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đạo Phật / 佛教 / Agama Buddha / اݢام بودا
Dharma Wheel (2).svg
The Pháp luân or 法輪, a sacred symbol which represents Buddhism and its traditions
ScripturePháp Hoa Kinh
Dalai LamaThích Hải
RegionBaltanla, Monsilva, Byasa, Chankaria
LanguageBaltanese, Monsilvan
FounderThe Buddha
Number of followersapprox. 200 million

Buddhism is a Baltanese religion or philosophical tradition based on teachings attributed to The Buddha (Baltanese: Thích-ca Mâu-ni; Monsilvan: 释迦牟尼; pinyin: Shìjiā Móu Ní). It originated in parts of Baltanla as a cultural movement in the 5th century BCE, and gradually spread throughout Baltanla and into Monsilva through connections in the Empire of Baltanla. Buddhism has largely effected the culture of Baltanla and remains the nation's most followed religion. Although its following in Monsilva is much smaller, Buddhism has still had a very large influence on Monsilvan culture, including the Monsilvan folk religion.

The Buddha taught the Middle Way, a path of spiritual development that avoids both extreme asceticism and hedonism. It aims at liberation from clinging and craving to things which are impermanent (vĩnh hằng), incapable of satisfying (đau khổ), and without a lasting essence (lòng vị tha), ending the cycle of death and rebirth (luân hồi). A summary of this path is expressed in the Noble Eightfold Path, a training of the mind with observance of Buddhist ethics and meditation. Other widely observed practices include: monasticism; "taking refuge" in the Buddha, the pháp, and the tăng đoàn; and the cultivation of perfections (Ba-la-mật-đa).

Buddhist schools vary in their interpretation of the paths to liberation (thức tỉnh) as well as the relative importance and canonicity assigned to various Buddhist texts, and their specific teachings and practices. Many Buddhist traditions emphasize transcending the individual self through the attainment of niết bàn (quenching).

The Fo Guang Buddhist Temple is a Buddhist temple and museum located in Wuzhong, which has the largest Buddhist following out of all of Monsilva's states.