Pretoria Palace Summit

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Pretoria Palace Summit
Signed26 September 2023 (2023-09-26)
LocationPretoria Palace, Tirol
DepositaryGovernment of Tirol

The Pretoria Summit, officially known as the Pretoria International Peace Summit for the Andaluzian Sea is a Peace Summit, organized by the country of Tirol to end the Aberso–Illyrian War. Officially proposed on the 20th of September, negotiations started on the 25th and ended four days later on the 29th. The aim of the Summit was to come to an agreement to prevent the escalation of the Aberso-Illyrian War, and outlined four main articles:

  • Article 1: The ownership and militarisation of the Claufenese Sea
  • Article 2: The status of Democracy in New Illyricum
  • Article 3: The reparational agreements of Abersiania and New Illyricum
  • Article 4: The agreement to protect New Illyricum from further intervention by foreign powers

As well as delegates from Abersiania and New Illyricum, delegates from Kivu, Jackson, and Eleutherios also attended, bringing the total number of parties to five. The summit was hosted in Pretoria Palace, Tirol and gained it name from this. Initial negotiations lasted two days, in which the four articles were established and refined. The final agreements are listed below.

Main Articles

Article 1 - Claufenese Sea

  • New Illyricum is to officially recognise the Claufenese Sea as wholly and rightfully Abersianian territory, and treat it as such.
  • New Illyricum is to completely demilitarise the waters, and cease any military operations that may pass through them.
  • All non-New Illyrian military is to vacate New Illyrian waters, and cease operations that may pass through them.
  • Commercial trade, including that of New Illyrian origin or destination, is to resume through the waters unrestricted.
  • All maritime borders between New Illyricum and Abersiania are to become soft borders for Commercial vehicles by 2024.

Article 2 - New Illyrian Political Structure and Regulations