Portal:Creeperopolis/Selected biography/6

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Adolfo III in 1861.

Adolfo III Alexander de San Alfonso y San Miguel Martínez de Ortega y Llachaumán de González (3 April 1803 – 1 December 1887), also known as Adolfo the Great, was Emperor of Creeperopolis and the Creeperans and Holy Protector of the State of the Church from 1833 to 1887, Emperor of the San Carlos Islands from 1833 to 1887, Emperor of Lyoa from 1833 to 1837, and King of Senvar from 1839 to 1887. His reign oversaw Creeperopolis lose its overseas possession of the Captaincy General of Lyoa, but he also oversaw Creeperopolis' annexation of the Kingdom of Senvar, the annexation of the Castillianan department of Santa Ana, the vassalization of the Kingdom of El Salvador into the Principality of El Salvador, and the claiming of Adolfo III Land.

The legacy of Adolfo III in Creeperopolis has changed overtime. During his reign, many wars were waged and tens of thousands died as a result of those wars, ethnic minorities were attacked and persecuted, most notably the Deltinians, and he ruled as an absolute monarchy in a form of totalitarianism, but he also improved the country's economy and infrastructure, ended the totalitarian Manuelisto period, and improved the quality of life for the average Creeperian. During the Second Parliamentary Era, Adolfo III was seen as a tyrant and negative figure in Creeperian history, but during and after the Creeperian Civil War, he has been revered by the Creeperian Initiative as a great and important Creeperian ruler. He has been named as one of the Five Great Monarchs of Creeperopolis, with the other four being Kings Alfonso I and Miguel I and Emperors Manuel III and Romero I. During his own reign, Adolfo III styled himself as a new Alfonso I. His form of government has subsequently influenced the ideology of Romerism of the modern day Creeperian Initiative.