Adasiatic Deusolyanism

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ScriptureVarious ancient texts
Founded locationCoastal Northwest Volneria

Adasiatic Deusolyanism or Deusolyanism was a pantheist Adasiatic religion practiced by the Adasiatic people of coastal northwest Volneria. It is constructed of 15 gods. Adasiatic Veridianism was a similar religion with mirrored gods in Migaza]].



  1. Hercellius, King of the Gods, God of Direction
  2. Horatio, God of Foreknowledge
  3. Pikces, God of True Action
  4. Kallio, God of War
  5. Aurelias, God of Virtue
  6. Apohstra, God of Passion
  7. Juniper, God of Discovery
  8. Belazar, God of Disturbance
  9. Phoebe, God of Expression
  10. Damascia, God of Union
  11. Temi, God of Brotherly Bond
  12. Diana, God of Restoration
  13. Grameter, God of the Unadulterated
  14. Astrid, God of Fertility
  15. Dalia, God of Health


Deusolyans believed they needed to worship and pray to the gods to be blessed. They believed in prejustification, that people must honor the gods and ask them for blessings. Their actions in interacting with the gods directly impacted the outcome. Deusolyans needed to earn their way blessings by way of worshipping the gods.

God Hierarchy

Deusolyans believed in a three-tier hierarchy of the gods. These three tiers are three realms, realm of action, realm of feeling, and realm of creation. They believed the realm of action ruled over all, fuels the realm of creation and is fueled by the realm of feeling.

Realm of Action (Vasíleio Aktón)

Hercellius, God of Direction Horatio, God of Foreknowledge Pikces, God of True Action Kallio, God of War Aurelias, God of Virtue

Realm of Feeling (Vasíleio Phelos)

Aphostra, God of Passion Juniper, God of Discovery Phoebe, God of Expression Belazar, God of Disturbance

Realm of Creation (Vasíleio Genesis)

Damascia, God of Union Temi, God of Brotherly Bond Diana, God of Restoration Grameter, God of the Unadulterated Astrid, God of Fertility Dalia, God of Health