Templar Order

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The Knightly Order of The Great Temple of King Solomon
Jewish Templars.png
Flag of the Templar Order ands the Holy Templar State
Formation1330 AD
Dissolved1537 AD
TypeKnightly Order
  • Protection of Pilgrimages (Until 1432)
  • Occupation of foreign lands (From 1432)
Official language
Parent organization
Affiliations Kingdom of Pavulturilor

The Templar Order (Pavulturilori: Ordinul Templierilor, Hebrew: מסדר הטמפלארים), Offically, The Knightly Order of The Great Temple of King Solomon (Pavulturilori: Ordinul Cavaler al Marelui Templu al Regelui Solomon, Hebrew: המסדר האבירי של בית המקדש הגדול של המלך שלמה) was a knighly order that was founded in 1330 AD by Grandmaster Uriel Binyamin Ben-tzur I in Tirat Har, with it's original goal being the protection of pilgimages to Dăbuza, and overtime shifting to occupation of foreign lands with the formation of the Holy Templar State in 1432, until it's dissolution in 1537 AD at the end of the Templar-Sconian War.


The name of the order derives from the Great Temple of King Solomon, a building of immense prominence in Judaism, The holiest of all building to Judaism, the order's celibate nature is belived to be in connection to it's holyness.


Early Beginings

Strechian Pavulturilori War

Second Zuhraid Pavulturilori War

Colonialization of Tumland

Holy Templar State




Beliefs and Principles



In Pop-culture

Renewed Templar Order

See Also

List of knightly orders