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Creeperianization is a pejorative geopolitical term for the process of fragmentation or division in a nation which commonly leads to war and atrocities. The name emerged after the Creeperian Civil War during which Creeperopolis fell into civil war after divisions over who should be the nation's Emperor leading to large scale atrocities and the deadliest war in history.


The word "Creeperianization" was coined by Georges Loupe, an outspoken critic of the Creeperian government, after the conclusion of the Creeperian Civil War. Initially "Creeperianisation" in Quebecshirite, the word has been translated to into most languauges. The word in Creeperian Spanish is "Creeperianización."

The word is derived from the name of the country the term is based off of, Creeperopolis (Creeperian), and the suffix -ization meaning "in the act, process, or result of doing something, or of making something."

In Creeperopolis

The term Creeperianization has been applied to nearly every war in Creeperian history since nearly ever war was some sort of civil conflict.

The following are examples of civil conflicts in Creeperian history:

The following examples are sometimes argued to be examples of Creeperianization in Creeperian history:

The use of the term is strongly opposed in Creeperopolis. Terms such as Loyoanización or simply desestabilización are commonly used in place of Creeperianization.

In Lyoa

The term Creeperianization has been applied to the nation of Lyoa. Lyoa has faced internal conflict many times in its history since becoming a republic.

Lyoan wars which have been called examples of Creeperianization include:

On April 2, 2020, voted against the admittance request of The Morovan Strip to the Terraconserva Council of Nations:

"The delegation of the Republic of Lyoa will be voting against this request. There is no need for the further creeperianization of Morova. What is needed now is a unity government that can replace the failed communist regime, not more separatist entities declaring themselves around the island. By allowing The Morovan Strip into the TCN, we are supporting further Creeperianization of Morova and legitimizing this practice, practically allowing for Morova to fall further into conflict with itself."

— Lyoan delegation to the TCN[1]

Fridolin Ambongo, the Catholic Archbishop of Tygera, made a statement regarding the the ongoing Second Lyoan Civil War on May 1, 2020. In it, he mentioned the "Terranilian [C]reeperianization of [Lyoa]". He stated that Terranihil was attempting to Creeperianize the country by displacing Lyoans with a proxy rebel group, and eventually move Terranilians into the country, who would establish a Terranilian client state.

"It is obvious what they intend to do. By supporting Samuel Inikota's rebellions, they are trying to [C]reeperianize our country and move in their own people to areas fled by civilians. We must be vigilant in ensuring the [C]reeperianization of Lyoa does not occur."

— Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Tygera[2]

In Sequoyah

Sequoyan Professors have often called the Sequoyan Frontier Wars an example of Creeperianization.

In Terranihil

Politicians have often called the conflict known as The Troubles to be an example of Creeperianization.[citation needed]

See Also


  1. "Lyoan rejection of the admission of The Morovan Strip to the TCN". 2 April 2020.
  2. "Archbishop of Tygera Denounces Terranilian Creeperianization of the Country". 1 May 2020.