Mutual Defense Treaty (Montesayette–New Illyricum)

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Mutual Defense Treaty
TypeMilitary alliance
SignedNovember 16, 2024
LocationPorto Ignaçio
Parties Montesayette
 New Illyricum
LanguageQuebecshirite, Illyrian Iberic

The Mutual Defense Treaty between the Montesayettean Commonwealth and the United Socialist States of New Illyricum is a a treaty between Montesayette and New Illyricum signed on November 16, 2024, amidst the Third Ferunian Separatist War. The agreement commits the two nations to provide military support and aid if either faces military attacks and allows Montesayette to station forces within New Illyricum under consultation with the New Illyrian government. The treaty was negotiated by prime minister of Montesayette Marielle Bettencourt and marshall of New Illyrian foreign affairs Marius Montus.


