Anti-Groffenordic Morovan Uprisings

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Historical Context

After the 2019-20 Morovan Crisis, Groffenord was given control of Morova by TCN Resolution 016 however the remaining "states" on Morova still cling to small enclaves on the island. Efforts were made to negoatiate a joint autonomy but Zion and the remnants of the former republic disagreed on how Morova would be run in general and the topic of religion was the breaking point of talks between the two. The Strip fully intergrated after concessions on taxes and gambling laws were made between it and the leading members of Parliament. Zion and various cells of resistance claiming to be the former government in Kieva are diplomaticatically set in a position of complete and total hostility towards Groffenord. Non convential warfare against the garrison force stationed is frequently used by both types of insurgents.


The Populace of Zion is fully mobilized, the garrison force nearby has to be suspicous of everyone nearby. Checkpoints choke the streets in attempt to keep Improvised Explosives and other weapons capable of mass violience off of them. Hit and run incidents are not uncommon and most incidents are a tactical defeat for rebel forces but acoording to local sources, it is a "moral" victory in the eyes of the rebels within zion and they show no signs of either negotating a peace deal or ceasing their attacks. Holy holidays and Christmas are the only days that insurection activity in the area drops to almost none.

Phsycological evaluations for both soldier and officer alike are done on a weekly basis to ensure the garrison force stationed there aren't suffering from deterioration of their mental health as complete and total awareness from the stress that comes with countering hit and run operations, ocassional deprivation of sleep from night raids and paranoia of every native they see and meet. Garrison forces who do night shift in the area are especially monitored due to multiple cases of abductions that end up in them finding their dead comrades in hastily made graves after a night raid.

Kevia Insurgents

The Morovan crisis had left Kevia in ruin and has unfortunately left the locals of the city susceptible to mental viruses such as extreme political positions that are so extreme that even the average Creeperian would find hard time believing and fanatical cults that have claimed that the damage to the city and the Morovan government are a sign of the coming apocalypse and that garrison forces stationed there are nothing more than demons sent to finish off the local populace. Hell isn't even an adequate description of what the Garrison forces in Kevia go through.

Personnel with little or no family are selected first and the funerals of those lost are almost close casket funerals. Personnel within the city fight against improvised chemical weapons and night time raids constantly. Personnel are sometimes taken in these raids and are considered killed in action if not found within 48 hours. The general staff of Kieva are reluctant to shell civilian buildings but due to cultists utilizing population centers as launch points for raids and making their last stands hostage situations, they unfortunately have no choice but to do so. Refugee camps have been setup for civilians who were able to rescued by garrison forces or who are able to make it out of Kieva on their own. It is not uncommon for civilians to not be bruised or cut in some manner. Signs of close quartered struggle are found on the majority of women who arrive to the camps, which are situated near the port of Kieva.