List of Romanyan emperors

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The following is a list of emperors during the Romanyan Empire:


Julio-Claudian dynasty

Year of the Four Emperors

Flavian dynasty

Nerva-Antonine dynasty

Year of the Five Emperors

Severan dynasty

Crisis of the Third Century



Constantinian Dynasty

Valentinianic dynasty

Theodosian dynasty

Later Northern Romanyan Emperors

Avitian dynasty

Anthemian dynasty

"Savottan" Northern Emperors

Generian dynasty

Livianian dynasty

Final Emperors

Southern Romanyan Empire

Leonid dynasty

Areobindan dynasty

Flavian-Marcian dynasty

Iohannic dynasty

Justinian dynasty

Heraclian dynasty

Macedonian dynasty

Doukas dynasty

Komnenos dynasty

Angelos dynasty

Laskaris dynasty

Palaiologos dynasty