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The first known depiction of an animalic bixo, with three jato macucos worshipping a statue of an upper-class bixo.

Bixo (IPA: /ˈbiʃoʊ/) is an in-joke used throughout the League & Concord. Its exact meaning is unknown, primarily utilised as a noun, often also being used as an adjective ("@Kivu if you ban me you're bixo" - Sconia, 15 January 2024), a verb ("because you bixoed the entire channel" - Piffer, 17 February 2024), a substitute for a name ("just use the 100 pounds to hire a hitman and kill bixo" - Piffer, 11 December 2023), or as a direct reference to a fictional animal.

The word "Bixo" derives from the Portugese word "bixo", which does not have a set definition in English, translating to "animal", "dude", or "newcomer". Using the word "Bixo" with its original meanings in mind is highly uncommon in the League & Concord, however. The first known usage of the term was on 13 October 2023, by Piffer ("Bixo", the message simply reads), in #tra-general, as a reply to Sconia stating "Yes." in response to Piffer's own message ("Piffer moment"), announcing his entrance into the ongoing conversation in the channel.

As an animal

One of the first known depictions of an animalic Bixo, shown consuming Sconia.

One of the most prevalent uses of the word "Bixo" is to describe an animal. While the first direct reference to "Bixo" as a distinct species was on 28 February 2024 ("the bixos should have rights" - Piffer), several references exist from before to "Bixo" or "Bixos" as a noun that could be interpreted as referring to a species of animal ("You bixo bixoso Go back tô bixoland you bixo i dont want bixos like you tô bixo me like that" - Piffer, 18 November 2023). Since 28 February 2024, several sources have referred to Bixos as a separate animal, including to variants of the animal that are understood to exist.

According to the "ULTIMATE BIXO LORE POST" published by Piffer on 13 July 2024, Bixos are an animal without a central nervous system, but who are reasonably intelligent. They mostly reside in Bixoland.


Gagixos are a variant of bixo, however less is known about them than is known about other variants. The first mention of "Gagixos" was on 23 March 2024. Gagium posted a message to #tra-general, stating "Romerism is Justice", to which Jammy queries "what about bixarianism". Gagium then expressed hixorist beliefs, stating that "Bixos aren't real", "i am a proud hixo and hixorist patriot and do not recognise the existence of bixos, only hixos". Jammy responded to this saying that "I heard the Gagixos are trying to separate from the bixos", a claim which Gagium did not rebuke. Later, clarification came of what gagixos precisely are. Later that same day, in #bots-and-spam, Mediternia posted a picture of Jammy's message from before, with the caption "@Piffer Can you please provide a statement in regards to this picture?", to which Piffer confirmed that "gagixos are the bixos in lurjize". This indicates that gagixos are a variant of bixo which has adapted so much to the climate of Lurjize that they could confidently be stated to be a different variant of bixo.


However, the existence and identity of gagixos has remained controversial. On 26 March 2024, Jammy posted in #bots-and-spam "Who owns Gagixo", referring to a Nationstates nation in the "Bixoland" region. Gagium responded to this saying that "Gagixos aren't real", further threatening Jammy, saying that "i will report you for copy write violation if you make gagixos real", "and i will tell your parents". To this day, it is unknown what "copy write" is. He would later confirm his belief that "there is not gagixo or lurjixo or creeperianxixo". However, Piffer, the primary source on bixo culture and demographics, rebuked this claim in his "ULTIMATE BIXO LORE POST", posted on 13 July 2024, wherein he stated that gagixos are in fact mini bixos. Gagium disagreed with this claim, responding to the post stating "this is clearly fan fiction and cant be approved as actual bixo lore", "gagixos are clearly not mini bixos and this is propaganda/rambling from a known pifferium addict". Piffer responded to Gagium's claim, stating that "im the writer of bixo scripture", to which Gagium responded "you cant be trusted as a reliable source due to your pro-bixo funding and ties", "unless you apologize for saying that gagixos are mini bixos", to which Piffer apologised, and the two reconciled.

Ice cream bixo

Two sources mentions an individual bixo. On 14 March 2024, Monsilva sent the following message, in reference to the now-retconned nation Majocco's usage of the Pavulturilori Black League PMC during its war with then-neighbouring country Kwazulu; "@Majocat | The Cube™ is gone. are you being difficult. Do I need to cease operations between us?". In response to this, Piffer stated "go eat ice cream monsilvey", which was reacted to with a skull emoji by Kivu.

Monsilva expressed his frustration with Piffer's suggesting by replying to Piffer's message with "I'm not going outside in the cold and rain to get an ice cream at 11:21 pm". Piffer responded to Monsilva's frustrated message with "but monsilvey you need to do it if not the ice cream bixo is gonna get you". This suggests that there is an individual bixo, the ice cream bixo, who has a tendency to hunt down people who have not consumed ice cream. However, this bixo is known to be weak (or, alternatively, Monsilva is known to be strong), with Monsilva replying to Piffer's warning about the ice cream bixo with the message "Bixo has no chance against Leimur".

According to the Ultimate Bixo Lore Post published by Piffer on 13 July 2024, the ice cream bixo "is a mysterious upper rank Bixo who will venture in to small suburban towns and attack jato macucos on eh streets who have not eaten ice cream. nobody knows why he does that", further backing up the interpretation of the ice cream Bixo as an individual person.

Mini bixo

There is one variant of bixo which has never been referenced in any bixological writings outside of three messages. On 13 March 2024, New Illyricum messaged #tra-general the following, in reference to the spiralling involvement of various nations in the South Ecros War; "south ecros war about to become ww1? :face-with-raised-eyebrows: ???", followed by the message "???", further signalling his confusion at how widespread involvement in the war was becoming. In response, Monsilva stated "if balt and zlov [sic] are in it, then there's no way in hell Monsilva didn't get involved". New Illyricum responded to this with ":frogpain: "involved" its on a different continent :skull:", which prompted Piffer to respond with "mini bixos".

On 22 March 2024, also in #tra-general, Jammy messaged "@Monsilva when tf are you asleep every time I've been here you've also been here". Monsilva responded to Jammy's query with an explanation of his living conditions, stating "I sleep outside of time and space". In response to this, seemingly irrelevant to the conversation at hand, Piffer responded "last to leave the mini bixo house wins 10m piffer tokens".

Most sources interpret mini bixos to be a variant of bixo the size of a continent (meaning that in the first message, Piffer was referring to the continents of Terraconserva as mini bixos). Further depictions of bixos have shown them to be the size of individual countries, meaning that some sources interpret "mini bixos" to be larger than regular bixos. The second message, which references a "mini bixo house", would therefore be believed to be referring to the world itself, with a rather macabre suggestion on Piffer's behalf that the first person amongst those in the conversation to leave the world, or die, would win 10m "piffer tokens".

However, this interpretation of the "mini bixos" was disproven on 13 July 2024, in Piffer's Ultimate Bixo Lore Post, which states that "mini bixo[s], also known as gagixos are a smaller and weaker version of Bixos but much more intelligent. mostly live in the islands in the middle alathlasiu ocean and southern ocean ,lurjize and tumland. they mostly live in small rural communities heavily centred around gambling and road building". This confirms a different interpretation of mini bixos, that they are more intelligent versions of bixos who are smaller and live on islands.

TRA bixo

Several sources refer to the existence of "TRA bixos", a variant of bixo centred around the OOC interactions between users in the League & Concord's Terraconserva Roleplay Association (TRA).

While Saint Spartakus - a now-deleted user who ran the now-retconned country of Saint Spartakus - was talking in #tra-general about their flag and coat of arms on 17 March 2024, Piffer was being lightheartedly hostile towards them. In response to Saint Spartakus posting a work-in-progress flag for their nation, Piffer said "ok bozo brain". Monsilva responded to this message with "piffer stop being mean to new people smh", to which Piffer responded with several messages: "i cant even be mean to them in getting started", "i should be able to be mean to them here", "(thats why i cant get within a 500 meter radius of a getting started zone)", referring to previous criticism towards him for being hostile and unconstructive in the #getting-started channel. In response to Piffer's message, Entropan stated that "piffer you are still a tra newcomer you can't be mean to them", pointing out that Piffer still had the "TRA Newcomer" role, which is given to those who have not made pages for their country, capital city, and leader, alongside 5 additional pages, additionally having to add themselves onto several statistics pages. Following her first message, Entropan stated "you're not much different", further reinforcing the point that Piffer was still a newcomer, and so wasn't in a position to be mean to other newcomers.

In response to Entropan's message, Piffer stated that "im a tra bixo. and whats the fun on having newcomers if i cant spread my harmful ideologies to them?". It is unknown what 'harmful ideologies' Piffer was referring to, but the significance of the message was that it established another variant of bixo, the "TRA bixo", one which spreads malevolence throughout the Terraconservan worldbuilding scene.

On 17 March 2024, Piffer accused Gagium of being a bixo, to which Gagium responded ":chess_blunder:", indicating disagreement with the contents of Piffer's message by likening it to making a bad move in chess. Gagium backed up his claim that Piffer was wrong in accusing him of being a bixo by stating "I'm not a bixo. I'm a highly successful tra lawyer and prosecutor." It is not known what relevance this had to his bixo status. Piffer responded back with a different claim to his original message, saying "youre the biggest tra bixo", which Gagium responded to with "nuh uh", to which Piffer responded back "yuh uh". The lack of a response by Gagium to Piffer's message suggests that Gagium is, in fact, a TRA bixo.

On 22 March 2024, Ajakanistan was having a discussion with Piffer about the nature of a "bixo". Frustrated with Piffer not responding to his queries on the nature of bixos, Ajakanistan turned to Jammy, saying "@Jammy Jammy, my boy can you oh great one tell me what a bixo is", to which Jammy responded with "dude in portugese". Piffer corrected this, replying to Jammy saying "its not dude is "newcomer" could colloquially be dude tho". Sconia responded to Piffer's message saying "@ Kivu rename "TRA Newcomer" to "TRA Bixo"", to which Piffer responded with ":thumbsup:". Sconia's message was uncharacteristically hostile, with, despite his reluctance to directly ping Kivu, an extreme suggestion that those with the TRA Newcomer role were spreading malevolence throughout the Terraconservan worldbuilding scheme. Sconia has not yet apologised for this remark.

On 26 March 2024, Kivu was accused of being a TRA bixo. After responding in #tra-general to Abersiania's query about whether any Terraconservan country used Indian languages with ":man-shrugging:", Kivu was replied to by Abersiania, who said that "you should know this kivu smh", in a lighthearted tone. Piffer responded to this saying "yea he's the main tra bixo", which Kivu did not respond to, indicating that there is a chance that Kivu spreads harmful thinking through his involvement with Terraconserva, although he has not directly addressed the allegation.

In #bots-and-spam on 27 March 2024, Spode posted a photo of the Terraconservan map as it looked at the time, put through several filters. Piffer responded to this on 28 March 2024, saying "tra bixos????". It is clear that he was referring to several people who run the countries represented on the map.

On 13 July 2024, in a post intended to clarify "bixo lore", Piffer stated: "Tra bixo would translate to tra newcomer", "Tra Bixo is an insult to people who spread harful thinking in the tra channels or to people who dont have much knowledge of tra".

TRA bixos are humans, specifically those involved in the Terraconserva Roleplay Association, who spread harmful thinking in the TRA channels, either lightheartedly or with similarily malevolent intent, throughout the OOC discussions regarding Terraconserva. Nothing is known outside of this, and there are several people who may be "TRA bixos", including Piffer (self-admitted), Gagium (regularly "shitposts" in Terraconserva-related channels), and Kivu (unknown reason for being accused of this).

Garlic bixo

There is one variant of bixo that has only ever been referenced twice. On 23 March 2024, in #bots-and-spam, Majocco pinged Mediternia 8 times. Seeing these pings, Mediternia replied "hello". Majocco went on to ping Mediternia another 12 times, messaging back "Hi", "20 pings as promised". After accusing Majocco of pinging him more than 20 times (a claim which was incorrect, and likely driven by Mediternia's previously admitted "chronic sleep deprivation"), Mediternia replied back to Majocco's message saying "garlic bixo :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:". Nothing else is known about this variant of bixo or its behaviour, but it can be inferred from the one source referencing it that, similar to TRA bixos, it can take human or humanoid form.

The mystery of the "garlic bixo" was solved on 13 July 2024, with the Ultimate Bixo Lore Post from Piffer, where he stated "Garlic Bixo is a middle-upper rank Bixo who attacks garlic plantation", "he often attacks the Bishos(not be confused with bixo) too". This indicates that Garlic Bixo is an individual bixo rather than a variant, who attacks garlic plantations and engages in ethnic violence against "Bishos".


The only known depiction of a hixo, depicted as residing on the Moon.

Hixos are another species, in the same family as bixos, albeit older. The usage of the term "hixo" originated as a portmanteau of the words "hi" and "bixo", with several recorded uses in this particular manner ("hixo" - Piffer, 14 March 2024; "hixo" - Piffer, 18 March 2024; "hixo" - Piffer, 20 March 2024).

Eventually, it becomes clear that hixos are also a species of bixo. On 22 March 2024, in #tra-general, a conversation was ongoing about what real-world cultures are analogous to Terraconservan regions. After Entropan highlighted the humorous emission of Karimun from an outdated map highlighting several regions and their real-world cultural counterparts, Reykanes added on to Entropan's list "and Little africa middle of ecros", referring to Kwazulu, which, at the time, was in the middle of Ecros. Majocco found Reykanes' message to be humorous, responding nearly 7 hours after Reykanes' message ":skull:". Piffer replied to Majocco's message with "dont you find it hilarious majocco?", an unusually combattive and sarcastic remark, to which Majocco responded "Yes". In response to this, to alleviate the hostile mood of the conversation, Piffer messaged "bixos vs hixos 4 the revenge of B.R.Y.A.N". This appears to be a movie, highlighting an ethnic conflict between bixos and hixos, as part of a long-running franchise.

Later, Piffer accused New Illyricum of being a hixo, responding to New Illyricum's message "hi" to #tra-general with "hi hixo". It is unknown whether humans can be hixos, but this source suggests that to be true. In that same conversation, Gagium messaged the channel "los bixalamos", to which Piffer responded "what do you think about the new bixos vs hixos movie", a second account of this movie's existence. Gagium responded to this with "i really like the part where la creatura said "it's bixoing time" and bixo'd all over the place", a sentiment which Piffer agreed with, responding with "that was universally the best part of the movie", indicating that the scene described by Gagium's message did in fact take place in the movie.

On 23 March 2024, a valuable bixological conversation took place in #bots-and-spam between Mediternia and Piffer. Starting the conversation, Mediternia asked piffer "What is the relationship between the hixos and bixos? Are hixos seen as superior beings by bixos? Is there ethnic tension between hixos and bixos or are they seen as the same species albeit at different levels (I'm thinking a genetic caste system e.g ants, bees)? Do hixos live in bixoland?". Piffer responded to this with "they are 2 species of the same family. there's no real interaction between the two because the places they live but in the rare cases they meet they just ignore each other". In response to this, Mediternia said ":hushed: do hixos live in space?", to which Piffer responded "the moon". This indicates that hixos live far from bixos, living on the moon while bixos live on the earth.

Later in that same conversation, Mediternia asked "You said bixos are worst versions [sic] of hixos when I asked for the ideal bixo, is the average hixo similar to the ideal bixo?", to which Piffer responded with ":thumbsup:". The idea of hixos being a superior form of bixos is hotly contested. Whether Piffer was being objective with his belief that the average hixo would be on par with the ideal bixo (in which case the exact methodology used to determine that claim would need to be made clear), or whether he was simply being bigoted against bixos, is unknown.

However, it is clear that hixos are, physically, stronger and larger than bixos. Later in that same conversation, Piffer messaged "theyre stronger because of insular gigantism", suggesting that hixos are larger than bixos due to them being one of the only life-forms on the moon. This is backed up by another conversation on 23 March 2024, in #tra-general, wherein Mediternia re-affirmed the claim that "hixos are giant".

On 13 July 2024, in Piffer's Ultimate Bixo Lore post, he clarified a few aspects of hixo history, stating that "After the Bixos left them to go to terraconserva the hixos became extremely mysogenistic towards he Bixos but without much interaction between them not much violence between the both was recorded. the Hixos when encountering a Bixo are advised to ignore them because in a violent encounter generally bixos get the upper hand". This shows that both bixos and hixos used to live on the moon, as depicted, but the bixos left to go to Terraconserva. This caused ethnic tension between bixos and hixos, and the species tend to live separately now to avoid violence, the hixos especially wanting to do so due to bixos being physically stronger than them. Additionally, Piffer clarified that "Hixos in behaviour are much more passive due to being a "herbivorous" being who mostly feast on F.R.A.G". This shows that hixos are less violent than bixos, and are herbivorous beings, who only eat F.R.A.G, a plant found on the moon. It is unknown what F.R.A.G stands for.

Further sources have not added much to the common understanding of hixos. On 25 March 2024, Piffer used the portmanteau version of "hixo" in response to New Illyricum saying "hi" in #tra-general (to which New Illyricum responded "hruxo", a portmanteau of the acronym of "how are you" and "bixo". This has not been used widely following its conception. 22 hours later, also on 25 March 2024, and also in #tra-general, Piffer responded to Baltanla's message of "hi" to the channel with "hixo". On 15 April 2024, also in #tra-general, Baltanla messaged "hi", to which Piffer, again, responded with "hixo". The newest known usage of the term "hixo" came on 25 June 2024, wherein Piffer responded to Gagium's message of "Huh?" with "hixo". It is unknown why he did this, as both he and Gagium had been in the conversation for a while.


Hixorism is a hixo supremacist and bixo denialist ideology. It is unknown exactly the extent to which it is widespread amongst the hixo population. The only known reference of "hixorism" came on 23 March 2024, wherein Gagium responded to Jammy's suggestion that "bixarianism" is better than Romerism with "Bixos aren't real", following that message up with "i am a proud hixo and hixorist patriot and do not recognise the existence of bixos, only hixos". This is the only known source claiming the existence of "hixorism" as an ideology, showing that hixorism is an extremist hixo supremacist ideology which denies the existence of bixos as a whole.


Bixoland's flag, as shown by Mediternia.

Bixoland is a country wherein bixos, hixos, and "jato macucos" reside. Initially, it was referenced in several messages of low legibility and in display of anti-bixo prejudice by Piffer on 18 November 2023 in both #tra-general and #bots-and-spam ("You dirty bixo bixoso Go away tô bixoland" - Piffer, to Majocco; "You bixo bixoso Go back tô bixoland you bixo i dont want bixos like you tô bixo me like that" - Piffer, to Kivu; "You pleunekan planktonian bixoso irish illuminati Go back tô bixoland and Go do bixo things" - Piffer, to Monsilva; "Cant say The same for you,you pleunekan planktonian jatomacucan bixoso go away tô bixoland and Go play with your bixos" - Piffer, to Majocco).


On 24 February 2024, Sconia pinged Piffer in #bots-and-spam, with the message "@Piffer no offense piffer but youre the bixo of bixoland". Piffer's response to this, with a GIF of an image of "Spongebob" crying as several PowerPoint slide effects play over it, indicates that for Piffer this is a highly distressing insult. Sconia later apologised for this remark. On 25 February 2024, Baltanla sent the message "Baltanese 2000s President banning Camel Racers because he lost". This prompted a response from Monsilva, who stated "when are you gonna say something nice about Baltanla", referencing how most of what Baltanla says about his country is negative. This message prompted several responses from other people, including one from Piffer, who stated that he would say something nice about Baltanla "when bixoland ends". This likely means that Bixoland is a highly stable country.

On 14 March 2024, New Illyricum and Reykanes were having a conversation in #tra-general. New Illyricum said "also please let me know when you have fleshed out the kwazulu ciskei war so i can take a look", to which Reykanes responded "I made the page today". After New Illyricum queries about the name of the page which Reykanes had created, Piffer responded with "the great war of bixoland". This could imply that the Kei River War is roughly analogous to the "Great War of Bixoland", an event which there is no further information about.


On 13 July 2024, Piffer gave valuable insight into the history of Bixoland in his "Ultimate Bixo Lore" post.

bixoland was founded after the revolution by the Pure Walkers against the Tô Indo empire because of being uncomtempt with he lack of religious freedom in the empire and many bixoists and anti-emperialists joined the revolution. but bixoland soon fell in to a civil war against another faction of people who werent exactly bixoists but still claimed the title of bixoland because of the power of the name [...] [those people] soon formed north bixoland, [...] an authoritarian socialist state

This gives insight into the establishment of modern Bixoland, with "Bixoists", known as people who wanted an independent state of Bixoland, fighting alongside the Pure Walkers (jato macucos who opposed the genocide of bixos taking place in the Tô Indo Empire, who would later go on to create the bixo religion) and anti-imperialists to lead a revolution against the Tô Indo Empire, and establish a sovereign state of Bixoland. They rebelled primarily because of the lack of religious freedom in the Tô Indo Empire.

Soon, Bixoland fell into civil war, rather absurdly, against a very similar group of Bixoists, who craved power and did not attempt to justify their claim to Bixoland itself. This group formed North Bixoland, an authoritarian socialist state, while the rest formed South Bixoland. These countries exist till today.


On 22 March 2024, during a conversation in #bots-and-spam, Mediternia mentioned to Majocco "want to get naturalised as a citizen of bixoland?". Majocco replied "how about ~~fuwwyland~~ [sic] yes?", initiating a conversation on naturalisation in Bixoland. Mediternia responded to this with "I'm glad you're interested in becoming a bixlander", to which Majocco replied "yes... ~~no i wont~~". Contemporary bixologists are divided on what the crossed-out text means. Mediternia responded back "Great! In order to get naturalised you're going to have to get tested on the bixometer", to which Majocco replied "~~nervous~~ yea.. hehe.. o-o". It is unknown as to why he was nervous about being tested on the bixometer.


Several bixological sources have referenced the existence of a "bixometer". The bixometer test is required for naturalisation in Bixoland, but the exact threshold past which a person can be naturalised as a citizen of Bixoland is unknown. Several sources suggest that the bixometer is not a regular metric, but rather something an image or person must be in ("in the bixomer" being used to describe scores rather than "on the bixometer").

The first mention of a bixometer was on 19 March 2024, wherein a now-deleted user posted two pieces of artwork featuring original characters of their creation to #bots-and-spam; one featuring one of the character's designs and the other featuring the character saying a Tumblr post ("I like to wear bandaids on my boo boos cause that shows the ladies that yeah I am rugged but I also am cautious about infection"), responded to by another of their characters, who thinks "ouhhgghh i NEED to hollow him out and live inside him [sic]". In response to the second image, Piffer stated that it "doesnt pass the bixometer", to which the now-deleted user stated "How's this then!". Before they could post the second image, Piffer responded "ok bozo brain", followed with "and that scores even lower in the bixometer". This gives a rough idea of what scoring in the bixometer test would be like, with depictions of romance scoring low, and repeating of the bixometer test scoring even lower if a person had not passed it the first time.

The next mention of a bixometer was an hour later, in #tra-general, wherein a discussion was taking place about the relative quality of Terraconservan games. After conversing about Camel Racers, a Sconian racing game, Piffer sent the message that "whale racers is better", referring to a Jackian counterpart to Camel Racers. This was a controversial statement, reacted to with thumbs down emojis by Kivu and Sconia. Sconia rebutted Piffer's claim, stating that "camel racers has superior gameplay", to which Piffer responded with "but it scores 1 point lower in the bixometer". Camel Racers is a more critically acclaimed game than Whale Racers, but Camel Racers, as a whole, scores 1 less point in the bixometer test than Whale Racers. This could suggest a level of racial bias in the bixometer test.

On 21 March 2024, Sconia was talking about his worldbuilding of a game analogous to Sonic in Terraconserva. He discussed his difficulty with finding an image to go alongside his visage of a brown sonic, stating "I tried searching for "anthropomorphic guinea pig" and this was the first result", showing a painting of a guinea pig in seemingly Victorian attire. After both Kivu and Monsilva reacted to the message with a skull emoji, Piffer posited that it scored "8 in the bixometer :thumbsdown:". This suggests that the threshold for passing the bixometer is higher than 8, and that the painting did not pass such threshold, perhaps for its depiction of a guinea pig in traditionally upper-class attire, which Piffer, who seemingly controls the bixometer, would disapprove of.

After this, Reykanes asked a question for worldbuilding purposes; "Realisticly could there be atom nuclear scare society even if they arent any nukes and only ballistic missies?", following it up with "I imagine ww2 Britain was that with home made bunkers". Piffer responded to this with "but Britain is a negative 18 in the bixometer", suggesting that entire countries can be tested in the bixometer, likely to determine the state of diplomatic relations between Bixoland and themselves. What exactly causes Britain to score -18 in the bixometer is unknown.

On 22 March 2024, in #tra-general, Majocco asked Piffer "How much do I rank on the bixo meter", to which Piffer responded "28". Majocco attempted to disprove this, saying "Fact check: false. Negative 28". Piffer disagreed with Majocco's assessment, stating that "you dont even have the bixometer you bixo", pointing out that Majocco's claimed self-test was erroneous, due to him not possessing the bixometer required to make the test. Majocco conceded, asking Piffer "Am I even a bixo?", to which Piffer responded "yes", to which Majocco indicated agreement, stating "UwU". This means that the threshold for passing the bixometer test and becoming a bixo/bixolander is above 8, but below 28.

On 29 March 2024, during a discussion about Elo ratings (ratings used to calculate relative skill levels of players in zero-sum games such as chess) in #tra-general, wherein Gagium and Jammy were creating a server-wide Elo rating system, and answering questions about it. In response to a clarification of part of the proposed Elo rating system, Jammy said that "Elo should be like credit score, everytime you ask for your score it goes down", to which Entropan, Kivu, Gagium, and Majocco reacted with a thumbs up emoji, indicating broad agreement. Piffer, however, was a dissenter on this program, stating that "who cares about all that when you have the bixometer". This would suggest that the bixometer test plays a similar role to the proposed Elo chess rating system, but that would contradict all other mentions of the bixometer test, as Elo is a dynamic measure that continually changes, whereas the bixometer is a single test done once; therefore most interpretations suggest that Piffer was meaning that the Elo system was redundant for the server, and the bixometer was fine enough for assessing people's relative worth, indicating an inflexible attitude on his behalf. The Elo system created then is now redundant.

On 13 July 2024, Piffer clarified more about the Bixometer system, stating "they soon formed north bixoland, wich is an authoritarian socialist state ,which uses a credit score system known as the "bixometer". wich can measure anything in how much it will help north Bixoland succeed, the Bixometer is a scale of -64 to 64. This clarifies that the Bixometer is not used by Bixoland as a whole, but as a nation called North Bixoland, being used as a credit score system to determine the worth of anything in purely productivist terms.

Government system

On 23 March 2024, in #bots-and-spam, Mediternia asked Piffer for clarification on an aspect of Bixoland; "@Piffer describe the government system of bixoland (I swear to god if they don't even have language I don't know if they've even thought of what a fucking government is)". Piffer responded, succinctly, "anarchism", to which Mediternia did not express shock; "pretty much guess that :thumbsup:".

This assertion is further backed up by a conversation on 29 March 2024, wherein various people were taking the Political Compass Test with the view of their Terraconservan country's governmental leaders, rather than their own. Once Entropan published a customised Crowd Chart with every country's spot on the Political Compass (so far), Piffer responded with "we need a minarchist nation". Entropan, incorrectly, responded with "what do you think bixoland is", to which Araucarlia corrected her inaccuracy, stating that "bixoland is an anarchy", later publishing a flag of Bixoland were it a minarchist state. Anarchism, being the state of a territory not being under the control of an authority with a monopoly on violence, therefore describes Bixoland, with its stability being exceptional under such a system.

However, on 13 July 2024, in the "Ultimate Bixo Lore" post, Piffer said "sorry for the times i wrongfully stated that Bixoland was an anarchy i got confused of it and the Bixo's government". This means that Bixoland's general governmental system is unknown (apart from North Bixoland, which is known to be an authoritarian socialist state).

ROKO Treaty (Abolition)

On 27 March 2024, in #tra-general, a discussion was being held about which international organisation in Terraconserva was best. After Waffledogefern expressed his disdain for ACES ("I fucking hate ACES"), which elicited two reactions with the chess blunder emoji from Kivu and Jammy, Kivu expressed his love for the Regional Organisation of the Kivu Ocean ROKO, stating "ROKO :LFG:", which elicited a reaction of :LFG: from Monsilva, but a reaction of :chess_mistake: by Jammy. Waffle responded to this by stating his opinion on international organisations; "COEC > ROKO > CODECO > OU > EEFTA > Aurebeshia > E-COPE > ACES". In an indirect response to this, Jammy presented a draft of a treaty by the Security Council of ROKO, reading:

ROKO SC Treaty #3
Presented By: Jackson

Abolish Bixoland

However, Piffer responded quickly with "nuh uh", with the lack of a response by Jammy nullifying the treaty and stopping it from being voted on by the ROKO Security Council, meaning that Bixoland was not abolished.

On 13 July 2024, Piffer reified his opposition to the ROKO Treaty, stating that "Bixoland is not being abolished."


On 27 March 2024, Jammy pleaded to Paleocacher the following: "@Paleo can you start doing "days without a bixo mention"", in reference to the tally that Paleocacher keeps about how many days it has been in the League & Concord without a person mentioning Zuidwestan, a former Terraconservan country. Piffer disagreed with this suggestion, stating "no bixo should be mentioned", grammatically twisted by New Illyricum to mean that no bixo should be mentioned, which garnered a reaction of :maldtroll: by Jammy before Piffer quickly edited the message to read "no, bixo should be mentioned". Piffer expressed his frustration with New Illyricum, accusing New Illyricum of being the "grammar police", and Kivu responded to New Illyricum's message saying that "You agreed that bixos should be mentioned :LFG:". It is unknown where he got this sentiment from.

In response to Kivu's message, Piffer stated "glory to bixoland", which gained 4 reactions of :LFG: from Mediternia, Jammy, Kivu, and Sconia, one reaction of :this: by Mediternia, and one reaction of :notthis: by New Illyricum. In response to this message, Jammy suggested to Piffer: "You should@make the anthem to Bixoland glory to god". Piffer did not respond to this, causing bixologists at the time to believe that the anthem of Bixoland may, in fact, be Glory to God.

However, on 13 July 2024, in an Ultimate Bixo Lore post, Piffer clarified the anthem of Bixoland: "northern Bixoland doesnt have an oficial anthem, southern's Bixoland anthem is glory to Bixo", clarifying that North Bixoland does not have an official anthem, but Southern Bixoland does, likely a play on Glory to God, entitled "Glory to Bixo"

Occupation of Sconia

On 3 April 2024, Sconia sent a message to #bots-and-spam, reading: "@Kivu People: yikes, Sconia is completely destroyed, they can't possibly get a good GDP, like they will probably have 200B at the least. Sconia:", attached to a video of Max Verstappen, indicating that Sconia in fact did have a good economy after it was completely destroyed. Mediternia responded to this highlighting that he posted the meme in the wrong channel, saying "#tra-general, smh sconeland you know better than this". Sconia replied back, saying that "nah, it's too spammy for it :maldtroll:". It is, to this day, unknown what he meant by this. Mediternia responded with a GIF of a cat shaking its head close to the camera, indicating shock and horror at Sconia's refusal to go to #tra-general, to which Sconia said "bro's having none of it". In an escalation, Mediternia replied to Sconia's message with "I am going to annex sconeland into bixoland if you're not careful", followed up with what Sconia's name would be if it were colonised by Bixoland; Sconixoland. Sconia did not respond to this threat, and Mediternia did not follow up on the statement.

However, on 13 July 2024, Piffer followed up on it, stating that "bixoland occupied sconia for 40 years". During this time, it is reasonable to assume that Sconia was renamed "Sconixoland", and incorporated into Bixoland as a whole.

Bixoland-Bryan war "hoax"

On 4 April 2024, Sconia said in #bots-and-spam "piffer, bixoland is under attack by bryan". Piffer rebuked this claim, saying instead that "theres no war in bixoland". Sconia responded to this saying "oh ok, phew".

However, on 13 July 2024, Piffer released secret information about the Bixoland-Bryan war, stating "it was in fact not a hoax but nobody could know about the B.R.Y.A.N invasion", "the invasion was kept a secret and repelled", "northern bixoland is now safe".

Nationstates nation

The flag of the Bixoland nation, the official flag of the "Bixo Army".

On 23 March 2024, Mediternia posted two images to #bots-and-spam. Both of them were flags, with, from top to bottom, stripes of black, red, blue, and dark greem, and a light-blue coat of arms in the middle, but one of them had "YOU A BIXO" emblazoned above the coat of arms, black writing on a yellow arch. After Piffer responded to these images with "beautiful", Mediternia attempted to clear up what nation the flags were representing, stating "(bixoland if it wasn't obvious)". Kivu responded to Mediternia's statement, saying that "(Piffer should make the NS nation)", referring to NationStates, an online nation simulation game. Mediternia responded to Kivu with a link to a nation called Bixoland, being the representation of Bixoland in NationStates, to which Kivu reacted with :LFG:, with Mediternia then stating that "[I'm] gonna use it on my next lib", referring to his service in the League's Defence Forces, to which Kivu reacted with :LFG:, again.

Another nation appeared, this time entitled "Bixostan", created by Kivu. It has not ceased to exist, and is a regional officer in the Bixoland region. Gagium reacted to the revelation of this nation with "no way bixoland".

On 31 March 2024, Mediternia posted an image in #bots-and-spam of an apparent attempt for another person to log into and gain control of Bixoland, which was unsuccessful. He captioned the image "BIXOLAND WILL NEVER FALL". Kivu responded to this with a skull emoji, then asking Mediternia "Have you used the autologin thing?", trying to explain the failed log-in attempt, with Piffer then admitting that "it was me lol", to which Kivu warned "That's gonna get you in trouble with the NS mods :skull:". This worried Piffer, who responded with "it is?:frogsweat:", to which Kivu reassured him "Just don't do it anymore :skull:". Piffer reacted to that with :thumbsup:, indicating that he was not planning on attempting to log-in to other nations anymore.

On 2 April 2024, Piffer asked in #bots-and-spam; "@Mediternia why isnt bixoland in bixoland?", to which Kivu responded "Bixoland is serving in the LDF :saluting_face:". Mediternia clarified is, saying that "bixoland has been tasked with leaving the bixoverse temporarily to aid the LDF". This indicates that Bixoland does serve in the LDF.


A second nation appeared, this time entitled "Bixo", created by Gagium. However, it has since ceased to exist.

It gained limited notability on 28 March 2024, when Paleocacher posted an image of it in #public with the caption "Who is responsible for this?". Jammy replied to this message with several messages, stating "lolol", "Probably piffer", "Check the region it's in", to which Paleo replied "It's an LDF puppet at least I think."


The infamous flag of "Ploshiau Park", Jackson, features three of this flag in its top-left corner.

On 26 March 2024, Monsilva unveiled the flag for Bixolanders engaged in military operations in Nationstates (above), with the caption "Bixo Army". It received 4 reactions of :LFG:, from Jammy, Kivu, Piffer, and Gagium. Piffer, especially, was fond of this flag, responding to it with :face_holding_back_tears:.

Nationstates region

On 25 March 2024, Mediternia posted a message to #public; "piffer did promise to he was going to be a consul by this year". This message received a potentially record-breaking 7 skull emoji reactions, from Flying Eagles, Jammy, Entropan, Kivu, Baltanla, Gagium, and New Illyricum. Entropan responded to this with a date; "22nd september 2024, calling it", which received 5 skull emoji reactions, from Flying Eagles, Jammy, Kivu, Baltanla, and Gagium. Reacting to Mediternia's original message, Jammy said "The League has fallen", which was reacted to with 4 :this: emojis, by Flying Eagles, Kivu, Baltanla, and Gagium, and one :notthis: emoji, by Entropan. Kivu responded to Jammy's message through a scenario he believed to be possible were Piffer to become a consul: "First announcement: @-Everyone (the dash is to make sure that an Abersiania moment doesn't happen) move your nation to Bixoland". This prompted Mediternia to respond with a link to Bixoland, a region that he had founded, making this the first public mention of Bixoland as a region.

45 minutes later, Kivu sent a message in #bots-and-spam; "@Mediternia Imagine Bixoland becomes a jump point", referring to jump points, which are very late-updating regions used for Raiding/Defending organisations to gather and cross-endorse before operations. Mediternia responded to this, saying that it "would be very bixo", to which Kivu indicated agreement ("So true"). On the actual practicality of it, Mediternia stated "have to wait for next update to see if its even an option", to which Kivu said "Yeah", again indicating agreement with Mediternia. Just after, Mediternia sent another message to #bots-and-spam; "On the orders of Colonel Kivu of the LDF, everyone is to move their nation to". Kivu reacted to this with :LFG:, but quickly messaged to warn Mediterranean "Please don't move your WA nation though :skull:", to which Mediternia ominously stated ":maldtroll:".

On 26 March 2024, Gagium proposed a merger. "TL&B&C: The League and Bixoland and Concord", later clarifying "two defender regions and one raider region (so we can get accepted into raider unity and infil[trate] them)". He later stated "raiders cant possibly understand my non-traditional intelligence-gathering methods", and Kivu reacted to the original message with "BASED" in all caps. After this, Jammy suggested "Whoever owns the region pls make it frontier", which resulted in mixed reactions, with Gagium reacting with :thumbsup:, but Kivu responding saying "No".

Later that same day, in #public, after Jammy notified the channel of the existence of the page John Bixo, who is the President of Bixoland, receiving four :chess_blunder: reactions from Mediternia, Kivu, Gagium, and New Illyricum for his efforts to warn them, New Makasta asked the channel "wtf is bixoland", to which Kivu responded with a link to the region.

On 27 March 2024, Jammy attempted to get Salisford to join the Bixoland region in #tra-general, saying "@Salisford join BIXOLAND and endorse Bixo", to which Kivu reacted with :skull:. Later, Kivu responded with "Bixoland is another region atm", shutting down Jammy's attempt to get Salisford to join Bixoland, although the message itself does not make any sense to contemporary bixological sources. Jammy continued these efforts to get people to join Bixoland, by telling Paleocacher on 28 March 2024 in #public to "Go to the region "bixoland ". You won't regret it". It appears that this was unsuccessful, as well.

The current list of nations in the "Bixoland" region, as of 13 July 2024, is:

  • Bixoland
  • Bixostan
  • Demon Baby
  • Gagixo (Gagian Bixo)
  • Hixoland
  • Jackixo (Jackian Bixo)
  • Jamixo (Jammy-ian Bixo)
  • Kevu
  • Kivixo (Kivuian Bixo)
  • Majixo (Majoccan Bixo)
  • Mediternixo (Mediternian Bixo)
  • Mediternixoland (Mediternian Bixoland)
  • Monsixo (Monsilvan Bixo)
  • Pavixo (Pavulturilori Bixo)
  • Sconixo (Sconian Bixo)
  • Syntsixo (Syntsian Bixo)
  • Syntsixoland (Syntsian Bixoland)
  • The Night Watchmen State.

Colonial history

On 1 May 2024, Gagium posted a message in #tra-general stating "June 2025: Bixoland is a Pifferian ally and former Pifferian colony". Mediternia responded to this, saying "this implies the pifferians have reformed a government in araucarlia nd piffer is the chief consul, and for some reason your rping bixoland". This indicates that there is a colonial history with "Pifferians", who are not referenced anywhere else in bixological writings.

However, on 13 July 2024, Piffer offered a competing view, stating that "bixoland as once a province of to indo's empire", following up with " nothing that gagium said is true tho his words are not bixo scripture", a view rejected by most bixologists, due to the variety of sources that need to be polled to get any view of bixo history. This shows that Bixoland was once incorporated into the Tô Indo Empire. Whether the Tô Indo Empire was ruled by Pifferians is still to be found out.

Bixolander polling on Chief Consul Piffer

According to Piffer, there is overwhelming approval from those in Bixoland of Piffer's potential ascension to the Consulate. On 5 May 2024, Waffledogefern sent a message to #public, in light of the recent appointment of Kivu to the Consulate: "new chief consul is piffer. The Republic of The League & Bixo". Piffer agreed with Waffle's message - although it is still unknown exactly to what he was agreeing - messaging; ":this:, people from bixoland love consulman piffer!". This refers to as of yet undiscovered opinion polls from Bixoland, about whether Piffer should become the Chief Consul of the League & Concord. Piffer repeated this sentiment after Flying Eagles said "Get rid of the Gagbixos or something" (to three :thumbsdown: reactions from Kivu, Aura, and Gagium), restating that "people from bixoland love consulman piffer." This suggests that Bixoland exists in the space between Terraconserva and real-life, with Bixoland still interacting with Terraconserva, and the people of Bixoland still forming opinions on matters in the League & Concord.

Press freedoms

Bixoland does not rank highly in press freedoms. On 8 May 2024, Jammy posted a list in #tra-general:


best country list
1. Jackson :flag_jck:
2. Eweu/Kivuwu tie :flag_kivu::flag_eleu:
3. Monsilva :flag_mons:
4. Quebec :flag_qs:
5. [Desheria] :flag_desh:

no arguments

This list was generally well received, with Kivu reacting with :chess_brilliant, and both Kivu and Monsilva reacting with :chess_good:. However, Gagium reacted with :chess_mistake:, and Piffer reacted negatively to the list, stating: "quebec at 4? really? i thought you were better than this jamby." Later, Monsilva justified his belief that Monsilva should be first by saying "Monsilva should be #1 because it's objectively the best country to live in :maldtroll:" (disputed assertion). Piffer responded with "nuh uh. its tumland", which gained 5 skull emoji reactions, from Kivu, Baltanla, Monsilva, Gagium, and New Illyricum, one :speaking_head: emoji reaction, from Tumland, and one fire emoji reaction, also from Tumland.

Piffer expressed frustration with the number of emoji reactions he gets on his messages generally, replying to his own message saying "why do random things i say always get 3+ skull reacts?". Erick (Storosnova) responded to this saying "Bixoland doesn't like journalists?", to which Piffer confirmed the validity of Erick's statement, saying "their the profession with the highest mortality rate". Erick did not appear to be distressed by this, simply reacting with ":pikathink:", to which Piffer elaborated saying "if they dont say what people want..... (yay oclocracy)", indicating that press freedom in Bixoland is not suppressed by the government (Bixoland is an anarchy), but rather by the people of Bixoland themselves. Erick responded to this saying "The State is the people, isn't that what they say?".


On 19 April 2024, Reykanes messaged #tra-general pinging Jammy, saying "@Jammy when new pages", "where list of every village and town you promised". This prompted a reaction from Piffer, who simply responded with "the". Contemporary bixologists have been unable to decipher this statement in context of the conversation at hand. In response to this, Reykanes messaged back ",", following that message up with "Bixoland? more like yourmomland". Piffer took great offence at this insult being levied towards Bixoland, replying back "how dare you disrespect the bixos". This indicates that it is a highly offensive remark to call Bixoland "Yourmomland", one which is interpreted by most as being offensive and disrespectful of Bixos themselves.

Bixoland City

According to one account, the capital city of Bixoland may be Bixoland City. On 12 June 2024, Desheria and Waffledogefern were discussing worldbuilding for Desheria's new nation, Girisko. Discussing capital city name ideas, Desheria suggested "what about Haruka city?", to which Waffle replied "sure". Piffer suggested a different name, "bixoland city". While a lot of contemporary bixological accounts may believe this to be simply a name suggestion (one which Desheria responded in earnest with "nah i like haruka more"), some have posited that it may be the name of Bixoland's capital city, and that Piffer's suggestion here was a form of imperialism to expand the cultural influence of Bixoland, albeit one which ultimately failed.

Zombie infestation

On 16 June 2024, in #games-and-etc, Desheria posted about their new run in a game called Project Zomboid, posting a picture of their character with a boyfriend npc named "Bryan", with a red baseball bat, jeans, and a shirt with someone's face on it, captioned "i've started a new run, but not alone this time, i spawned in with a boyfriend survivor npc named bryan (no i did not choose his shirt)", further clarifying "from superb survivors. he's practically doing most of the melee fighting and the heavy lifting". He then posted another image of his player-character's Skills in the game, with 3 points on Fitness, half a point on Strength, half a point on Sprinting, one point on Axe, one quarter of a point on Maintainence, two and three quarters points on Archery, three and a half points on Carpentry, one and a half point on Cooking, two and a fifth points on First Aid, a fifth of a point on Electrical, two points on Music, and one and a fifth point on Scavenging, with a caption; "i fight with ranged weapons and do housework". He then showed survivalist Skills his character had, in another picture, showing one point on fighting, two points on trapping, and three on foraging, with the caption "and also foraging stuff", following it up with "we secured a base :3".

Piffer responded to the first message Desheria posted with "@Sconia B R Y A N!!!!!!", to which Desheria was confused, replying "?", after which Piffer clarified "Bryan" as an "inside joke", to which Desheria was understanding, replying back "Okieh :3". Continuing with publishing photos of his new run of the game, Desheria published a photo of him and Bryan doing work on their base, with the caption "we're currently barricading out base", followed up with "and by that i mean bryan just barricades windows with planks while i stand around and sort out loot in the house". Desheria then published a follow-up photo, showing zombies that he had spotted during his run, captioned "WHAT", to which he quickly followed up with "WHERE DID THESE COME FROM". Piffer responded to this with "from bixoland", "i send them there", indicating that Bixoland has a zombie infestation problem, which it then offloads elsewhere to alleviate the strain on itself caused by the zombie infestation.

On 17 June 2024, Desheria published another photo, showing several survivors who he had found recently, captioned "what the hell is happening", "where did all of these people come from?". After querying about where the previously mentioned survivor Bryan went, Piffer responded to Desheria's latter question with "from bixoland", "i sent them there". This indicates that Bixoland does not simply send those who are already zombies outside of the country, also sending people experienced in dealing with the zombie infestation over as well, to help those on the receiving end of the zombie packages, and possibly indicating that Bixoland has always had a problem with zombies, since there is an abundance of people experienced in dealing with zombies, to the extent to where they can ship them over problem free.

Desheria responded to Piffer admitting Bixolander policy on the matter, stating "why >w<", to which Piffer responded with "sharing is caring". Desheria admitted frustration with this policy, sending several messages to Piffer in response; "i can't even rest in the most isolated location in riverside in peace it seems", "im not even kidding she just broke the damn window", "and got in", "what the hell man", "get out of my house .w.". Piffer repeated his initial sentiment, saying that "sharing is caring let her live with you". Desheria relented, sending two more messages; "fine, i'll try to send her a request to join my team", "initially i'd have given anyone who seeks some food, but like come on man at least ask first". She then disappeared, causing Desheria to ask "wait where the hell did she go". Piffer revealed that "she came back to bixoland". The reasons for this are unknown.

Desheria then indicated further disdain with the people who had joined him, stating "the idiots outside the house have already brought zombies to this place", further emphasising this message by saying "if my character's eye could twitch in annoyance, it would". Piffer then revealed an interesting part of Bixolander policy regarding zombie infestations, stating "gues you want more people. gonna send more people from bixoland". This indicates that the Bixolander policy can be hostile, in certain circumstances, sending more people sheerly to annoy the recipient. Desheria refused Piffer's offer, stating "no thanks please i have enough random strangers running around", to which Gagium, in an unusually violent tone, replied "Just kill them". Desheria disagreed with this harsh policy suggestion, responding with "that would be mean", "i'm not a villain, i try my best to be kind to these humans". Piffer agreed with Desheria, albeit for a different reason, responding to Gagium's suggestion with "no killing bixolanders". However, Gagium responded to Piffer's message saying "no not the zombies from bixoland, i mean the people (jato macuco)", to which Piffer reacted with ":thumbsup:". This could suggest an ethnic bias in those who get sent over to places Bixoland has sent zombies to, with the lives of jato macucos viewed as more expendible than bixos/hixos.

Potential identity

On 27 March 2024, Abersiania posted an image of an edited grey Terraconservan map to #tra-general, with the caption "@Monsilva perfect". It showed Monsilva edited onto the continent of Ecros, bordering solely Araucarlia, and gained two :chess_brilliant: reactions from Jammy and Kivu. Reactions to this were mixed, with Jammy expressing implied joy; "Piffer surrounded on all sides", but Piffer not being so joyful; "i dont want monsilva near me and where the fuck did shayou go?". The interesting message in this conversation comes from Monsilva, however, who pleaded with Abersiania to "move me north. I don't want to be next to bixoland". Another piece of evidence that suggests that Araucarlia is Bixoland is that at one point, Piffer changed his Discord handle from "!Piffer(Araucarlia)" to "!Piffer(Bixoland)". This could suggest that Araucarlia is in fact Bixoland. Other evidence, such as the relatively small amount of wiki pages in, and the country's relative absence from international events, could suggest this assertion to be true: Araucarlia hiding their true identity as Bixoland.

According to another account, Bixoland is, in fact, Terraconserva as a whole. On 8 April 2024, in #tra-general, Piffer published an image of the entirety of Terraconserva overlayed with the flag of Bixoland, captioned "glory to bixoland". Additionally, on 1 May 2024, Piffer published a map in #tra-general, showing an alternative version of Terraconserva with currently existing nations mapped onto other continents. Mediternia queried in response to this: "where's bixoland", to which Piffer responded "everywhere is bixoland". This may indicate that Bixoland is a country spanning the entirety of Terraconserva.

Jato macuco

One of the most highly referenced species in the same family as bixos is the jato macuco. The first reference to "jato macucos" came on 3 September 2023, in #tra-general, when a discussion was ongoing about various people's interest in history as a subject. Rakhman, contributing to the conversation, said "My favourite history is Eastern Europe", to which Monsilva agreed, responding "20th century Eastern European history was one of my favorite things to write essays on. Especially Poland and the Baltics". New Gandor replied to Monsilva's message saying "POLSKA!", which gained three reactions of the Polish flag from himself, Jammy, and Monsilva, and one reaction of :cowboy: from Piffer. Piffer went on to reply to this with "jato macuco", which is understood contemporarily to be irrelevant in the wider context of the conversation.


The first reference of jato macuco as an individual came on 21 September 2023, when Fandom, in #tra-general, published part 3 of "Morovan Madness", stating alongside it "Part 3 is up", "Finally". Monsilva replied to this stating "Hooray! did the website work?", to which Piffer responded "Nonsilva earmite desease but kivu ate", which is understood to be irrelevant to the conversation as a whole. Replying to this, Monsilva said "Nonsilva (my arch-nemesis) has earmite disease, but Kivu ate it? :flushed:". Piffer elaborated on this incident, clarifying that "Yes but earmite water competition bourgeoised nonsilva making jato macuco". This clarifies on the origination of "jato macuco" as an individual, being made after Kivu ate the earmite disease of "Nonsilva" [disputed], but with the capitalistic nature of the "earmite water competition" that they were partaking in made Nonsilva a member of the bourgeoise, which then created jato macuco.

After this, Jato macuco created a time paradox, with Piffer stating that "Jato macuco time machined and até earmite desease before kivu preventing jato macuco tô bê creat". Jato macuco's reasoning for this is unknown, with Piffer further clarifying that "Tô indo time machined tô Prevent nonsilva tô make earmite water competition preventing jato macuco tô bê created and Prevent jato macuco tô bê created só it prevented jato macuco tô time machine and Prevent jato macuco from existindo but jato macuco got out". We can gather from these two messages that two grandfather paradoxes were created by Jato macuco's acquisition of a time machine, one in which Jato macuco travelled back and prevented themself from being created, thereby preventing them from stopping themself from being created in the first place, causing a paradox. After this, Tô indo, another time-active individual, travelled back to prevent Nonsilva from creating the earmite water competition, and thereby preventing Jato macuco from being created, to prevent Jato macuco from ever travelling back and eliminating their own existence, being able to manage the resultant grandfather paradox from destroying what got them to travel back in the first place. However, Jato macuco got out of being un-created, through unknown means.

On 5 October 2023, it became apparent that this competition was a founding mythology for bixo society, when Piffer, in #bots-and-spam, stated:

pure walkers these words are for you alone
jato macuco understands: i have the will but.
i shall be the destroyment of all inferior insects.
you cant be furry tho.
the mass is equivalent of southeastern Europe, the same he travelled when going to the mall.
i want arson.
it has a wife, so you shall not seek truth in it.
i shall create the power to destroy Neptune.
in the glory of jato macuco

This indicates that Jato macuco is an individual worshipped by Pure Walkers (the founders of the bixo religion), indicating that the fight between Jato macuco and Tô indo became a foundational mythology for the bixo religion.


Following the mythological battle between Tô indo and Jato macuco, a species was named after the individual; the jato macucos. The first reference to this species was on 23 March 2024, in #bots-and-spam, when an illustration was found, later clarified to be of three jato macucos worshipping a singular bixo (Mediternia asked "hmm... piffer… if the thing in the sky is a bixo…. what are the jumping things?", to which Piffer replied "the jato macucos"). After Mediternia later asked "what the bixo does [jato macuco] mean then", Piffer responded with "it means:homeless/dirty jet", showing the actual translation of the name "jato macuco".

Jato macucos are widely known to be humans living in bixo communities, with several bixological sources confirming this interpretation. On 23 March 2024, in #bots-and-spam, Mediternia asked Piffer "Explain what [jato macucos] are. An explanation on their name would be good but it's also not that important.", to which Piffer replied "theire just the bixo's view on humans". Several minutes later, Mediternia would ask for clarification on this: "so is the name jato macuco just the name of the depictions of humans in bixo communities?", to which Piffer reacted with ":thumbsup:". On 14 July 2024, this view was reinforced, after Sconia published a message in #bots-and-spam, asking "Who are jato macucos anyways?", to which Piffer responded "theyre the bixoist's depiction of humans".

There are "about 100 million" (Piffer, 14 April 2024) jato macucos.


The government of the Jato macucos.

On 29 March 2024, Piffer posted to #bots-and-spam what he would later call a "pice of art", a picture of several creatures joined together, captioned "government". Kivu, who had been active in a conversation ongoing with Waffledogefern in the channel, pinged Mediternia, a known bixological scholar. Several hours later, Piffer pinged Mediternia again, to which Mediternia replied "kivixo pingued me earlier. I take this is the jato macuco government?", to which Piffer reacted with ":thumbsup:".

Mediternia queried further; "is that a sash? also why are there so many jato macucos piled together, or is that just one jato macuco… ?". Piffer responded to this saying that "its a government", "and those are multiple jato macucos", yet would go on to contradict this, after Mediternia continued to question him ("I understand its a government but a government isn't a physical object ;-;", "It's meant to be a sash right?"), stating that "that creature there is called a government". The yellow band shown in the illustration was later clarified, after a question by Mediternia ("the yellow band is the "creature" or the entire collective of jato macucos and band are together the "creature" know as a "government"?), to be a creature in itself which formed a singular creature when combined with the mass of jato macucos, with Piffer saying "theyre 2 different creatures but theyre the same creature togheter (like a lichen but its a parasitic relationship not symbiotic)".

The jato macuco who form a government are lumped together physically. Later in the same conversation, Mediternia queried "when you say two different creatures you mean the government is one creature and the collection of individual jato macuco are another?", to which Piffer clarified "no theyre 1 creature togheter". This confirms that jato macucos who form the government are a singular creature. Mediternia further questioned Piffer: "have they hiveminded or something", "like why are they combined", with Piffer responding by clarifying that "no", "theyre just lumped togheter", further emphasising this after another question by Mediternia ("they have one mind or sseperate?"), that they have "separate minds", being "one creature with multiple minds", as Mediternia put it.

Jato macucos who form a government are thereby, as Mediternia worded it, "physically connected by blood vessels, nerves, etc.". After figuring out this to be the case, Mediternia asked further; "why are they like this?". This question has not been answered.

On 14 April 2024, Mediternia posted a message in #bots-and-spam (preceded by a GIF of a cat drinking water); "@Piffer are jato macuco's government form an absolute theocracy?", to which Piffer responded with "yes".

Tô indos

Tô indos are upper-class jato macucos. Which jato macucos are tô indos is determined at birth, and they hold aristocratic power in governance of jato macucos. They are the only enfranchised jato macucos, deciding the 1-20 tô indos who form a government. On 14 April 2024, Mediternia asked, in #bots-and-spam, "[@Piffer] what percentage of the jato macucos are the to indos?", to which Piffer responded with "0000000,8% to indos". However, this turned out to be a mistake on Piffer's behalf, with, after Mediternia queried "Do you realise that any zeros before a decimal point aren't accounted for? You're in effect saying that .8% or 800000 of the jato macuco population are to indos.", to which Piffer replied "cope" (it is contemporarily unknown why he replied in this manner". After Mediternia pushed further for confirmation on the scale of the tô indo population ("Sir, are you confirming the to indo population is approximately 80000?"), Piffer confirmed that there are, actually, "8k", or 8000, tô indos, meaning that they are 0.008% of jato macucos.

Miscellaneous variations

On 26 March 2024, several miscellaneous variations of the word "bixo" became known, with very limited usage. In response to Kivu's message in #bots-and-spam stating "Sonic brain rot or TRA brain rot take your pick :skull:", Mediternia stated "bixo braixo rixo", two bixoid variations of the word "bixo" not seen hence, analogous to "brain" and "rot".

Gagium would then go on to say "you are going to create the apo bixalarizz incident", with "bixalarizz" a word never seen hence in bixological writings. It is unknown what "bixalarizz" is analogous to in English. He would then go on to state "bixyatt", a bixoid variation never seen hence, analogous to the English word "gyatt".

In response to Monsilva's concern over the level of brain damage apparent in the messages of those in the channel ("I opened this channel and I feel like I died or smth", "90% of the words here end in -xo"), Piffer said "wdymxo", a bixoid variation of the English acronym "wdym", an acronym of "what do you mean".

Gagium then said "bixxigration crisis", "bixaqui estas al To Indo", with "bixxigration" being a bixoid variation of the English word "immigration", and "bixaqui" a variation of the Spanish word "aqui", meaning "here" in English.

In response to Kivu's message that "The bixo has overcome some of us :pensive:", Sconia said "sonicixo", a bixoid variation of the word "Sonic".