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Revision as of 19:23, 2 December 2023

TF-30 Guardian
TF-30 up close
Multirole/Air superiority fighter
National origin
Schipol Aerospace
JSC Arlert
In Service
Primary user
Abersianian Air force
TF-30B Guardian TF-30E Guardian TF-30EX Guardian

The TF-30 Guardian is a licensed version of the Ar-85. It is used extensively in the Abersianian Air Force as a air superiority and ground support aircraft. Variants such as the TF-30B and TF-30E feature upgraded radar, engines and ordinance capability. The plane was first liscensed in 2002 and the first airframe was delivered in 2003, making it the oldest aircraft still in service with the Abersianian Air force.


The TF-30 was originally opted to be an internally designed and manufactured aircraft, to become Abersiania's first dedicated air superiority fighter. However before the designing process could start, the company it was supposed to be contracted to, Luchttij unexpectedly declined the contract, filing for bankruptcy 6 months later. The decision was made to outsource the project. After some negotiations, a deal was secured with Akvarelusus for the liscence to produce the Ar-85.

See also