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Theocracy of Tumland

Flag of Tumland
Motto: أعط أكثر ثم خذ
"Give more then you take"      
LocationSouth-east Ecros
CapitalTum Central
Official languagesTumanitun, Jackian
Recognised national languagesTumanitun, Jackian, Arabic
Ethnic groups
Tumanitun 82%
Tangata 10%
Arabic 8%
Other 1%
96% Tumaniti
2% Atheist
2% Undetermined
• Governor
Griffin Airhourser
• 2020 estimate
36 million
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
250 Billion
₵[some number of Pounds] Billion
• Per capita
48,801.69 Pounds
₵[some number of Pounds]
Gini (2020)35
HDI (2020)Steady 0.866
very high
CurrencyGregoris (TGC)
Time zoneAMT? (Tumanitun time)

Tumland, officially The Theocracy of Tumland is a religion and industry-focused nation, with its dominant faith being Tumaniti (being the cause of the country’s name). It is bordered by close ally, Dalmato. It is a former colony of the Jackson empire but rebelled in 1714Ad to establish the Folkonian Empire.

Etamology of Tumland

The 'Tum' is Tumland to symbolise the most prominent god in the major faith there, Tumaniti.

Capital of Tumland

The capital city of Tumland is Tum Central, where trade and scientific advancements spread throughout the bustling city. It was the final resting place of The Five Paladins and is incredibly faithful, however not as faithful as Pennisula, the holy city of Tumland. It’s also where the main headquarters of the alliance, MÓTI is located.

Leaders of Tumland

There are three main rulers of the country: Governor Griffin Airhourser, King Thorn II, and Rangatira Leon. The governor is regarded by the populous as very carefree and ignorant of his responsibilities. The King is semi-competent, however, most of his power has been relinquished from the monarchy, so his position is mostly diplomatic. The Pope however is heavily skilled in keeping the country and its holy duties in order. He is highly regarded by the people and keeps the loyalty of the nation record high.

History of Tumland


Tumland was dominated by hundreds of tribes spread across the land. However many of these early settlements perished due to difficult landscapes and 'The Ravage'. As a result, only the isolated and advanced tribes could survive. Tumland is a region that is believed to have been inhabited by various ancient tribes dating back thousands of years ago. The tribes of Tumland were known for their unique cultural practices and beliefs, including elaborate rituals and ceremonies that were performed to appease the gods and ensure a bountiful harvest. They were also skilled in various arts and crafts, such as pottery, weaving, and metalworking, which they used to create beautiful and functional objects for everyday use.

One of the most notable features of the tribes of Tumland was their social structure, which was based on a complex system of clans and lineages. Members of each clan were bound by a shared history and cultural heritage, and they worked together to maintain their traditional way of life. Despite the existence of rivalries and conflicts among the different clans, the tribes of Tumland generally lived in peace and cooperation.

Archaeological evidence suggests that the tribes of Tumland had advanced knowledge of agriculture, masonry, and other essential survival skills. In fact, they had the highest levels of animal husbandry for their time. They relied on these skills to support their communities and to ensure their long-term survival. In addition to their practical knowledge, they also developed a highly developed written tradition, passing down their history, stories, and beliefs from one generation to the next.

Despite their ancient origins, the tribes of Tumland have largely disappeared from the historical record, leaving only scattered evidence of their existence. Today, the few remaining descendants of these tribes continue to preserve and honour their rich cultural heritage, and they remain an important part of the region's cultural identity.


Tumland's ancient era is a time of great exploration, discovery, and cultural exchange. During this period, the people of Tumland rapidly expanded their territory, explored new lands, and interacted with a diverse array of cultures and peoples. The ancient era of Tumland is generally considered to have begun around 500 BCE, as the people of Tumland began to develop more advanced agricultural techniques and to build permanent settlements. Prior to this time, the people of Tumland were nomadic, following herds of animals and living in temporary shelters. With the development of agriculture, however, the people of Tumland were able to settle in one place and begin building permanent homes and communities. This led to a period of rapid growth and expansion, as the population of Tumland increased and the people began to explore the surrounding regions.

One of the most notable achievements of the ancient Tumlandic people was their rapid exploration of two continents, Ecros and Sur. These vast regions were home to a wide array of different cultures, languages, and peoples, and the Tumanitun explorers were fascinated by the new lands and people they encountered. Over the course of several centuries, Tumanitun explorers travelled vast distances across these continents, mapping new territories, establishing trade routes, and forming alliances with local peoples. They encountered a wide array of cultures and civilizations, including Creeperopolis, Quebecashire and Corevilla. As the people of Tumland continued to explore and expand their territory, they developed a rich cultural heritage that included art, music, literature, and philosophy. They created intricate sculptures, vibrant textiles, and beautiful pottery, and their epic poems and stories reflected their love of adventure, exploration, and the natural world.

During this time, the people of Tumland also developed a complex religious and spiritual system that was based on the principles of Tumaniti. Tumaniti was a polytheistic religion that emphasized the importance of living in harmony with nature and the natural world. It was based on the belief that all living things were interconnected and that everything in the universe was part of a larger whole. The Tumanitun people also developed a sophisticated system of government during this time. They established a council of elders, who were responsible for making decisions and settling disputes. They also developed a legal code that was based on the principles of fairness and justice.

Despite these accomplishments, the ancient era of Tumland was not without its challenges. The people of Tumland faced many obstacles and setbacks, including wars, famines, and natural disasters. One of the most devastating events of this era was another widespread plague that swept through the region, killing countless people and wiping out entire communities. However, the people of Tumland continued to explore and expand their territory, building a rich and vibrant civilization that would endure for centuries to come. Their achievements in exploration, culture, and religion laid the foundation for the vibrant and diverse nation of Tumland that exists today.

Early Modern

Tumland used to have a much larger influence over Terraconserva, with a sprawling empire. It was called the Folkonian Empire, and controlled all of Tumland, Abersiania, Dalmato and parts of Montcrabe. However, in 1778, the empire collapsed due to the death of its only leader, King Makon I. Despite its success, it was one of the shortest-lasting empires, only being around for 64 years.

Sport of Tumland

Tumland has many teams in sports with: Tumland National Swimming Team and Tumland national football team and Tumland women's national football team being added recently.

Geography of Tumland

The Theocracy of Tumland is situated in the southeast of Ecros. The country's south enjoys an arid climate and vast deserts near the south-central. The northern parts of the nation however have a temperate climate with cold breezes from the ocean. The eastern peninsula is also similar in temperature and climate. The west is dominated by mainly luscious meadows, murky swamps and dense rainforests. Wetlands and marshes are abundant due to constant rainfall in the west, this however deprives water in the south. The Southwestern coast has magnificent beaches and a tropical climate but the north, however, is heavily polluted by Dalmatian commerce. Hills and small mountains are sparse throughout the nation.

Natural Wonders

Ha Long Bay, the Giants Causeway, and the Pink Lake are three of the most breathtaking natural wonders located in the country of Tumland. These sites are renowned for their stunning beauty and are considered to be some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world.

Ha Long Bay is a beautiful seascape comprised of thousands of towering islands and islets, creating a breathtaking vista that draws visitors from around the world. The Giants Causeway is a natural rock formation located on the coast of Tumland and is comprised of thousands of hexagonal basalt columns that rise from the sea. The Pink Lake is a unique body of water that is known for its vibrant pink colour and is considered to be one of the most beautiful and unusual lakes in the world.

In addition to their stunning beauty, these natural wonders are also of great spiritual and cultural significance to the people of Tumland. Many of them are used as religious sites and are considered to be sacred places of worship. As such, they are subject to strict environmental regulations and conservation efforts to preserve their natural beauty for future generations.

Despite their popularity, Ha Long Bay, the Giants Causeway, and the Pink Lake remain some of the most pristine and well-preserved natural wonders in Tumland. These stunning landscapes are a testament to the beauty of the natural world and are sure to take your breath away. Whether you are a nature lover, a spiritual seeker, or simply someone who appreciates breathtaking landscapes, these natural wonders are not to be missed.

Districts of Tumland

Law and Order of Tumland

Tumland is a country with a unique approach to law and order. Unlike many other nations, Tumland has a relatively small police force, relying on its citizens to maintain order and report any criminal activity. Despite this, crime rates in Tumland are low, with a strong sense of community and social responsibility helping to prevent most criminal activity.

One of the most notable features of Tumland's legal system is its lack of drug laws. While drug use is still considered a criminal offence in other countries, in Tumland it is treated as a personal matter, and individuals are free to use drugs as they see fit. This approach has been controversial, with some arguing that it promotes drug use and contributes to the country's crime rate, while others argue that it allows individuals to make informed decisions about their own health and well-being.

Tumland's legal system also permits the use of executions as a form of punishment for serious crimes. While executions are relatively rare in Tumland, they are carried out in a number of obscure ways, such as drowning, being thrown from a cliff, or gladiator fighting. These methods have been criticized by human rights organizations, who argue that they are cruel and inhumane.

In conclusion, Tumland's approach to law and order is unique and controversial, with a small police force, a lack of drug laws, and the use of executions as a form of punishment. Despite these unique features, Tumland remains a safe and stable country, with a strong sense of community and social responsibility helping to maintain order and prevent criminal activity.

Education of Tumland

The education system in Tumland is unique compared to most countries. University education is mandatory for all citizens, and the focus is on providing a holistic education to students, including not just academic learning, but also the development of personal, social and professional skills.

The schools in Tumland are known for their relaxed and informal approach, and homework is practically non-existent. The focus is on developing a love for learning and cultivating creative thinking among the students. The students are encouraged to explore their interests and passions, and the teachers provide guidance and mentorship to help them achieve their goals.

The universities are particularly well-known for their vibrant campus life, with numerous extracurricular activities and parties. While the parties are an integral part of university life, the academic curriculum is still given utmost importance. The universities offer a wide range of courses in various disciplines, including science, technology, engineering, arts, and humanities. The aim is to produce well-rounded graduates who are capable of making significant contributions to society.

Wildlife of Tumland

Tumland is a country known for its rich and diverse ecosystem, with a vast array of wildlife that is both unique and abundant. The country is home to a wide variety of marine life, including colourful fish, playful dolphins, and magnificent manatees. In addition to its rich marine life, Tumland also boasts a diverse array of land herbivores, such as graceful deer, majestic elk, and curious boars.

One of the defining characteristics of Tumland's wildlife is its friendliness towards people. Many of the creatures that call Tumland home have become accustomed to the presence of humans, and they are often seen interacting with visitors in a playful and curious manner. This friendly behaviour has earned Tumland a reputation as a wildlife paradise, attracting visitors from all over the world who are eager to experience the natural beauty of this unique country.

Tumland's diverse ecosystem also provides a habitat for a wide range of bird species, including vibrant parrots, majestic dodos, and intriguing kiwis.

In conclusion, Tumland is a country known for its incredible wildlife, with a vast array of marine life and a diverse array of land herbivores that are friendly towards people. With its rich ecosystem and well-managed wildlife, Tumland is a true natural wonder, and a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the beauty of nature.

Military of Tumland

Tumland used to be one of the leading nations regarding warfare and defensive forces, but since the fall of the Folkonian Empire, the majority of military budget has been diverted. The army is very limited and total numbers are unknown, but estimated to be around 4000. Tumland however has remained one of the top nations in the Terraconserva when it comes to the navy, with highly advanced naval ships and a few battleships. They total at 63,250 members of the navy. Tumland also has limited budget when it comes to the airforce, but recent agreements in 2023 with Dragonia has allowed Tumland to steadily increase their airforce and training to their soldiers.

Despite having a relatively low budget, the defence of Tumland is very formidable. With alliances with Abersiania and other nations, anyone who would declare war on Tumland would have to face much more deadly threats. On top of this, in 2002, tumland was facing increasing problems with pirates along the shores, plundering anyone that entered tumanitan waters. This was until Albie Clark (former governor) decided to legalize the pirates on the one condition no one was seriously harmed and in times of war, the pirates would serve Tumland. In exchange, anyone who wished to join the modern pirates of tumland were allowed to plunder any ships that went through tumland without proper authority.

Other links of Tumland

Abortion in Tumland Capital punishment in Tumland LGBT rights in Tumland

Foreign Relations of Tumland

Tumanitun Travel Advisories was published by the Tumanitun government in 2023. TALISMAN of which Tumland is the founding nation |2017 |2018 - State visit in Abersiania to celebrate a new monarch. |2019 |2020 |2021 |2022 |2023 - Training of Tumanitun airforce in exchange for the training of Dragonian Navy