Pepsiing (pronunciation: [ˈpɛpsi.ɪŋ]) is a colloquial term of The League that referred to the act of embezzling Leaguecredits through buying Pepsis from the shop in the Consulate Central Bank.
The term was coined by Lyoa on 27 September 2020. The term referred the manner in which the form of embezzlement occurred: buying Pepsis.
Spode Humbled Minions took out a loan from Gagium and proceeded to embezzle 125,000 worth of Pepsis on 22 September 2020. He then attempted to embezzle Pepsis two more times on 26 September 2020. He first attempted to embezzle
490,000,000 worth of Pepsis and then
100 worth of Pepsis, both from two different loans given from Kanjuura.
Spode legally pepsied on 27 September 2020.
The largest pepsiing incident of 2020 occurred on 26 November when Greater Sacramento spent 400 quintillion without fulfilling a contractual agreement.
On 21 December 2021 Creeperopolis purchased 100 decillion pepsis costing 2.5e+36.
On 17 February 2025, Creeperopolis embezzled 1,234,567,900 and attempted to gamble it away. When the blackjack bot pushed the money back, Creeperopolis purchased 49,382,716 pepsis and proceeded to pepsi it. This was the first instance of pepsiing in over three years.
See also
- Leaguecredit
- Entities
- Other