Terranilian Empire

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Terranilian Empire

İmpirıa Teranǐlast
Ⳅⲙⲡⳅⲣⲓⲁ Ⲧⲉⲣⲁⲛⳅⲗⲁⲋⲧ
Flag of
Flag of Afghanistan (1929).svg
Left: Flag from 972 - 1379
Right: Flag from 1379 - 1868
Terranilian Empire in 1868 (same borders as modern Terranihil)
Terranilian Empire in 1868 (same borders as modern Terranihil)
Common languagesVaktrian
Astrianism (official)
• Navaktan I unites the nations of Terranihil
• Transition to republic
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Terranilian Confederation
Haltemid Caliphate
Emirate of Araz
Nasrid Emirate
Mikailan Kingdom
Emirate of Mestaga
Republic of Terranihil

The Terranilian Empire (Vaktrian: İmpirıa Teranǐlast) was an empire originating in the historical region of Terranihil that expanded across southern Ecros from the Andaluzian Sea to the Caelean Sea. It was founded by Astrian Vaktrians, but at its largest extent was populated by many ethnicities and religions.

Terranihil began as a relatively small kingdom in the Upa Forest, which under Hetarvis expanded to conquer the Terranilian Confederation in 972. Terranihil then went on to conquer all of Vaktria by 1356. The Terranilian army crossed the Terranilian Desert and captured Malgax and Alaia in 1459. Following this era of expansion, Terranihill entered the reletavily peaceful Middle Period of its history. It transitioned into a constitutional monarchy in 1683, with the establishment of the Terranilian Parliament. The Revolution of 1801 brought an end to the peace and led to increased Parliamentary power. Then due to the rule by decree reign of King Uvran, Terranihil erupted into civil war in 1864, which led to the fall of the monarchy and establishment of the Republic of Terranihil.

Terranihil was majority Vaktrian, but had significant populations of Malgans, Arameans, Arabs, and Jews. Terranihil was a religiously diverse nation. Astrianism was the faith of the rulers, but other religions included Islam, Christianity, Druzism, and Judaism. Tolerance of ethnic and religious minorities varied from ruler to ruler and dynasty to dynasty, but the Terranilian Empire was often repressive to the minorities under its rule.


Terranihil is a combination of the Romanyan Iberic words terra, meaning "land", and nihil, meaning "nothing". Together they mean "land of nothing" to the convey the meaning of a barren landscape. The Romanyans used this name for the region to its north which consists of the Sadical Mountains and the Terranilian Desert. Nomadic Acillians lived in the more inland and eastern parts.

The Terranilian nations preceding the Empire were located in the western part of the region of Terranihil, known as the Terranilian High Desert or Terranilian Great Steppe. Though generally warm and dry, the area has been inhabited for millenia as it is not nearly as dry as the more inland regions. The nations of the High Desert took on the name Terranihil.


Background and beginnings

The Terranilian High Desert and the Upa Forest was populated by Astrian Vaktrians. They had not been ruled by any foreign nations such as the Romanyan Empire or Zuhraid Caliphate as the coastal Vaktrians had been. These people began to transition from nomadic tribes and small villages into nations around the 6th century. The High Desert consisted of dozens of small nations that came into conflict with their western neighbors. There were also Acilian nomads further east who had mixed relations with the early Terranilians. In 934, Hetarvis (Vaktrian: Ctarvis) founded a dynasty that would become a dominant nation in the High Desert. It was located at the edge of the Upa Forest in northern Terranihil, the only part of the region that is not desert. The Hetarvian dynasty conquered much of the northern High Desert. In 958, a the Terranilian Confederation, an alliance of several Terranilian nations formed to defend against the Hetarvians. Ultvar Navaktan I of the Hetarvian dynasty conquered the Confederation in 972, which marks the beginning of the Terranilian Empire.

Invasions of Vaktria

The Terranilians had always wanted to recapture Vaktria, as it is the ancestral homeland of the Vaktrians and Astrians. Documented Terranilian folklore tells about a future return to Vaktria and restoration of the two great Vaktrian nations: the Kingdom of Vaktria and the Septarban Kingdom. These records often include stories foretelling the supremacy of Astrianism over Christianity and Islam, which were seen as foreign colonizer religions. Astrians had been persecuted by the Muslim Zuhraid Caliphate and Haltemid Caliphate and Christian Ragasan Kingdom and Mikailan Kingdom. Thus relevant Terranilian writings often wished for a revival of Astrianism, its return to prominence in its homeland, and vengeance upon Christians and Muslims.

Map of western Terranihil in the 13th century

In 985, the Terranilian Empire began its campaign to conquer Vaktria with its invasion of the northern parts of the Haltemid Caliphate. This region was still dominated by Astrians, and they joined in battle against the Haltemids. The Empire captured much of the northern territory of the Caliphate by 991, but was unable to capture any lands further south. The invasion was seen as an immense success by Terranilians, as it was a first step in retaking Vaktria and allowed Terranihil access to the Andaluzian Sea, urban centers, and farmland. The capital moved from Iftramen in the Terranilian High Desert to Pinaria on the coast in 1045.

During the 11th and 12th centuries, their was conflict about the western migration of Terranilians. Many Terranilians were eager to settle in Vaktria were the land was more fertile. Many of those already settled in Vaktria were wary of these immigrants. The Terranilian Peasant Wars occurred between these two sides. The issue was excasterbated by invading Acilian tribes from the east. The Empire subdued these raiders in the mid 12th century, and many of them were enslaved. The development of serfdom in Terranihil is thought to have occurred in part because of the land crisis.

In 1180, power in Terranihil was transfered from the Hetarvian dynasty to the Queen Ilsamia (Vaktrian: İlsamıa) of the Pinarian dynasty. Ilsamia was from the coastal city of Pinaria rather than the historical region of Terranihil. There was some discontent among Terranilians in the beginning of her rule due to the shift in power to the west, including the earlier movement of the capital.

In 1197, the Haltemid Caliphate attempted to capitalize on the land crisis and political changes by invading the Terranilian Empire in an attempt to retake its northern lands. Terranihil was able to defend its borders. The invasion led to instability in the Haltemid Caliphate and the secession of the Emirate of Araz and Nasrid Emirate.

Terranilian siege of Minaltar

In 1243, the Terranilian Empire invaded the Emirate of Araz and conquered it in under two years. Then the Empire invaded the Haltemid Caliphate and defeated it in 1253. It then invaded the Nasrid Emirate and Mikailan Kingdom but was unsuccesful in making major territorial gains. Terranihil then included most Vaktria.

Under the Empire, Muslims and Christians faced persecution. The Terranilian military perpetrated several massacres and destroyed religious sites. Muslim and Christian revolts were common in 13th and 14th century, which delayed Terranilian southern expansion. Astrians began to repopulate major cities that had been converted to Islam. The Order of Assassins, an organization of Imrani assassins established in 1030, operated within the Terranilian Empire until the 15th century. The Order assassinated three Terranilian Kings and many other royals and officials. The Druz, an ethnoreligious group of Imrani Arab origin, were also initially persecuted. However, King Astera II who ruled from 1262 to 1279, tolerated the Druz and had several in his court, as he thought their beliefs were in many ways similar to Astrianism. Terranilian tolerance of Druz lasted until the 16th century, until the Empire began persecuting them again.

In 1318, the capital was moved to Minaltar, the previous capital of the Haltemid Caliphate. Minaltar had been repopulated by Astrians, but still contained a large Muslim population. In 1344, the Terranilian Empire conquered the Nasrid Emirate, and then conquered the Mikailan Kingdom in 1356. Terranihil had thus conquered the entirity of Vaktria.

Crossing the Terranilian Desert

Evidence of nomadic people inhabiting the Terranilian deserts dates back to the second millenium BCE. It is hypothesized that the Proto-Terranilic people lived in the region. The Trans-Terranilian trade route was established in the 3rd century CE by the Romanyan Empire. It spanned more than 5,500 kilomters (3,400 miles). The route was later used and expanded by the Zuhraid Caliphate. Some early Terranilian states in the 9th and 10th centuries used the route, while others acted as raiders. All routes crossing the Terranilian desert passed through the Terranilian Empire. The Empire took advantage of this and restricted the Vaktrian states's access to the route during war. In 1369, the Empire began planning for eastward expansion. Acillian raids had become increasingly common, as they wanted better land to settle on due to drought. After spending several months scouting out the locations of the Acillians, the Terranilian Empire sent several armies of mostly cavalry east. It spent about three years fighting Acillians. The Terranilian Empire then began constructing military outposts near major trade routes. By 1383, Fort Harkmitnan finished construction at about halfway between Terranihil's original border and Malgax.

The Emirate of Mestaga became weary of the Empire's expansions. Additionally, many Acillians had fled to the Emirate to escape the violence. Despite the Terranilian claims of only moving east to end Acillian raid, the Emirate began preparing for a potential war. As the Terranilian Empire continued to move east, the Emirate of Mestaga began to fortify its western border and also expand into the desert.

Invasion of Malgax and Alaia

In 1395, the Terranilian and Mestagan border was formed. War was obviously emminent. The two nations' armies first met at in the battlefield in 1398, at the Battle of Ankarishako, in which the Terrranilian army sieged Ankarishako Fort, the Emirate of Mestaga's furthest west fort. It lasted 18 months and ended with a Terranilian victory. The Terranilian army was slow to recuperate its forces for another offensive, as its homeland was thousands of miles away. However, it still managed to make consistent victories.

Terranilian retaking of Fort Tundre

The Empire first captured Fort Tundre in Psydo in January of 1402. The Emirate of Mestaga recaptured it eight months later. Then Terranihil retook it for the final time in 1404. Terranihil did not launch another offensive until 1426 under the Narian dynasty. The Emirate of Mestaga tried to retake Fort Tundre in 1413 and 1422 but failed both times. Then the Empire under the Ilsamian dynasty resumed expansions in 1426. The Terranilian army began its slow campaign towards the capital city of Mestaga, capturing city after city. The Empire won the Battle of Mestaga in 1428, ending the Emirate of Mestaga.

In 1440, Terranihil invaded Aramea with the intention of taking its southern territories. Terranihil wanted access to the Caelean Sea. The war ended in 1444 with Terranihil gaining some parts of southern Alaia. Then in 1449, Aramea launched the Second Aramean Crusade to retake its lost lands. The crusaders won the war in 1450. Then Terranihil once again invaded Aramea in 1455. Terranihil conquered the whole of Alaia by 1459.

Middle period

The middle period in Terranilian history is one of relative peace within Terranihil. It is an era of diplomatic and economic expansion rather than territorial expansion. The Empire had acquired access to both sides of Ecros and thus a new group of nations of interest.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Terranilian Empire came into conflict with Reykani pirates. They harassed Terranilian ships in the Caelean Sea and Vernier Ocean. The Terranilian navy began heavily patrolling the Caelean Sea and escorting trade ships to deter pirates. Terranilian ships ended up attacking Reykani trade ships as well, which led to deterioration of relations with Reykanes. In March of 1526, Terranilian slavers abducted several hundred Reykanies from Cape Nátfari in an incident that became known as the Terranilian Abductions. The Commonwealth of Reykanes demanded that Terranihil compell the slavers to return the Reykanies, but Terranihil refused to intervene. Instances of piracy increased following the incident, with pirate republics coordinating attacks on the Terranilian navy.

Naval battle between Reykani pirates and the Terranilian navy

In September of 1534, Terranihil invaded a southern port on Reykanes. Terranihil wanted to establish a naval base that could assist with combatting pirates. Terranihil was also interested in the potential resources present on the island. The port was used by pirates who defended it from the Terranilian navy for two weeks until it was taken and settled by Terranihil. It was named Šeltḍaner. From 1534 to 1549, Terranihil used the port to launch attacks against Reykani pirates. Terranilian fishermen also fished in the protected coast, and hunters poached for furs. Terranihil also began constructing a fort on the cliffs east of the port. Slavers also captured Reykanies from local villages to sell in Terranihil. In 1539, the Commonwealth of Reykanes attacked Šeltḍaner and captured it in a few days.

In 1461, the Quebecshirite Empire leased a coastal territory originally called Kprabemnea, later renamed Sainte-Delphine, from the Terranilian Empire. Quebecshire developed the port city and its trade. It was the first place in Terranihil to outlaw slavery. The city developed a Quebecshirite-speaking population. This endeavor was the beginning to Terranilian—Quebecshirite relations. The lease for Sainte-Delphine was for 99 years, and it was renewed in 1560. In 1607, the Quebecshirite Civil War began between monarchist andd republican factions. Terranihil provided material support to the Monarchist Coalition for the Reunification. Then in 1610, Terranihil sent its navy to fight in battles in the Caelean Sea and along the southern coast of Quebecshire and sent troops into southern Quebecshire to assist with defending land from republicans. In 1620, Terranilian forces returned to Terranihil because of a stalemate. In 1621, Quebecshire relinquished Sainte-Delphine after defaulting on its lease payments.

Under the Marcellan dynasty which began ruling in 1651, the religious and ethnic persecution of previous dynasties significantly decreased. The Marcellans promoted tolerance of Christians, Muslims, Malgans, and Arameans, as the mother of the first Marcellan King Damen was a Christian Aramean. This policy of tolerance remained until the rule of the King Uvran in 1859.

Revolution of 1801

18th and 19th century politics in Terranihil came to be dominated by two factions: the Neortens, who supported an increase in legislative power, and the Ultvarans, who supported absolute monarchy.

King Astera VII
Queen Cecilia

Discontent within the Empire grew under King Astera VII of the Palern dynasty, who began ruling in 1788. There were agricultural shortages to certain parts of Terranihil. Two serf revolts occurred in 1792 and 1798. Astera suspended the Terranilian Parliament in 1798 and ruled by personal decree. The heir apparent, before 1800 was Astera's half-sister Cecilia, who was popular. Unrest escalated in 1800, when Astera had a son who became the heir apparent. Finally, the Parliament reconvened in October of 1800 despite Astera's disregard and passed multiple laws. The Parliament voted to abolish serfdom. Then in March 1801, the Parliament passed a law by a small margin of victory to remove the land requirements for Parliament candidacy. Astera refused to enforce either law.

Another serf revolt began in January of 1801 in response to the lack of enforcement of the Parliament's abolition of serfdom. Princess Cecilia and her husband, the Governor of Malgax, rallied their troops with support from the Neortens against King Astera. Astera was overthrown in September of 1801 and replaced by Cecilia. Serfdom was then outlawed and the parliamentary reforms implemented.

Civil War

The Cecilian dynasty ended in 1859 after the death of thirteen year old King Ačmal, the grandchild of Queen Cecilia, due to disease. The throne passed to Ačmal's cousin Ragas who was only three years old. Uvran of the Tasrčera dynasty, uncle of Ragas and highest ranking general, took de facto control of Terranihil. Uvran not only refused to acknowledge or implement Parliamentary legislation, he threated to completely abolish the Parliament and arrest its members on multiple occasions. Treatment of religious and ethnic minorities significantly deteriorated under his rule.

In 1862, he tried to centralized and institutionalize the Astrian religion in a way similar to Christianity, by appointing a head Astrian priest to issue religious decrees. This short lived National Astrian Temple was highy controversial even among Ultvarans. In 1863, Uvran made Paitestanism the official denomination of the National Astrian Temple and excommunicated Thanists and Hadrianists, the second and third largest Astrian denominations. This alienated a third of Astrians. In March of 1864, three Members of Parliament proposed a bill to abolish the National Astrian Temple for violating the Religious Rights Law of 1844. Uvran then issued arrest warrants for those MPs for attacking the Astrian Temple. Two were arrested while a third went into hiding. The Parliament demanded their release and for Uvran to step down. He refused to do so and arrested another MP for treason. The Parliament proceeded with the vote on the abolition of the National Astrian Temple and passed the law.

Battle of Talmyra

Many in the Neortan faction were Republicans, who wanted the complete abolition of the monarchy. This part of the faction had significantly grown since the Revolution of 1801 and then after Uvran took power. In November of 1864, several Republican MPs, governors, and other high officials declared that Uvran must renounce his title of king and release the arrested MPs and that the Parliament must deliberate on the restructuring of the nation's government, and that military action would be taken if Uvran refused to comply. Uvran condemned his opponents and began preparing for war.

Six of the twelve governors immediately declared their support for the Republicans. They were led by Vutanin Siftira, governor of Dastivia. Three other governors joined the Republicans by 1866, while three remained loyal to Uvran. The war lasted until 28 January 1868. It is the most deadly conflict in Terranilian history, killing 150,000-220,000 people. The Republicans defeated the Loyalists, and King Uvran went into exile. The governors and MPs held a constitutional convention at which they rewrote the constitution and restructured the government. They maintained the Parliament as the single supreme legislative body, abolished the monarchy, and established the popularly elected position of president. This formed the Terranilian Republic.


Hetarvian (972 - 1180)
Pinarian (1180 - 1410)
Narian (1407 - 1424)
Ilsamian (1424 - 1610)
Marcellan (1424 - 1651)
Palern (1651 - 1801)
Cecilian (1801 - 1859)
Uvran (1859 - 1868)


The official language and the lingua franca of the Terranilian Empire was Vaktrian. Vaktrian was standardized in the 1830s. Several other languages were spoken depending on the region, including Acillian, Arabic, Aramaic, and Malgan. Use of languages other than Vaktrian was often prohibted from being taught in schools or used in any official capacity.

Vaktrian was written in the Iberic script. Use of other scripts remained in certain religions, such as the Vaktrian alphabet by the Vaktrian Orthodox Church and the Aramaic scipt by Pytabian Churches. Druz also wrote in Arabic. Use of Aramaic and Arabic scripts were prohibited for use in in schools and or any official capacity.


The Terranilian ruling dynasties were all Astrian, the dominant religion of the country. The dominants Astrian denomination was Paitestanism, followed by Thantism and Hadrianism. Other religions included Islam, Christianity, Druzism, and Judaism.

Religious rights for minorities varied from ruler to ruler. The early dynasties (Hetarvian and Pinarian) generally tried to restrict the practice of Abrahamic religions. Some rulers directly persecuted and massacred religious minorities. Religious tolerance increased during the rule of the Narians (who were of partial Druz descent), the Marcellans (who were of partial Aramean descent), and the Cecilians (who were of partial Malgan descent). The Religious Rights Law of 1844 provided protections to religious practice.

King Uvran established the Nation Astrian Temple in 1862, which made Paitestanism the state religion. This led to discrimination against other Astrian denominations, as well as non-Astrians. Vaktrian Travelers (Vaktrian: Karastaṭ), an itinerant group of Vaktrian origin, were also discriminated against in the Terranilian Empire.


The Terranilian Empire was a hereditary monarchy ruled by an Ultvar or King/Queen. The writing of the First Terranilian Constitution in 1683 established the Terranilian Parliament, the nation's unicameral legislature. It consisted of 120 members of parliament originally but was expanded to 240 in the rewriting of the constitution in 1868.

Terranihil was divided into twelve governorates. Each had a governor and an assembly.
