Ajaki National Intelligence Agency

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Ajaki National Intelligence Agency
Национальное разведывательное управление Аджаки
ANIA Logo.png
Ajaki National Intelligence Agency flag.png
RIAN archive 142949 Lubyanka Square in Moscow.jpg
Agency overview
MottoСлава Аджаканистану , Slava Ajakanistanu
Annual budgetClassified
Agency executive
Parent departmentMinistry of State Security
Child agency

The Ajaki National Intelligence Agency (ANIA) (Ajaki:Национальное разведывательное управление Аджаки НPУА, NRUA) also known as Napazniy (ajaki:Наpазние), was the main security agency of the former communist regime of Ajakanistan. It officially held responsability with protecting Ajakanistan from internal threats like unrest and rebbelion, but de facto also dealt with foreign intervention particularly in times of war. It was Organised under the Ministry of State Security togheter 3 other security agenices.


The Ajaki National Intelligence Agency was Founded in 14 may 1920 by Leonid Petrov to find and inprison anyone suspected of undermining the revolution.

ANIA in Cherzia

ANIA started its activities in Cherzia in 1921 to punish and to Eradicate all Republican Influence from the Ajaki Winter Revolution . The punishment for people who either faught for the Republicans in the Winter revolition or being a Republican sympathizer was to be sent to one of the many re educational camps better known as gulags. The conditions of these camps were horrible and many people died of over working, hunger or even from being beaten to death from the Camp Guards .

Between the Cherzian wars for independence

In modern Cherzia

collaboration with the Zloveshchiyian Armed Forces in Cherzia

The Operation of a Thousend eyes

Spies in the Work Place

Spies in Religious Groups

Spies in Street Gangs and Drug Dealers