Kingdom of Zadar

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The Kingdom of Zadar was a disputed region in Eastern Glaskarn on the coast of the continent. The Kingdom of Zadar announced it rebellion in 1634. The original territory was on the coast of Ljilislovia, in the Venishlaian region, and bordered the nation of Wimbourne.

The Zadari people spoke Zadari, a language spoken by many southern Caskan people in the region. The Zadari people had long been oppressed by whatever state held power in that region.

The Kingdom of Zadari was oppressive and militant for its entire existence, while its populous was close-knit and familial. Civil rights in Zadar were few but cherished and the King of Zadar ruled with a strong, firm hand.

The Kingdom of Zadar gained a certain level of legitimacy in 1806 when Ljilislovia entered a trade and protection agreement with them - primarily to aggravate the newly established Kingdom of Venishlavia, who had claimed control over the territory since its founding.

Rulers of Zadar:

King Petar 1729-1808 Died King Tripimir 1808-1814 Was ousted due to his inability to gain an audience with the new King of Ljilislovia King Drazen Andrić 1813-1815 Executed for his crimes against the state in Venishlavia.