Server Moderation Team

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Server Moderation Team
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The Server Moderation Team, formerly called the League Police Force and abbreviated SMT, is the moderation for The League. The Server Moderation Team (SMT) is an extra-governmental institution managed by the regional administrators to moderate on the relevant platforms.

Significant changes occurred after the July 2020 diplomatic incident.

The Server Police Force was formed in August 2018 to enforce server rules. Its name was changed to the Server Moderation Team in Feburary of 2021.

Modern Structure


Current Administrators

Prior Administrators


Current Moderators

Prior Moderators

Warning protocols

  • Provide a bot warning for any rulebreaking content published by a user.
  • Put the rule violated by the user into the warning (for clarity and archival purposes)
  • SMT moderators are expected to mute a user upon the second infraction in a day. In the event of the rulebreaking appearing known and deliberate, a mute may be delivered on the first infraction. The first mute in a day given by an officer should be 30 minutes and doubled for each following necessary mute.
  • Follow special protocols over standard protocol for any users that have been placed on one.
  • Note: The Consulate reserves the authority to issue mutes or actions deviating from the standard protocol as they are the oversight administration. Actions by a Consul may be subject to review by the broader institution of the Consulate.

NS and RMB

The Server Moderation Team is responsible for the enforcement of rules in The League, and can issue warnings onto peoples' records for NS/RMB activities that break the League's rules. This effort runs in parallel with the NS moderation team (who enforce NS's rules), which is contactable by filing a Getting Help Report in the event of mass spam, PG 13 violations, etc on the RMB or in a member nations' telegrams.

Discord rules

The Server Rules and Conduct Expectations are what the Server Moderation Team governs the server based off of to best secure a healthy environment for the server and its members. We expect these rules and general expectations of out-of-character conduct to be followed.

If you need to report an incident or file a serious inquiry, use >report [reason] so it can be forwarded to the Server Moderation Team by the bot.

1. Server Moderators have the authority to enforce these rules at their discretion when they feel it is best for the discord server and its users. Rules function as intended.
2. Server Moderator actions are definite, if you feel action against you was unfair, use >appeal [caseID for action] [reason] and wait for an administrator to respond. If you believe a moderator is poorly conducting themselves, file a report with >report [reason] and wait for an administrator to address it. Do not argue with moderators after an action is taken against you. Let it go, or appeal and wait for a response.
3. These rules apply to all members of the Discord Server. Administrators may differ penalties depending on if you are a member of the region or not, though. Outside disruption will be handled more swiftly.
4. NSFW content is not allowed. If you are unsure if your content is NSFW, you are simply advised not to post it. If you want to, contact a member of the Server Moderation Team regarding it, however, you accept the risk of punishment for ambiguous content.
5. Use channels appropriately. If a moderator asks you to move a conversation, move it. Do not spam outside of #spam-and-etc, nor spam ping other users. Do not misuse bot commands.
6. Do not harass, flame, or flamebait other users.
7. Administrators and moderators reserve the right to remove and penalize for any content that is offensive, regardless of if it is serious. This includes but is not limited to racism, homophobia, unnecessary edgy jokes/comments, and et cetera. Reconsider the necessity and likely perception of what you post if you think it may fall into this category. Punishment severity will be determined based on the perceived intent and the content itself.
8. Channels for private organizations within the region can have expectations in addition to the server rules. Listen to those who are in charge of the groups those channels are for unless stated otherwise by a moderator or administrator.
9. Abuse of, or misconduct within State and Government related channels and resources may result in restriction of access or similar consequences.
10. All applicable regional laws must be followed by all members of this server.
11. Do not post sensitive information to The League in inappropriate channels.
12. Do not disseminate any personal information for which you have not been given explicit permission to disseminate. This applies to any method of dissemination. Punishment severity depends on the information in question and the spread thereof, and any other relevant factors.
13. Server nicknames (and if relevant, usernames in general) count as content. Please ensure they follow all of the above rules, do not attempt to impersonate others, and are not otherwise disruptive

Warn history

Following the adoption of AAbot, a decision was made to host the warning statistics of the region on the LCNwiki.

Archival History

Badge of the LPF

Depreciated Positions

Positions such as the Chief of the League's Police, Deputy Chief, or the Captain of the LPF, which was a position created to manage channels related to the Monarchist and Democratic Alliance, have since been depreciated with the migration to the modern SMT system.


No. Chief Took office Left office Time in office
The New Fandom Republic
The New Fandom RepublicThe New Fandom Republic
(born 2013)
August 20183 February 2019c. 186 days
Amaan land
Amaan landAmaan land
(born 2016)
3 February 2019Incumbent1 year, 364 days


Individual Officer Customs Captain Deputy Chief
Amaan land Yes Yes No No Yes
Kanjuura Yes Yes No Yes No
Republic of Dragons Yes Yes Yes No No
Creeperopolis Yes Yes No No No
Spode Humbled Minions Yes Yes No No No
The New Fandom Republic Yes Yes No No No
Gjorka Yes No No No No
Paleocacher Yes No No No No

Depreciated Practices

Discord entry and customs alert system

The Alert System was a method for the LPF customs (subsequently Server Moderation Team Customs Division) to be aware of what is expected for new entry into the Discord Server. It could be altered by the Consulate or by the Chief of the LPF upon request to the Consulate. The system originally was as follows:

Alert System Level Green
Business on the Discord Server is functioning as normal. Exercise a normal use of caution, there is no perceived threat to the server, region, and there is no extensive violation of the Server Rules currently occurring. Follow standard protocol for the handling of any problems, as explained.
Under Alert System Level Green Protocol, entry into the Discord server by new members must be approved by at least one Consul of the Republic.
Alert System Level Orange
There is an elevated amount of caution that is to be exercised. Follow Alert System Level Orange Protocol for any handling of rule violations or any issues. This is typically   established when there is a moderate amount of instability occurring or during the fallout or aftermath of the aforementioned.
Under Alert System Level Orange Protocol, entry into the Discord server by new members must be approved by at least two Consuls of the Republic.
Alert System Level Red 
There is a very immense degree of caution that should be exercised. The region is either in a state of wartime or there is a direct threat present. Follow Alert System Level Red Protocol for the handling of any issues. All issues are to be handled swiftly due to the high likelihood of incursions being made against the region and/or server.
Under Alert System Level Red Protocol, entry into the Discord server by new members must be approved by all three Consuls of the Republic.

This practice was discontinued with the adoption of the AAbot's verification system.

Customs Officers

A specific group of officers within the Server Moderation Team will be designated as Customs Officers. This will not give them any authority that they did not already have within SMT but they will hold the responsibility of settling new members into the Discord Server. When a new member joins the Discord Server the Customs Officers will be responsible for asking them to state their name and purpose on the server before giving them the proper roles.

This practice was discontinued with the adoption of the AAbot's verification system.

Rules of Conduct

This was the conduct guide of members of the League’s Police Force, drafted by the Consulate and approved by the Chief of the League’s Police Force.

  1. The League’s Police Force is a department mandated by the Consulate’s Constitutional authority and is therefore expected to report to the Consulate and abide by their stipulations.
  2. The Chief of the League’s Police Force is the highest ranking member of the LPF and is the chief moderator of the server, all standard officers report to him and abide by stipulations within his authority.
  3. The Deputy of the League’s Police Force is a standard officer in the presence of the Chief of the LPF. If the Chief of the LPF is not available then the Deputy shall be recognized by the Consulate as the highest ranking member of the LPF and therefore chief moderator until the Chief of the LPF is available again.
  4. Always provide at minimum the server rule which is being invoked when giving a user a warning or mute.
    1. Further elaboration that does not republish the rulebreaking content is ideal but the statement of the rule involved is mandatory.
  5. Do not argue with individuals over warnings in #police-reports. Appeals are to be handled by the Consulate.
    1. Behave professionally in #police-reports.
  6. These conduct expectations can be edited as deemed necessary.

These rules of conduct are considered depreciated because of their references to the consuls (a governmental/IC position) as well as repeated references to depreciated positions. SMT moderators are still expected to provide the server rule involved in a warned/muted infraction on the server rules.

Bot warning notice

If one goes one week without any infraction, they may contact a Consul of the Republic and the Chief of the League's Police to have the bot warn record cleared for them. This practice was discontinued with the adoption of the AAbot's warning system.


While only the Chief of the LPF or certain officers may be granted regional permissions, all officers are endowed with the authority to issue warnings. A formal LPF warning is considered an official warning. The LPF is to enforce the rules and laws of the League on its main platform, the Regional Message Board. All residents, citizens, and outsiders are expected to understand and respect this authority, even if they disagree. Any issues with the conduct of the LPF may be taken to a Consul of the Republic.

Partially discontinued following depreciation of the role of Chief of the LPF and creation of the SMT.

See also

External links

  • Quebecshire (4 February 2019). "LCN – Server Moderation Team". NationStates. The League. Retrieved 7 January 2021.