Cleanse the Fatherland From Sin passed with a total vote tally of 6,123 for, 0 against, and 0 abstaining.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Permanent Mission of Malgax to the Terraconserva Council of Nations (29 September 2019). "TCN Resolution 002 – Condemnation of Creeperopolis and the Suggestion of Sanctions". Retrieved 30 January 2021.
  2. Permanent Mission of Morova to the Terraconserva Council of Nations (11 January 2020). "TCN Resolution 004 – Condemnation of Creeperopolis". Retrieved 30 January 2021.
  3. Joint Sponsors of Eminople, Greater Sacramento, New Gandor, and Paleocacher (13 January 2020). "TCN Resolution 006 – A Resolution to Launch an Investigation Into Creeperopolis". Retrieved 30 January 2021.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. Permanent Mission of Creeperopolis to the Terraconserva Council of Nations (28 March 2020). "TCN Resolution 009 – Repeal of TCN Resolution 006 – A Resolution to Launch an Investigation Into Creeperopolis". Retrieved 30 January 2021.
  5. Unknown 2004, p. 5
  6. Unknown 2004, p. 6
  7. Unknown 2004, p. 10
  8. Unknown 2004, p. 7
  9. 9.0 9.1 Unknown 2004, p. 22
  10. Rosales Rosales, Ramón (19 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano – Apostate Tortured, Crucified, and Burned Alive by Villagers in San Miguel". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 3. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  11. Ramos Tzul, José (27 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano – Deltinian Robbers Killed in Chalatenango". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 2. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Franco Rodríguez, Carlos (13 February 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano – 7,000 Coup Conspirators Sentenced to Death for Several Capital Charges". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 1. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Cabañeras Gutiérrez, Augusto; Galdámez Pérez, Cristóbal (2 May 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Creeperian Government Institutes Six New Capital Crimes". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 1. Retrieved 28 January 2021.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Herrador Piñón, Gustavo (2 September 2019). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Morovan Man Arrested on Charges of Blasphemy and Atheism". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 2. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Herrador Piñón, Gustavo (6 September 2019). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Morovan Man Sentenced for Blasphemy and Atheism". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 2. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  16. Cruz Ramírez, Héctor (4 February 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Mara Drug Smuggler Executed in San Pedro". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 3. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  17. Juárez Velázquez, Romero (19 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Atheist Tortured, Crucified, and Burned Alive by Villagers in San Miguel". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 4. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  18. Gómez Ruíz, Enrique (19 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - 10 Atheists Executed in Atlántida". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 5. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  19. Gutiérrez Dávalos, Eduardo (19 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Villagers Crucify and Burn an Alleged Family of Atheists". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 4. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  20. Rosales Rosales, Ramón (27 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Atheists Killed Across San Miguel". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 1. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  21. Zapata Encarnación, Gerardo (3 February 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - Atheist Crucified and Burned in Front of Morovan Journalists". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 3. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  22. Zapata Encarnación, Gerardo (17 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - 5 Mara Members Hanged for Sex Trafficking". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 1. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  23. Rosales Rosales, Ramón (15 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - 70 DLA Fighters Executed, Supposed Connection to Car Bombing in Ciudad Rey Alfonso I". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 1. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  24. Jiménez Carpio, Alexander (17 January 2020). "Gaceta Creeperiano - 62 DLA Fighters Executed, Supposed Connection to Train Station Bombing in Puerto Francisco". Gaceta Creeperiano. Gaceta Creeperiano. p. 3. Retrieved 11 March 2020.
  25. Donnet, Florent (12 October 2020). "The Salvadoran Election and its Consequences for Quebecshire and Terraconserva" (in Quebecshirite). Quebecshire City: Quebecshirite Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 9 February 2021.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)


Further reading

External links