Foreign Affairs of The League

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Emblem of the Foreign Affairs Department

The League, like most regions on NationStates, has relations between itself, other regions, and the interregional community at large. Today, foreign affairs of the Republic are handled by the Foreign Affairs Office, in which diplomats are assigned as official envoys of the region by the Director of Foreign Affairs, described as directing inter-regional policy through management of the department.[1]



PLI membership

Pro-Life International, or PLI, was an interregional organization aimed at mobilizing pro-life regions' R/D activities. Originally joined by the LCN on May 7th, 2016, the LCN withdrew from PLI on September 12th, 2017, in an RMB announcement made by then president Icaris. The cited reason was "[W]e feel this organization does no longer serve our regional interests".[2] While PLI has not been officially dissolved, its last military action was conducted in 2016, and it is generally considered defunct.

FORGE membership

FORGE was a interregional military organization that described its goals as "to protect our allies and prosper in unity".[3] The LCN joined FORGE on March 28th.[4]. Throughout the course of FORGE, members of the LCN served in various positions of the organization. Andrew Du served as Deputy of Military Affairs, with Quebecshire serving first as the Public Relations officer, and later as Chancellor. The alliance of FORGE was plagued by ambiguity about its core functions, and the ill-fortunes of member regions. Of the 20 member regions that signed up, only three have avoided inactivity or death[5]. A vote was eventually launched to officially disband FORGE, and seeing the decayed status of the organization, then Chancellor Quebecshire withdrew the LCN from FORGE[6][7].


Gentlemen's Coalition

The Gentlemen's Coalition was a R/D partnership between the LCN, the FCN, the Republic of Free Nations, and Redlandia, which participated in several raids against fascists on NS. The coalition eventually fell apart amid tensions between the LCN and FCN. The governments of the FCN, Republic of Free Nations, and Redlandia are all defunct.

2021 Diplomatic revitalization

2022 Diplomatic agreements


Inactive treaties

Organization memberships



  1. "Positions in the Republic".
  2. "PLI Cancellation Message".
  3. "FORGE Constitution".
  4. "FORGE Join Date".
  5. "FORGE member region list".
  6. "Disbandment".
  7. "FORGE LCN II".