Imperial Credit Rating

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The Imperial Credit Rating (Creeperian: Ծալիֆիծածիօն Ծրեդիտիծիա Իմպերիալ / Calificación Crediticia Imperial; abbreviated CCI) is a credit rating and blacklist system which has been used by the governments of Creeperopolis and the State of the Church since 1961. The system has been described as a "punishment and reward system", which punishes or rewards individuals for performing certain actions.

The system was established by the Law of Promoting National Unity and Eliminating Treason, passed by the Cortes Generales on 4 November 1961, as an effort to restrict and punish individuals who spoke negatively of the ongoing Rubicon War and reward those who supported the war. The system is designed to give or remove "points" from an individual, where the baseline rating is 1,000. Political analysts have stated that it is considerably more difficult to gain points than lose points, as there are more ways to lose points and the amount of points lost are greater than those that can be gained.

The system has been compared to the Salisfordian Social Credit System (SCS), but is considered to be stricter, especially as reaching a rating of 0 results in the individual being imprisoned for five years. Additionally, a rating of –500 results in an individual being charged with waging war on the Empire and being sentenced to death.



On 13 October 1961, the western Creeperian viceroyalty of San Pablo was invaded by the Royal Salisfordian Armed Forces (FARS) under the order of First Minister Sandro Neri, who claimed territory within the viceroyalty as "integral Salisfordian land" citing a secret commitment made by Caudillo Adolfo Cabañeras Moreno to Salisford in 1936. The succeeding war, known as the Rubicon War, became the largest conflict involving Creeperopolis since the Creeperian Civil War in 1949. By November 1961, the Salisfordians had made significant gains into San Pablo, capturing cities such as Rubicón and Guiraiso.

Some Castillianan activists and politicians advocated in support of Salisford, seeing them as an ally who could help the Castillianan people achieve independence from Creeperopolis, which was annexed into Creeperopolis in 1949. This position of Castillianan collaboration with Salisford was advocated for by Castillianan political leaders such as Guilhém Garçon e Justament and Hernér Sandóli e Sandóli.

Although the Creeperian government already had a military operation to forcibly suppress freedom of speech, known as Operation Genesis 19:24–25, the war convinced the Creeperian government to also create a more subtle system to suppress freedom of speech, where certain actions reward of punish individuals. On 4 November 1961, the Cortes Generales voted on and passed the Law of Promoting National Unity and Eliminating Treason, which outlined a credit system and blacklist to suppress freedom of speech. It would reward individuals who preformed actions which supported the government or positively affected society, and would punish individuals who performed actions which opposed the government or negatively affected society.


The system which was implemented was named the Imperial Credit Rating and automatically assigned every Creeperian citizen with a rating of 1,000. Each province was instructed by the Cortes Generales to register every citizen for the system by having each citizen individually sign a document acknowledging their membership in the system. If a citizen failed to register by 1 January 1962, they would have 200 points detracted from their rating, and their rating would continue to decrease by 200 every month they were not registered.

After a resident was registered, the province was tasked with recording the individuals rating by adding and subtracting points in accordance with an official document listing every possible action. The document was renewed every month with new actions being added every update. To keep track of every citizen's rating, most provinces created a committee to maintain the Imperial Credit Rating and offered financial rewards and an increased rating to individuals for reporting acts which would affect one's rating.


The Imperial Credit Rating is divided into fourteen different ranks which are each attributed various benefits or consequences.

Rank Rating Benefits/consequences
A+++ Above 1,326 Exemption from the National University Acceptance Exam, priority in education and healthcare, presented as a model citizen, government financial support, free admission to sporting events
A++ 1,231 to 1,325 Exemption from the National University Acceptance Exam, priority in education and healthcare
A+ 1,100 to 1,230 Priority in education and healthcare
A 950 to 1,099
B+ 900 to 949 Previously revoked and suspended privileges restored
B 850 to 899 Locked into B rank for six months, mandatory guidance sessions with a government approved advisor
C+ 800 to 849 Locked into C+ rank for one year, weekly government inspections and wellness checks, mandatory guidance sessions with a government approved advisor, suspension of current degrees for one year
C 700 to 799 Locked into C rank for two years, weekly government inspections and wellness checks, mandatory reeducation sessions with a government approved advisor, disqualification from higher education for five years, suspension of current degrees for five years, fines
C– 500 to 699 Locked into C– rank for three years, bi-weekly government inspections and wellness checks, mandatory reeducation sessions with a government approved advisor, disqualification from higher education for ten years, cancellation of current loans, suspension of current degrees for ten years, suspension of driver's license and passport for five years, fines, mandatory community service, personal information published on national blacklist registry
D 300 to 499 Locked into D rank for five years, tri-weekly government inspections and wellness checks, mandatory reeducation sessions with a government approved advisor, disqualification from higher education permanently, disqualification from receiving loans for ten years, permanent suspension of driver's license and passports, revoking of current degrees, fines, mandatory community service, personal information published on national blacklist registry
E 1 to 299 Locked into E rank for ten years, daily government inspections and wellness checks, mandatory reeducation sessions with a government approved advisor, disqualification from higher education permanently, permanent disqualification from receiving loans, revoking of current degrees, fines, mandatory community service, personal information published on national blacklist registry
F –249 to 0 Imprisonment for five years, all consequences from E rank
F– –499 to –250 Imprisonment for ten years, all consequences from E rank
M Below –500 Sentenced to death, all consequences from E rank

List of actions

The following is a list of actions which can increase or decrease one's credit rating.


More than +50 rating
  • Donate an organ
  • Have five or more children
  • Prevent a terrorist attack
  • Receive an imperial order
+20 to +50 rating
  • Donate money to a charity
  • Donate money to the government
  • Have a child receive an imperial order
  • Have four children
  • Provide evidence in a criminal investigation
  • Receive a military medal
  • Receive a national academic award
+10 to +19 rating
  • Become a government official
  • Enter the armed forces
  • Enter university
  • Have a child receive a military medal
  • Have a child receive a national academic award
  • Have three children
  • Receive an international award
  • Report misconduct to the local Imperial Credit Rating committee
+4 to +9 rating
  • Have a child enter the armed forces
  • Have a child enter university
  • Have two children
  • Help a government official
  • Help a province's campaign
  • Promote Romerism
  • Return lost money
+1 to +3 rating
  • Be promoted by employer
  • Have one child
  • Increase one rank
  • Join the Creeperian Initiative
  • Promote the government
  • Resolve a major dispute


–3 to –1 rating
  • Cause a disruption
  • Decrease one rank
  • Leave the country for more than one year without a government mandate
  • Receive a parking ticket
  • Receive a traffic citation
  • Say anti-Creeperian racial slurs
–9 to –4 rating
  • Be suspended by employer
  • Become a citizen of a foreign nation
  • Engage in blackmail
  • Overdraft on credit card
  • Petition the municipality
  • Public intoxication
  • Raise animals in an urban area
  • Unauthorized home renovation
–24 to –10 rating
  • Argue with the Imperial Credit Rating
  • Be terminated by employer
  • Failure to repay a loan
  • Falsely report a crime
  • Ignite fireworks/firecrackers
  • Interference with law enforcement
  • Petition the province
–49 to –25 rating
  • Be arrested
  • Commit vandalism
  • Criticize the Imperial Credit Rating
  • Establish an unauthorized news source
  • Failure to report a crime
  • Petition the viceroyalty
  • Visit an enemy country
–99 to –50 rating
  • Criticize the government
  • Deface Creeperian currency
  • Disseminate false information
  • Failure to attend mandatory advisory
  • Failure to attend primary education
  • Illegally hold classes
  • Incite anti-patriotic activity
  • Petition the Cortes Generales
  • Transmit negative information
–199 to –100 rating
  • Destroy a Bible
  • Destroy a national flag
  • Exploit Imperial Credit Rating loophole
  • Fraud
  • Failure to allow government inspections
  • Failure to attend mandatory reeducation
  • Failure to attend secondary education
  • Petition the monarchy
  • Possess illegal narcotics
  • Tax evasion
  • Tax fraud
–1,000 to –200 rating
  • Accuse the Church of crimes
  • Accuse the government of crimes
  • Accuse the military of crimes
  • Be an Atheist or a Muslim
  • Be imprisoned
  • Commit a robbery
  • Criticize Romerism
  • Destroy evidence in a criminal investigation
  • Engage in blasphemy
  • Engage in slavery
  • Engage in witchcraft/sorcery
  • Establish an opposition political party
  • Failure to register for the Imperial Credit Rating
  • Harm the environment
  • Mal'l Rey
  • Question government programs
  • Support communism
  • Support democracy
  • Support liberalism
  • Support Miguelism
  • Support National Progressivism
  • Support Nerism
  • Support socialism
  • Traffick illegal narcotics
Less than –1,000 rating
  • Be convicted of a capital crime
  • Commit murder
  • Commit an act of terrorism
  • Desert from the armed forces
  • Engage in anti-government espionage
  • Perform an abortion
  • Question, deny, or support the De-Catholization
  • Receive an abortion
  • Support enemies of the Fatherland
  • Treason/sedition
  • Wage war on God
  • Wage war on the Empire


The Imperial Credit Rating system has been criticized as being an effort by the government to deliberately suppress freedom of speech in Creeperopolis by punishing those who seek to speak out against or criticize the government and its actions. It has also been accused of promoting suspicion among the Creeperian population that individuals would report others' actions in exchange for rewards. Creeperian exile Orlando Hernández Alvarado described it as a "system which glorifies the suppression of freedom of thought and rewards betrayal in society".

See also