Pavulturilori irredentism

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Pavulturilori irredentism (Pavulturilori: iredentism pavulturilor, Hebrew: חוסר התפשרות) is a belief that Pavulturilor has been wronged from it's territory in the past, and should seek said territory back by any and all means available to it.

History and origins

Pavulturilori Black League

The Pavulturilori Black League was an officer's clique that operated within the Royal Armed Forces into Pavulturilor, the clique was founded by Ezra Cohen, Meir Ishayahu and Eliahu Beggin, with irredentism being a core tenant, over time, it grew in popularity until it got integreted into the military itself by the early 2010's.

Alaia Wars


The region of Alaia since ths start of the 20th century, been a point of conflict between Terranihil and Pavulturilor, with both sides claiming it whole, yet only possessing partial control each, Pavulturilor's claim to legitimacy over all of Alaia is the region's jewish minority, Pavulturilor, as the only jewish country in Terraconserva, claims the region as rightfully belonging, while Terranihil's claim is de-facto control over the region since the early 15th century, only recently changed by the South Ecros War