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FounderCharles Gerard
Founded date~1515
Founded locationUnited States of Germaeia

Gerardianism is a philosophical belief system born out of opposition to Thoric Jursanity. Scientist Charles Gerard rejected the notions of Thoric Jursanity, recognizing it was a conglomeration of two faiths that had little to do with each other, molded to fit contemporary times.

Gerard came from a heavily Jursan household, his father being a high priest in the local Thoric Jursan church. Gerard adopted views from Scificism’s natural order or natural theology to surmise his views on what man should believe about a higher power and their involvement in the world. Gerard argued that even Scificism went to far in attempting to explain the will of the creator and what is revealed to man through nature.

While he accepted the natural world as being a creation, he argued there was absolutely no evidence to believe anything beyond that. Gerard also disagreed with Scificism in that the natural world defined good and bad. Gerard didn’t believe that nature reflected universal truth of good and bad, but he also didn’t believe that nature was antithetical to universal good and bad. He claimed Scificism went too far in their view that the natural, observable world is all the knowledge needed regarding a higher power.

Gerardianism accepts there is knowledge about the world that is unknowable only to the higher power to be revealed or not be revealed. Charles Gerard’s general premise is that there is a higher being, but no way to know their involvement in the world and rejected claims of prophesy or ordainment from the higher power.

As Gerardianism grew, two groups emerged. Free-will Gerardianism is the belief in a God, but they created the world and intervention ended. That humans have free will over their lives. Predestined Gerardianism doesn’t reject human free will, but it argues that there is a God, and that God continues to act in the world. Accepting nothing is knowable beyond that.

Gerardianism rejects prophetic claims in many of the monotheistic belief systems.


Free-Will Gerardianism

Predestine Gerardianism