First Ferunian Separatist War

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First Ferunian Separatist War
Part of Ferunian Separatist Conflicts
Congolese soldier.jpg
Members of the Free Ferunian Army (LAF) outside Ponturbe during the First Battle of the Vya Trurnia
DateJune 21, 2006 - November 15, 2008

Supported by:

Commanders and leaders
Units involved

The First Ferunian Separatist War, also known as the First New Illyrian Civil War and the Pan–Ferunian Liberationist Rebellion, was a large scale military conflict in southern New Illyricum in the regions of Ferunicum, The Eisley, and Armoria. The conflict began on June 21, 2006, a month after the Free Ferunian Army (LAF) took control of Ferunicum, The Eisley, and Armoria, and declared the independence of the semi-fascist republics of Ferunia, Trurnia, The Eisley, and Polonovo and Tolo. In response Grand Marshall of the Union Julio Faeo was removed from office by the Congress of New Illyricum who named Marshall of War Beneçito Foestolo as the acting Grand Marshall.

Foestolo immediately mobilized New Illyrian forces into Nosterus where at the Battle of Nosterus State House New Illyrian forces defeated the LAF led by Ferunian President Marco Quentelio. Heavy fighting around Ferunia, Trurnia, and Ponturbe continued for almost two years, with Illyrian forces capturing Polonovo after the Siege of Polonovo, ending in August 2007, and eventually Marinicum following the Battle of The Eisley in May 2008. The war would end officially on November 15, 2008, shortly after the end of the Battle of Ferunia and the capture of Marco Quentelio, however violence would continue in the region eventually sparking the Second Ferunian Separatist War in 2013.


Course of War

North Ferunian Campaign

Trurnia Campaign

Armoria Campaign

The Eisley Offensive

South Ferunian Offensive

Foreign involvement

Creeperian involvement

Pavulturilori involvement


Second Ferunian Separatist War