List of countries by GDP (nominal)

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The following is a list of GDP's (nominal) of each nation.

Rank Country GDP
(Quebecshirite Credit)
(Local Currency)
Local Currency:Credit
  World 83,519,518,336,412 - -
1  Quebecshire 14,700,000,000,000 14,700,000,000,000 credits 1:1
2  Creeperopolis 11,800,000,000,000 94,400,000,000,000 colóns 8:1
3  Paleocacher 7,340,000,000,000 6,120,000,000 selkies 1.2:1
4  Jackson 4,760,000,000,000 9,530,000,000,000 dollars 2:1
5  Baltanla 3,800,000,000,000 8,200,000,000,000 dongs 1.65:1
6  Salisford 3,571,000,000,000 5,427,920,000,000 lira 1.52:1
7  Gjorka 3,207,809,417,795 10,264,990,136,944 pón 3.2:1
8  Kivu 2,572,500,000,000 6,431,250,000,000 thalers 2.5:1
9  Monsilva 2,474,000,000,000 14,920,630,000,000 yuan 6.03:1
10  Montesayette 1,720,000,000,000 10,543,600,000,000 pounds 6.13:1
11  Karimun 1,666,500,000,000 1,666,500,000,000,000 petas 1,000:1
12  Rakhman 1,613,000,000,000 4,032,500,000,000 Tenge 2.5:1
13  Tumland 1,397,962,476,098 2,795,924,952,206 gregoris 2:1
14  Terranihil 1,390,000,000,000 87,950,000,000,000 redens 63.2:1
15  Hapatmitas 1,368,936,587,200 3,969,916,102,880 piobans 2.9:1
16  Ajakanistan 1,362,473,900,000 32,680,585,084,91 rubles
17  Tirol 1,320,422,791,061 3,776,805,309,274 schillings 2.8603:1
18  Rawa Principality 1,309,841,941,912 2,947,144,369,302 Złoty 2.25:1
19  Saratov 1,274,414,365,798 3,817,242,984,624 Tenge 3:1
20  Entropan 1,223,149,987,080 1,590,094,983,100 felcoes 1.3:1
21  Sconia 1,013,402,243,428 5,279,825,688,259 dinars 5.21:1
22  Akhmola 957,954,648,735 4,167,102,721,997 Tenge 4.35:1
23  New Illyricum 945,000,000,000 1,606,500,000,000 Denareos 1.7:1
24  Adentia 943,500,000,000 1,302,030,000,000 Pounds 1.38:1
25  Abersiania 933,393,456,000 875,316,224,504.15 Pounds 1.07:1
26  Pavulturilor 820,000,000,000 2,870,000,000,000 shekels 3.5:1
27  Akvarelusus 748,800,000,000 2,964,444,481,395 Kazé 3.96:1
28  Majocco 705,000,000,000 1,325,000,000,000 dirhams 1.88:1
29  Araucarlia 642,900,000,000 1,285,800,000,000 pila 2:1
30  Kersevonia 601,700,000,000 1,203,400,000,000 Mora 2:1
31  Tranquillia 375,000,000,000 495,000,000,000 Routan 1.32:1
32  Girisko 365,000,000,000 2,201,000,000,000 yuan 6.03:1
33  Rakeo 300,000,000,000 34,000,000,000,000 ralgi 113:1
34  Eleutherios 259,798,475,000 454,647,331,250 drachma 1.75:1
35  Daesdain 250,000,000,000 2,925,000,000,000 arians 13:1
36  Reykanes 217,714,518,202 2,292,533,876,667 krabbi 10.53:1
37  Syntsi 213,991,837,028 353,086,531,096 atyn 1.65:1
38  Avengis 139,931,000,000 2,320,811,047,676 deethba 16.585396:1
39 FlagOfEnjola.png Enjola 113,000,000,000 11,300,000,000,000 kruso 100:1
40  Uulgadzar 82,206,743,452 594,354,755,158 tögrög 7.23:1
41  Lurjize 48,390,000,000 1,654,938,000,000 viri 34.2:1
42  Byasa 23,770,000,000 11,735,962,000,000 dngul 493.73:1
43  Zahle 22,306,630,050 29,221,685,365,500 Dinar 1310:1
44  Kernev 19,450,000,000 23,534,500,000 toknys 1.21:1
45  El Salvador 13,000,000,000 104,000,000,000 colóns 8:1
46  Kwazulu-Ciskei 8,038,210,804 14,653,658,295,692 Izinkomo 1,832:1
47  State of the Church 4,000,000,000 32,000,000,000 colóns 8:1

GDP Spread among the world

  Quebecshire (18.2%)
  Creeperopolis (14.6%)
  New Gandor (9.4%)
  Paleocacher (9.1%)
  Jackson (6.3%)
  Baltanla (6.2%)
  Gjorka (4.6%)
  Salisford (4.4%)
  Montcrabe (3.9%)
  Kivu (3.2%)
  Other (20.1%)

See Also