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Federation of Gjorka

Cónaidhm Gjorka
Coat of Arms of Gjorka
Coat of Arms
Motto: "Le fírinne déanaimid iarracht, le bród"
Jackian: "In truth we seek, in pride we take"
Anthem: The Patriotic Song
"An Amhrán Tírghrá"

GjorkaWorld.png GjorkanMap.png Location of Gjorka in the World
CapitalGjorka City
Largest cityNomakoa
Official languages
Ethnic groups
GovernmentFederal Presidential Constitutional Republic
• President
Carter Morris (GA)
John Burreaux (GA)
LegislatureNational Assembly
• Total
910,789 sq mi (2,358,930 km2)
• 2020 estimate
• 2015 census
GDP (nominal)2020 estimate
• Total
$ 1.1 Trillion
• Per capita
$ 53,016
HDIIncrease 0.850
very high
Time zoneGST
Driving sideright
Calling code+237
Internet TLD.gj

Gjorka, officially the Federation of Gjorka (Gjorkan: Cónaidhm Gjorka), is a country in Ostlandet. Gjorka borders the Almanople Sea to the East, and borders Ajakanistan, Zloveshchiy, and New Gandor. Gjorka spans a combined area of 910,789 sq mi and a total population of 70.2 Million (as of September 2020). Gjorka is a Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic with its capital in Gjorka City, the country's second-largest city behind Nomakoa. Other major urban areas include Baltimore, Éire, and Rusynia.


The name "Gjorka" derives from the Old Gjorkan words of 'Gior' and 'Jor'. The two words come from medieval kingdoms of Gior, and Jor. The two kingdoms united in 640 A.D creating the Kingdom of Gahorca (commonly referred to as the First Kingdom of Gjorka). The name slowly changed over time with the arrival of Old Eusazy, and eventual evolution into the modern spelling in Gjorkan of Gjorka.


Early History

Tapestry of King Ryan
A tapestry showing King Wittlekind conquering the last holdout of Inner Kingdom forces

Gjorka history dates back to 500 B.C when the Kingdom of Gior was founded. This newly created kingdom began invading and conquering its nearby neighbors. The neighboring towns and villages began forming into defensive pacts, and confederating, which caused their neighbors to form into defensive pacts, and unite. This chain of events leads to the establishment of the Seven Kingdoms. These kingdoms were: the Kingdom of Gior, the Kingdom of Jor, the Éire Confederacy, the Nom Commune, the Dundalk Kingdom, the Kingdom of Baltimore, and the Inner Kingdom. The Seven Kingdoms existed in a near-constant state of war, and entire towns such as Dundalk were wiped off the map. This fighting was so brutal that the population was getting too low to raise soldiers. This constant state of war from the three kingdoms weakened them all severely which allowed for the neighboring Ayak Kingdom in Ajakanistan to invade and briefly conquering much of Gjorka. However, the invasion was repelled by a united Gjorkan Army led by King Ryan which repelled the invasion all the way back into near the modern day border of Ajakanistan. However, King Ryan was killed in battle, and the united army dispersed. Some Gjorkan historians theorize this period may have been entirely fabricated as one of the only known major sources of this is from the Gjorkan Folktale An Eagle Watcher. Regardless, Gjorka would enter a period of warlordism and anarchy until 400 A.D.

In 400 A.D the Inner Kingdom was refounded and began a conquest of Inner Gjorka. Following the capture of Baltimore, the Inner Kingdom began an invasion of the small towns on the coast. Despite their numerical superiority, they were unable to make any major gains. Resistance to occupation was severe, and many towns banded together in defensive pacts allowing them to defend against the armies of the Inner Kingdom. In 550 A.D, the Decree of 550 was issued. The Inner Kingdom would withdraw from all coastal territories, and in return, the coastal kingdoms would not invade the Inner Kingdom. This period with any major threat allowed the coast kingdoms to unify and stabilize. In 580 A.D, King Josias was crowned in the Kingdom of Gior. He was a military genius who in 10 years managed to unite much of the Northern Coast, and by 595 A.D he had united half of the Gjorkan Coast. However, he was met by the rapidly expanding Kingdom of Jor. The Kingdom of Jor expanded via diplomacy and intermarriage uniting and expanding their kingdom. This allowed them to produce a much larger army than that of Gior. Despite this Josias managed to win several key battles against the Jor, and seemed as if their defeat was inevitable. During the Battle of Éire River, Josias made a bold move by retreating from his left flank and using the additional troops to pacify the center. All of this hinged on his reserves making it to the battle in time to stop the advancing Jor on the left flank. Unfortunately, the reserves never arrived as their commander went off to pillage a local town. With this much of Josias's army was encircled, and death was inevitable. He however managed to escape with 1/4 of his original force and flee back to safety. Thus catastrophic defeat meant Jor numerical superiority was simply too much to overcome. The war lasted another 20 years and ended after Josias died of Cancer in 620 A.D. His son, King Wittlekind, was able to negotiate a treaty with the Kingdom of Jor. The two states unified into the Kingdom of Gjorka. Since the Decree of 550, the Inner Kingdom had been stagnant. Their armies had been reduced drastically, and the economy hadn't been growing for years. The First Unification War was a swift one. In one year, the Inner Kingdom was defeated. For the first time, Gjorka was united.

Middle History

The First Kingdom of Gjorka was met with many troubles when it was first formed. Many of the People of Gjorka didn't have an attachment to one another. Policing the former lands of the Inner Kingdom was incredibly hard, and bandit raids were frequent in the area. The structure of the Kingdom allowed local dukes to raise their own troops, and they would frequently go to war with one another. The subsequent kings of Gjorka were paid massive bribes by these dukes to keep the structure in place. This system of near-constant wars with dukes created a constant state of warfare within the kingdom. The population was reduced by a significant amount, and food supplies began running low as men to farm the fields were used for petty squabbles between kings. In 720 A.D the Nom Commune declared independence from the Gjorkan Kingdom, and soon several more kingdoms followed. The Kingdom was reduced to ruins and by 725 A.D the First Kingdom of Gjorka had fallen. However during the first Kingdom's rule, Gjorka's merchant trade with the outside world exploded. This included with the early kings of Paleocacher whom were a major trading hub. Paleocacher Merchants held high standing in Gjorkan society, and thus many in the Gjorkan Royalty and Merchants learned to speak Old Eusazy. Before this, a variety of dialects of Old Gjorkan was spoken with some having incredibly different linguistic rules. However, after this Eusazy slowly spread from the royalty and merchants to the masses and became the dominant language eventually morphing into modern Gjorkan.

A mural depicting people being buried during the Great Famine of 730

What followed was a period of constant fracturing with small kingdoms rising but collapsing due to instability. Food Reserves remained depleted, and famines were the frequent cause of rebellions. A famine occurred in 730 which descended much of the region into chaos. A period piece near the 850s allowed for food reserves to rise, and agriculture to stabilize in the country. Subsequently, three kingdoms rose, the Inner Kingdom, the Second Kingdom of Gjorka, and the Éire Confederacy. By the 950 A.D, the Second Kingdom of Gjorka had once again secured control of the country. This time the Kingdom was more federalized and had great stability. The Kingdom stood strong for nearly 600 years until 1350 A.D. when a major hurricane struck the city of Gior and destroyed it. The king and most of the royal family were likely killed in the storm, and the government across the country was destroyed. Gjorka once again descended into a period of anarchy. In this time around the 1420s, it is believed survivors from Gior founded a town in what is now modern-day Gjorka City. It was ruled by a rump state claiming to still be the Second Kingdom of Gjorka.

In this rump state, a massive rebellion broke out, and the king was killed. However, one of his knights, Federor Lohkonov, arrived at the capital with the majority of the army and was able to put down the rebellion. With no one else to rule, Federor crowned himself Nicholas IV of Gjorka, and the king of Gjorka. This announcement was met with severe blowback from the various lords he now ruled over and the kingdom once again shrank. In an attempt to secure his legitimacy he founded Gjorka City. Over the next several hundred years his successors began the slow process of reclaiming Gjorka, and by 1601 the city of Nomakoa was captured by the kingdom and where historians agree is the start of the Third Kingdom of Gjorka.

Siege of Nomakoa by Monarchist Forces during the First Gjorkan Civil War

The Third Kingdom of Gjorka entered the 1700s in a prosperous state, and for the most part, the kingdom was stable. Gjorkan merchant trips traveled around the world selling goods and the like. This created a wealthy merchant in the main port cities of Nomakoa and Gjorka City. However, the residence of the king had been moved into the countryside to Bloemfontein. This created a disconnect between the rich merchant classes and the ruling aristocracy. Many in the aristocracy resented the merchants as few were of noble lineage. However, the merchants operated under relative autonomy as the King and his court were worried about other matters. However, in 1769, a great flood destroyed much of Bloemfontein. The Royal Palace was destroyed in its entirety. The King, Quintin III escaped to the safety of his capital, Gjorka City. In order to rebuild his grand palace, he increased taxes heavily on the merchant class. Yet, this tax was barely enforced as the Merchants were entrenched so deeply in the Government of the city. Most tax collectors accepted generous bribes from the Merchants rather than collect the taxes. This enraged the king who raised the Royal Army and attempted to take control over the city. The merchant class repelled the attempt, and the King was forced to flee. The Merchants proclaimed the Proclamation of the Free in response. The proclamation accused the king of putting his interests over that of the country. and for committing treason against the kingdom. They declared his rule no longer legitimate and decreed a new government be installed in his place. Both sides rallied forces to their cause and thus began the First Gjorkan Civil War. The war lasted for 5 years and resulted in 140,000 thousand in total between both sides. Over 100,000 died due to disease. However, the Merchant forces emerged victorious and declared the First Gjorkan Republic with its capital in Nomakoa.

Late History

The new republic created a dual government. On one side was the Legislature who were elected by the people (mostly the wealthy merchants). The legislature then elected a presider who, presided over the legislature and acted as the head of state. The second part of the government was the Judicial System, which lead all the way up to the High Court of Gjorka. This court was composed of 5 judges who acted as the counterbalance to the often radical legislature. Each Judge was appointed by the Governor of the Province they represented. However, every Judge appointed in the court's history was a wealthy merchant. This new merchant dominated republic was extremely unstable and the flaws in it were quick to point themselves out. As more and more commoners were elected to the Legislature, the merchant class grew wearier of them. They began demanding things such as access to the High Court, and reduced taxes which were unfairly burdened on them. In the Election of 1835 a commoner party secured a plurality of seats for the first time. The merchant parties in fear of allowing a commoner to secure the Presidership banded together and elected a joint candidate to be presider. This caused the multi party system to fade as the National Party, which was pro-merchant, and the Gjorkan Party, which was a commoner party, were the only parties with a shot of contending for the presidership. In the heavily contested Election of 1850 the Gjorkan Party was able to secure the majority by one seat. As a commoner was elected to be the Presider for the first time there was much doubt in the nation. The High Court of Gjorka had been mostly hands off in government affairs due to a friendly legislature, but with the success of the Gjorkan Party they began to take action. Acting quickly the High Court found the Gjorkan Party to be a treasonous organization, and promptly ordered the arrest of all know members. Next they dismissed the entire legislature on the grounds they had treasonous members within their ranks, and suspended the next election indefinitely. Finally the ordered the capitol to the be locked down, and no news allowed out of it. This prevented escape of many Gjorkan Party officials, and bought time for the military toe establish control in the rest of the country. In three swings of the gavel, Gjorka was ruled by a dictatorship of the High Court.

Bodies of Blue Revolutionaries after having been executed by Loyalist forces

This oligarchy remained intact for 60 years until the First Blue Revolution. The Blue Revolution was a series of protests against the court witch eventually erupted into full scale fighting in the streets. The protesters, who often wore a blue flag to symbolize democracy, were able to secure control of Gjorka City. This revolution eventually erupted into the Second Gjorkan Civil War between the Blue Revolutionaries and Government Forces. The war lasted 8 years and was devastating to Gjorka with much of the young male population wiped out. The Blue Revolutionaries emerged victorious, but under very different leadership. Many of the army commanders in the war rose to political positions. These commanders set up a Military Dictatorship after the war as the of the Second Gjorkan Republic. The First President was Éamon de Valera who ruled for twenty years until his assassination in 1932. He was succeeded by his wife, Ciara de Valera, who was Second President and ruled until she removed from power in 1949. Following the tenures of Eli Mannion and Caelan MacRory, the Dictatorship lacked a clear successor to MacRory after death in 1971. His cabinet members attempted to negotiate succession, however they were outmaneuvered by a young military commander named Austin Tannerburg. Using his small military force he was able to secure the capitol. He was then promptly declared the next President. However, he failed to secure the support of much of the military and many generals opposed his sudden rise to President. Mobilizations began, and many feared the country was on the brink of a third civil war. With few allies, Tannerburg was forced to ally himself with underground democracy movements to counter the strength of the military. Making a public address, he said he would restore democracy to Gjorka. Crowds flooded the streets in joy, and celebrations were held around the nation. Facing mass desertions the several factions against Tannerburg disbanded. This event would come to be known as the Second Blue Revolution A year later on November 11th 1972, exactly 53 years after the end of the Second Gjorkan Civil War, the Third Gjorkan Republic was declared, and a democratic constitution was ratified.

Modern History

Celebrations in Victory of Gjorka Plaza following the announcement of the Federation of Gjorka

The first president elected was Samuel MacMorrow who helped establish the power of the Presidency and created the dynamic between the National Assembly and the President. His administration was instrumental in the survival of the young democracy by setting up the bureaucracy of the Gjorkan government, privatising several companies, and rebuilding Gjorka's infrastructure. He served two terms as president, but decided not to run for a third due to a stroke he suffered near the end of his second term. He was succeeded by Rick Milhous in 1982. The Milhous administration reversed many of MacMorrow's policies, and exploited the weak nature of the constitution. Using the power given to the president by MacMorrow he was able to seize several major companies in Gjorka and replaced their leaders with allies. His administration embezzled millions of public dollars and resulted in a major economic downturn for the republic. Following his narrow re-election in the 1987 Election, he was met with multiple ballot stuffing and election rigging allegations. These allegations did not bear fruit until 1988 when the bombshell report from a Gjorka Times dropped with testimony from numerous sources within the administration detailing various crimes such as embezzling public funds, bribing election officials, and forging of economic reports along with others. An investigation was launched by the National Assembly and after finding proof behind the report's claims a vote of no confidence was held. The vote passed by a narrow margin and on February 2nd, 1989 President Milhous was removed from office. The National Assembly officially named Leslie King to be the interim president for the remainder of Milhous's term. However, the public was outraged at the actions of Milhous and there were protests throughout calling for a new constitution with less presidential powers. Initially, the Assembly was only going to amend the current constitution but after continued public backlash, a constitutional committee was formed. The final draft of the constitution included a much weakened president. a maximum of two presidential terms and required National Assembly approval on most presidential decisions. On May 7th, 1991 the Federation of Gjorka was declared, and a few months later Wilson Aldrich was elected the first President of the Federation.

Aldrich's administration was fraught with conflicts over presidential power. The National Assembly used their new power extensively demanding approval for almost any action the President took. The country was politically a mess, and a record low of legislation was passed. This caused the 1st Amendment to the constitution to be passed. It detailed more in depthly what actions the National Assembly had to give approval for, namely most foreign policy decisions, and controversially gave the President a veto on legislation passed. as well during this time the Gjorkan Economy slowly began to recover from the downturn it faced in the 80s. Aldrich was able to secure re-election in 1996, and with increased power enacted several presidential decrees to improve the economy. Namely one was creating the Business Investigation Committee which investigated the major companies seized by Milhous. Several major embezzlement schemes were unearthed and hundreds of millions of dollars were added back into the Gjorkan economy. This and other measures led to an economic boom in the 90s that allowed Gjorka to emerge as a major global economy. Aldrich also switched his party to the Pro-Gjorkan Initiative which led to them securing a majority in the Assembly. His previous party, Gjorka United lost their majority as a hundred of their members switched allegiances to the PGI including the Majority Leader. This in fighting between PGI and Gjorka United allowed for a new leftist party, Forward Gjorka, to take their place. In the 2001 Gjorkan presidential election, Joe Wallace won a major upset victory. Two years later, Aldrich died of natural causes and with his death PGI began a slow decline into irrelevancy.

Celebration at Joseph Marcos's headquarters following his victory in the 2006 Election

Ben Wallace was faced with several changes as president, as his party was unable to secure a majority in the National Assembly. Initially, PGI formed a coalition with Gjorka United and allowed GU to take the majority leader position. However after the death of President Aldrich and accession of Ronn Berot to party leadership, the newly elected leader moved the party in a more leftward direction. He switched coalition partners, and allowed for Forward Gjorka to take over as majority leader. This decision was extremely controversial, and several members who left GU to join PGI under Aldrich went back to GU. The Wallace Administration was unable to pursue their ambitious goals due to their lack of majority. His administration was fraught with controversy as any bill the administration tried to pass went through intense deliberation dragging the process out for months. Despite this, he retained an average popularity leading into the 2006 Election, and was even leading in most polls. However, three months before the election the Laura Samille Scandal occurred in which it was revealed President Wallace had been having an affair with Laura Samille since 1994. However, Samille only turned 18 in 1996 which led to the President being accused of being a child predator. This scandal tanked his campaign and he was defeated soundly in 2006 by Joseph Marcos.

Joseph Marcos was the first president elected with a military background since the Military dictatorship as he was previously Supreme Marshal of the Army. He controversially raised Gjorka's military budget significantly during his tenure at the expense of public services like Education. His Secretary of Global Relations was embroiled in controversy throughout his tenure including arguing for war against Ajakanistan, and attempting to mobilize more troops to the border of Ajakanistan. The Economy under Marcos began to stagnate, bucking a 15 year trend of growth realized under the previous two presidents. Unemployment jumped 3%, and foreign companies began to leave Gjorka. Marcos in fact had the lowest approval poll of any president, polling at 2% during January of the fourth year of his presidency. He was nearly removed from office via a vote of no confidence but it was defeated 238-212, and barely managed to secure his parties nomination for president by a 1% margin. His unpopularity led many right wing members of Gjorka United to join other parties such as the National Social Party. He was handily defeated by Roman Vanderburg in the 2011 Gjorkan presidential election.

Roman Vanderburg's first term was incredibly productive and implemented several reforms such as the Universal Healthcare Act which greatly expanded insurance coverage and caused the uninsured population to crater, the legalization of gay marriage and several reforms of police around the country. During his presidency accidental shootings by police, accusations of police brutality, and protests against unfair treatment by the police have gone down significantly. He managed to secure re-election in the 2016 Gjorkan presidential election, but lost his majority in the Assembly. His second half of his term was far-less productive, and several more reforms such as an $20 minimum wage wage, end of coal use in Gjorka, and reduction of Immigration restrictions were not passed. He left office with a 54% approval rating.


Gjorka extends over 910,789 square miles which is covered with Mountains, Hills, Forests, Rivers and Lakes. Two mountain ranges, the Wicklow Mountain Range in central Gjorka, and the Caha Mountain Range comprise Gjorka's mountainous areas. These two parallel mountain ranges form the Great Valley of which much of Gjorka's industry sits. Gjorka is also home to a number of rivers, most famously the River Rusynia which stretches all the way from the Cahas to the Almanople Sea. Gjorka's landscape was once famous for it's heavily forested nature, however since the Industrial Revolution Gjorka's forests have significantly shrunk in size, especially in the Great Valley.


Government and Politics


The Federation of Gjorka is a Federal Presidential Republic with a unicameral legislature. The Federation has three branches of government, the executive branch represented by the President of Gjorka and their cabinet, the legislative branch consisting of the National Assembly, and the judicial branch constituted by the Supreme Federal Tribunal of Gjorka and it's lower courts. The Gjorkan Government is composed of three levels of Government: Federal, District and Local.

The 11 Districts of Gjorka

The Legislature of Gjorka comprises of the National Assembly which houses 450 members elected from each of Gjorka's several districts. They are elected via a multi-member district voting system to be official representatives of the wishes of the people of their district in the National Assembly.

The Executive Branch of Gjorka is headed by the President of Gjorka, and their various cabinet members. The President acts of head of state, and head of government and National Defender of Gjorka of the Gjorkan Armed Forces. The President enforces laws via his cabinet who run the various Departments of Gjorka.

The Judicial Branch of Gjorka constitutes the court system of Gjorka. Starting in local courts, cases are then taken to district courts where they then are presented to federal courts before finally arriving at the Supreme Federal Tribunal of Gjorka, the highest court in the land. The Supreme Tribunal determines the implementation of laws, and whether they are constitutional.

Gjorka is composed of 11 Districts who have limited legal authority over their respective areas. Each district has their own assembly elected by the people, and a governor appointed by the ruling president for 10 years. However, Federal Law is supreme, and in practice laws don't differ widely from district to district.


Gjorka has operated under a multi-party system since the end of the Military dictatorship. The federation has only seen three parties be in power, the Pro-Gjorkan Initiative, Gjorka United, and Forward Gjorka. However, the countries other parties have had also had large sways of power most notably the Green Party which currently is the third largest party in the National Assembly. The country has also had a two-party system for lengths of time such as before the rise of Forward Gjorka, and between the collapse of the PGI and 2021 Election.

Currently, the right side of the political spectrum is represented by the conservative Gjorka United, and fascist National Social Party. The left side is split between Forward Gjorka and the Green Party. Other parties such as the Freedom Party, and the Gjorkan Pirate Party are also represented.

Foreign Relations

Gjorka's Permanent Representation to the TCN

The Foreign Relations of Gjorka is officially directed by the President, approved by the National Assembly, and managed by the Department of Global Relations. Gjorka is famously known for abstentionist policy in global politics. Due to the President's necessity to get most foreign policy decisions approved by the General Assembly, most presidents decide to simply remain neutral rather than take a hard stance. In fact, until 2014 all votes by the Gjorka at the Terraconserva Council of Nations via the Permanent Mission of Gjorka to Terraconserva Council of Nations had to be approved by the Assembly. Long debates times meant Gjorka was forced to abstain much of the time due to lack of Government decision. This decision to be neutral has also allowed Gjorka to gain a favorable view from most nations in the world since it joined the world stage more prominently 1952 as a founding member of the TCN.

The Gjorkan Constitution maintains the President can bypass the Assembly's approval for foreign policy matter if the matter requires immediate response, or if the country is in a state of war. However, if this power is not used appropriately it is grounds for a vote of no confidence.


Gjorka is protected by the Gjorkan National Armed Forces which is composed of the Gjorkan Ground Forces, the Gjorkan Naval Forces, the Gjorkan Aerial Forces, and the Gjorkan Special Forces. The Military is overseen by the President acting as the National Defender of Gjorka and managed by the Department of Armed Defense. The Department oversees all 4 branches of the Armed Forces and the Gjorkan Coastal Patrol. 176,890 soldiers currently comprises the active duty personnel while the country also maintains a large pool of reservists at 678,900 currently.

The Gjorkan Military maintains a small but well-equipped and highly trained armed force. Being an active member of the armed force is considered a highly prestigious honor, and requires years of rigorous training. Of the branches of the armed forces, the Gjorkan Special Forces has the most prestige with it's members being only selected from highly skilled and decorated members. This currently military mindset was adopted in 2012 following Roman Vanderburg's assumption to the presidency.




Sea Trade




Religion in Gjorka from the 2020 Census

  Non-Religious/Atheist (63.7%)
  Christianity (11.1%)
  Ásatrú (10.9%)
  Islam (6.4%)
  Other (7.9%)

The Gjorkan Constitution guarantees Religious Freedom to all Gjorkan Citizens.

Gjorka has one of the highest irreligious rates in the country, with 63% of the country saying they believe in no god or higher power. The next largest religion is christianity with 11% of Gjorkans saying they believe in some form of Christianity. After that is Ásatrú a religion native to Gjorka, which 10% of Gjorkans say they believe in. The remaining religions don't go above 5% with the exception of Islam which 6% of Gjorkans follow.

Gjorka's high irreligious rate is contributed to the country's rapid modernization in recent years. The beliefs of Gjorka's predominant religion, Ásatrú, were scrutinized and fell out of favor.


Gjorkan is the official and primary language of Gjorka being spoken as a first language by 97% of Gjorkans. No other language reaches 0.5%.

Gjorkans on average speak at least one other language as the Gjorkan Education System mandates every student must be taught at least one other language with the five most popular in order being: Spanish, Arabic, Lyoan, Ajaki, and Quebecshirite.





Gjorka has leagues for a variety of sports, most popular is the Gjorkan Football League, and the Gjorkan Peil League. Peil is the more popular of the two, but Football has been increasing in popularity for years.

Public Holidays

See also

Gjorka portal
Terraconserva portal