Werner Herrmann

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History and Background

Werner Hermann was born on the fifth of april in the city of Beauvois in the year of 1975. His mother is a industrial delievery driver and his Father is a part time accountant for a tourist resort in Beauvios. Both can say with certainty that Hermann was a reserved child who wasn't very popular and had few friends due to moving so much across the country due to his Mother's job.

Mr.Hermann also enlisted into the Defense Youth at the age of fifteen and was accepted due to him passing his phsyical and mental exams to join, persumably to advoid public school and get an alternative education. He was in the Defense Youth until he was twenty, when he went to Langheim National College which does a program for Defense Youth to transfer their training and what they learned within the organization to the classroom. Hermann went for a Bachelor degree in Business with a minor in music.

Mr. Hermann went back to Beauvois to start up a music studio and record store, which was moderately sucessful enough to be the go to place for both indie and popstars alike to record their songs,jingle commissions and voice over work there. Five years from opening the doors of the "audio zone", Hermann made it into a employee owned collective that meets up every couple of days to discuss where that business goes.

In 2000,Mr.Hermann decided to get into politics by running for Beauvois city council and lobbying for insfastructure improvment and economic reform for the city. Cheif amoung his acheievements during his tenure on the coucil was putting forth a resolution to insitute a flat sales tax as the time, the tourist industry had a lower sales tax than most.

In 2005,Chancellor Samuel Borg stepped down and was executed after it was discovered he was taking bribes from several ceos of various companies to sway policy to their favor to suprisingly unappearent extremes. A snap election, approved by the parliament was initated thereafter. Hermann ran on a platform of increasing diplomacy overall,economic reform favoring both light and heavy industry and enviromental protection for national parks and sacred religous sites. Appealing to both rural and urban voters,Hermann won with a unprecidented seventy-two percent of the vote.