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Kathmantu Flag.png
Anthem: ''



Kathmantu as a named entity has existed in some way shape or form since the first humans around the year 100. Since then, the region in western Volernia has been occupied by a multitude of ethnic groups, languages and religions.

Kathmantu Conglomerate Empire (682)

The area was made up of many languages including Adasiatic, Ketu, Tali and Kathari. Harfal, Ontu, and Beza as minority languages. With Ketu as the dominant language, in modern day Kathmantu, the major minority language is Common Standard Ursha in its northern region.

The religions was predominantly Ketu Hahnbu and became Shakti Hahnbu. In some parts, Muhadism grew in the modern era but is predominantly isolated to the northern region.

At some point they had a Chief. Moved to Governor of The Collective.

Neutral zone

Migaza establishment

Padgali independence

Nguessu independence

Palerian and Torisinian independence

Zanzimar independence

The Great War=