Racism in Terraconserva

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Racism in Terraconserva involves the belief that a particular racial or ethnic group is superior to another or all others. This can include laws, practices, and actions which discriminate against particular groups. Racism varies by country, with some being considered more racist than others.

Types of racism

Common racial slurs

Slur Represents Reasons & origin
Bleugh Illyrian blanças Racial slur used against light-skinned Illyrians
Creep Creeperans Originally an abbreviation of Creeperian common to Rakeo, the term became a combined socioeconomic/racist slur.
Creeperianx Creeperans Considered to be a racial slur by the Imperial Academy of the Creeperian Language
Gringo Non-Creeperans
Mara Creeperans Creeperopolis has a serious problem with criminal gangs called "maras."
Moro Morovans Creeperian
Palggie Paleocacherians
Queeb Quebecshirites
Skug/Squg Sequoyans
Ugindian Unicanians Racial Slur against Unicanians.

See also