List of designated terrorist organizations

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Several national governments have created lists of organisations they officially designate as terrorist. The following list of designated terrorist groups lists groups designated as terrorist by current and former national governments. Such designations have often had a significant effect on the activities of the groups.

This listing does not include unaffiliated individuals accused of terrorism, which is considered lone-wolf terrorism. This list also excludes groups which are widely considered terrorist, but not officially designated as such by any national governments.

Organisations designated as terrorist

Below is the list of organisations currently listed as terrorist, with the national governments which designate them as such.

Organization Designators
Alhaz Freedom Fighters Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakeo, Rakhman, Sequoyah, Terranihil
FALANGE.png Anti-Deltinian Armed Forces of Liberation - War of Elimination Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Quebecshire
Atlántidan Defense Militia.png Atlántidan Defense Militia Creeperopolis, Girisko, Paleocacher, Rakhman, Terranihil
Creeperian Catholic Protection Army.png Creeperian Catholic Protection Army Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Rakhman, Terranihil
EnjolanSeparatists.png Enjolan Separatist Front Enjola, Girisko
Abbasid banner.svg Emirate of Deltino Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakhman, Sequoyah
Free christian army 1.png Free Christian Army Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakeo, Terranihil
Republic of ferunia.png Free Ferunian Army Entropan, Enjola, Girisko, Majocco, New Illyricum, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Unicania
KhoyrSoc.png Front for the Liberation of Khoroshiya Gjorka
Mara Salvatrucha Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakeo, Rakhman, Sequoyah
FRENAMI.png Militarist Nationalist Front Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Rakeo, Rakhman, Terranihil
MLN Logo.svg Movement of Organized Nationalist Action Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco, New Gandor, Paleocacher, Rakhman, Terranihil
Saratovan Worker's Front Saratov, Girisko
AUC.png United Self-Defense Forces of Creeperopolis Creeperopolis, Girisko
ValkistFront.png Valkist Front Entropan, Girisko, Gjorka, Majocco
Vigilant Atheists Creeperopolis, Entropan, Groffenord, Girisko, Gjorka, Quebecshire, Rakhman, Sequoyah, Unicania
Escudo-Individualistas Tendiendo a lo Salvaje.png Year Zero Committee Entropan, Girisko, Majocco

Organisations formerly designated as terrorist

Below is the list of organisations that were officially designated as terrorist in the past, but have since dissolved.

Organization Date of operation Designators
Flag of the Senvarian Liberation Front.png Senvarian Liberation Front 1934-2020 Creeperopolis, Groffenord, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakeo
Flag of Senvar.jpeg Kingdom of Senvar 1934-2020 Creeperopolis, Groffenord, Paleocacher, Quebecshire, Rakeo
KhorFas2.png Vovk Battalion 1955-1983 Entropan, Gjorka

Process of designation


Since 1999, the Entropanian Government maintains a list of terrorist organisations under the Terrorism Act 1999. Listing, de-listing, and re-listing organisations follows a protocol involving the Department of Justice and Policing, and citizen-initiated national referendum can edit the list as of the 2020 Constitution, although this has never happened. A review is conducted every 5 years by the Department of Justice and Policing, to find whether listed entities' activities still meet the definition of terrorism under the Terrorism Act 1999.


From 1997, the Bureau of Security and the Majoccan Investigation Forces created a comprehensive list of terrorist organisations in conjunction with the Quebecshirite Liste des Organisations Terroristes following the passing of the National Security Act 1997. Following amendments to 2016 constitution and the National Security Act, citizens can initiate a referendum to modify the list and its proponents. Every 5 years, a review by the Majoccan Investigation Forces is conducted to amend the list to reflect the process of designation and definition of terrorist organisations under the Act.

See Also