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ScripturePuirlava, Restored Edition
FounderNathaniel Gilchrest
Founded Date2016
Founded locationMigaza

Nantism is a monotheistic religion based on the revived teachings of Jursanity, through the Restored Edition of the Puirlava. The edition was authored and re-translated from the original Parkavid language by Nathaniel Gilchrest in 2016. Nantism took root in the refugee camps of Migaza shortly after the Great War and exploded amongst the founders of the Theocratic States of Icaris, being its official state religion.

The religion centers around an original concept in Jursanity known as "Nantidalwhe", inner harmony and external peace. This was the model of the perfect society, one where man took care of man, where all institutions were aimed at service and the well-being of others. It cast away the worldly possessions and conflicts for a higher purpose. The Original and Reformed Translations pointed heavily to Gabriel Jursan being that child of God, but Gilchrest uncovered the original meaning was not Jursan, but that the child of God had yet to come to Bjorland and bless it. In this way, Nantism derives some of its theology from Jacobianism. This was a major shift in the faith, and what became known as the Restored Translation, was rejected by the remaining Jursans in Glaskarn, who had come away even from the Reformed Translation of the Puirlava. Gilchrest realized the need for a new basis for the faith, as the Jursans had lost their way in most of the world, and in Migaza were all but gone. He founded the new faith of Nantism, the root word of the message of Nantidalwahe.