LCN City

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LCN City

LCN City (currently a placeholder name) is the fictional largest city of The League of Conservative Nations and the capital. It hosts the headquarters of most of the region's companies and it's population.

Road Network

The road network of LCN city is managed by the Regional Government. It consists of freeways and major primary roads known as "routes" and regular streets.


Routes are the primary way to get from one location of the city to the other. They are signed with the letter "R" and a number after the "R". There are six routes in the city with even ones running east and west and odd ones running north and south.

Example of Highway Signs in LCN City
Route Name Western/Northern Terminus Eastern/Southern Terminus Length Notes
R1 Northern Edge of the City Southern Edge of City
R2 R3 near Downtown Eastern Edge of City
R3 Northern Edge of City R1 in the Airport District
R4 LCN International Airport Eastern Edge of City
R5 Northern Edge of City Southern Edge of City Known as "Grand Republic Avenue" between R2 and Harbor Blvd, "Harbor Blvd" between Grand Republic Avenue and Waterfront Blvd, and "S Harbor Blvd" between Waterfront Blvd and R4
R6 R3 in the Harbor District Eastern Edge of City Known as "Neo Polosiphos Blvd" between Waterfront Blvd and Wiki Street
