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ElectriSoda logo.
TypeSoft drink
Country of origin Sconia
Region of originEcros
Introduced1965; 59 years ago (1965)

ElectriSoda (Arabic: إليكتري سودا) is a Sconian soft drink which is manufactured by ElectriCo, The Brand was established on 6 May 1965, it grew in popularity, making it the Number 1 Soft Drink in Sconia, it was founded by Ahmad Zakariya, he hoped for the drink to be popular worldwide.


ElectriSoda was made by Ahmad Zakariya in 1965, he was inspired from how prevalent soda was worldwide, and he wanted to do the same in, at the time, the Sconian Caliphate.


Many critics pointed out that Soft drinks are unhealthy and that ElectriCo shouldn't promote that, one notable critic was Muhammad Mansour, a Health Expert, The Company responded back saying "Soft Drinks aren't prohibited in Islam, and if it really posed a huge harm, it would have been prohibited because anything harmful is prohibited in Islam, and we don't condone overdrinking the Soft drink at all", many health experts agreed with the company statement, the Health experts said that if drank in moderation, It shouldn't pose that much harm.

International branding

ElectriSoda has different brand names in other countries, such as "电苏打" in Monsilva

ElectriSoda's logo in Monsilvan