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The League of Conservative Nations United Conservative Nations
Commanders and leaders
Quebecshire Nagarno
Units involved

LCN Affiliated Forces

UCN Affiliated Forces

  • Imperial Army
  • Royal Guard
5 12
Casualties and losses

Build Up

A former regional enemy known as Nagarno had a puppet in the LCN, and had finally regained his citizenship after a long period where he was ineligible. Almost immediately after acquiring citizenship, Nagarno contacted Der Wechament from the Holy Reich of Bunicken to join the LCN and support him in elections. When Quebecshire questioned Der Wechament and received a screenshot showing that Nagarno wanted him to join his party, a trial for voter importing commenced. Nagarno was found duty, stripped of his citizenship and banned from the region. His defense was that the constitution did not say that what he did was illegal, and the prosecution’s case was that there wasn’t a law in the constitution that prevents the LCNDA from banning someone because they feel like it.

After being banned, he used his main account to establish a region called the United Conservative Nations. Insults that he was making a discount LCN ensued, and tensions between the new members of the UCN, who were mostly refugees from The Iron Fortress, and LCN residents soared. This came to a head when an API attack was mounted by the UCN targeting residents of the LCN.

First UCN-LCN war

The first war started with the World Assembly Security Council getting a proposal to “Condemn the LCN” from Crimsonfield, the Prime Minister of the UCN. An API telegram hitting the inboxes of hundreds of delegates managed to scrounge up the support needed to get the proposal to quorum. However, the proposal was very lacking in detail or evidence of the heinous crimes of the LCN. It failed spectacularly as a result. The UCN wanted a way out, so they agreed to meet for a peace treaty, and the final version of it contained only two provisions- Firstly that the UCN would remove its propaganda, and secondly that government agents from both sides would be removed. Both sides signed, ending the conflict. However, this peace agreement almost immediately failed when a carpet API was launched by Crimsonfield immediately after the peace deal came into effect. Our diplomat, Eminople, said

“Fucking fuck off you little piece of untrustworthy shit. I'm tired of your fucking games Nagarno. I've tried to be nice and I've tried to remain civil even though you've thrown so much shit at us, but this, this crosses the fucking line. After wasting my fucking time and life on your little shitty region this is the last straw. I have irl issues to deal with and I don't have time for you to fuck up our deal. Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit.

Ok, now that's out of the way

After repeated, and I mean repeated, attempts to have peace with your region Nagarno, we will no longer make any deals with you. That was the last straw and you blew it Nagarno, you blew it. I told you in dm's to not talk shit about us, but you incompetent fuck blew it like you always do. After these turn of events I hereby declare that the United Conservative Nations is an enemy of the state. And as you can tell, I'm also done being politically correct with the UCN and to Nagarno. So good fucking night fuckers.”

— Eminople

After Eminople screamed at various UCN officals for awhile, Nagarno decided to publicly reprimand Crimsonfield, privately insisting that future efforts be more subtle (which was found by LCN intelligence services).

Interwar intelligence war

The peace agree specifically barred the LCN from engaging in espionage against the UCN. While the LCN maintained its terms officially, a server named Fighting For Us was created to outline citizen spying efforts. The first three members of this server were Zion, Spode, and Papal. The server's efforts ranged from basic puppet infiltration and trying to get government positions, to advocating the overthrow of the UCN's monarchy. Zion created The Freedom Party, which advocated a removal of the monarchy and turn towards complete parliament control, Spode introduced Nootne, a puppet that joined the top ranks of the government, and Papal supported existing operations with his own puppet nation.

These informal intelligence operations expanded to more members, and at Icaris's urging, Quebecshire was added to the server. This expansion was supported by intel collected out of the UCN discord server showing that they were going to continue attacks on the LCN. At this point, the server acted more as a shadow task force of the LCN government rather than a citizen intel group. During this period, an incredibly amount of Icaris's puppets found their way into the UCN, and Quebecshire created his own puppet, Khoutantrias.

Parliamentary revolution

Throughout the next month, LCN agitators reveals two poorly thought-out schemes hatched by Nagarno to the public. The two scandals included Nagarno using puppets to take political power for himself, and allowing RA members to have puppets in the region to back his proposals. With confidence in Nagarno rattled, several LCNers reached out with their puppets in the UCN trying to get Crimsonfield to take her parliamentary majority and leave the region.

However, this plan was foiled when Nagarno bribed Crimonsonfield with a position in the Royal Assembly, ratting out the top members of the revolution to secure his spot in the new government. This was a terrible moment for the LCN infiltration effort because it primarily took out LCN agents, and completely extinguished the LCN's agitprop wing in UCN parliament, The Freedom Party.


After the revolution failed, Nagarno performed an autocoup of the region through passage of the Enabling Act of 2018. This royal decree folded the position of prime minister into the Royal Assembly, making Crimsonfield a member of the royal family. It also saw the death of the executive body (parliament), which was replaced with the Citizens Assembly, which was similar, but had massively weakened powers. The purge also cleared Cowface, a puppet of Zion, from the region.

Second parliamentary revolution

Quebecshire worked out a raid on the UCN’s military server based on intelligence he had collected under his Khoutantrias alias. By showing the insecurity of this server, once seen as the bastion of the NDP party, an irresolvable wedge was put between the Royal Assembly and parliament. This information allowed a second democratic revolution to be instigated, which this time was led by Crimsonfield, and involved all the members of the government at the time leaving or being banned. Past this point, no new government member would be in place who wasn't a covert LCN operative.

Operation Iron Justice