Felix Caecillius Anthropax

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Felix Caecillius Anthropax
Felix Anthropax Bust.jpg
Bust of Felix Caecillius Anthropax
Birth nameFelix Caecillius Anthropax
Romanyan Empire
Cispaltania, Romanyan Province of Montcrabe
Cispaltania, Montcrabe
Allegiance Romanyan Empire

Felix Caecillius Anthropax was a Romanyan Governor of the Romanyan province of Montcrabe.


Felix Caecillius Anthropax was the second to last Governor of the Romanyan Province of Montcrabe. Not much is known about his rule over the province, other than that under his rule, the Romanyan Army withdrew from the province of Montcrabe, however no problems immediately arose from this due to the continuing Pax Romanya in the Continent of Sur.

He continued to remain loyal to the Romanyan Empire and served as governor until his death, sometime within 60 years after the withdrawal of the Romanyan Army. He was later succeeded by Governor Florianus Orestes Iucundus, who would declare himself king, officially ending Romanyan rule in Montcrabe.